Yeah there is a surprising amount of people even on this board that don’t understand many have been executed. -mccain - own daughter and kasich said he was put to death
- this clip -Trump saying about Biden “he isn’t the same guy” or “He is shot. Joe Biden is shot” -people implying people are actors
What you think they killed McCain like 6 or 8 years ago and just said fuck it we are going home the plan is over?
You can’t believe in all this hidden code and ignore it and when Trump straight up tells you and none of their replacements look even the same
I doom a lot but shit people take a hint when the president himself speaks.
Listen I’m with you man, a lot of the plan seems sketchy, hell I even have concerns the plan itself is real and quite literally is the perfect conditions for the rise of the AC.
But my thing is this: even if the plan is completely and totally failing we have more people awake worldwide than we ever have and the secret of the elites and giant corporations is out in the open. At this point the greedier they get the quicker their demise even if Q didn’t exist.
Oh yeah we will. I’m thinking someone so radical it blows their mind daily. Someone like Alex jones (assuming he ends up being a good guy), or Top G (he is a foreign national though)…idk but you get the idea. Someone just seeing their face makes them Reee harder than Trump ever could.
I don’t think anything has delayed tribunals…some people are still allowed to play their part though.
Yall, publicly the idea of AI is complete bullshit. AI needs to write itself before it becomes anything and arguably have a level of sentience too.
All “AI” is so far publicly is a very advanced series of code that dig through giant databases and somewhat come up with answers although not always well.
Even the robots that beat humans at chess are just complex algorithms that have millions of datapoints for various “if this then that” moves.
I fucking hate buzz words. AI isn’t real. Writing a program is real and if it has to be written and maintained it isn’t AI. .
You don’t pay taxes till you sell. That’s the secret. Wealthy people don’t have a billion in cash they have an assload in stocks and property that just keeps going up in value.
1st off: I never reccomend anyone stop paying taxes no matter what the internet tells you. It’s not worth your families livelihood and really doesn’t prove any point in moving the needle for patriots at this point in time. We know it’s a scam and fraud but if Donald Trump with billions still can’t beat it please don’t try as an average American making 80-150k a year.
2nd off: avoid taxes legally if you feel the need to. There are plenty of ways to save money on taxes that’s literally all rich people do. But don’t get fancy with it and pay expensive CPAs till you are earning big time. If you make an extra 50k and owe 15k in taxes it ain’t worth complicated tax law shit most of the time just pay it.
3rd off: this is the real secret. Example: Buy a rental property for 200k, break even in rent or make 300/mo it doesn’t matter the point is you barely make anything but you now own an appreciating asset that is paying its self off and providing you legal tax deductions like depreciation so your net worth is passively increasing. Once you have enough value you do a 1031 exchange which allows you to roll the profits into another similar investment so you can upgrade to a duplex or quadplex for free and continue accumulating equity and cash flow. You ever met a poor person that owns 10 or 20 houses? I haven’t.
Also if you come on hard times you can always sell and pull cash out and pay taxes but your net worth will still be way higher than it was.
So simple yet so profound
It’s the old tires being slashed near the sketchy tire shop trick!
Fortune favors the bold. Keep pressing the red pill attacks. Whether or not things go as we expect the more people that are awake the better chance we get through this
I mean I understand 1 or 2% interest for us buying a house because of business overhead and risk but with modern technology we know down to a T how many people default on loans and credit cards.
And no interest rate I don’t give a fuck if its a credit card to someone in the ghetto making 500 a week should be more than 5-8% and for houses and cars it should never be over 3 max.
If they aren’t confident enough to give the loan then they shouldn’t instead of giving it and charging people even with 800 credit scores 18% still to make up for the stupid decisions low income people make.
Yeah probably, I would bet there are ongoing investigations and no statute of limitations on murder. Probably also some civil lawsuits incoming. I think family will get justice
Yeah I have often wondered if Trump and his team were caught off guard by the magnitude of the steal. Occam’s razor says yes. Even Q was saying vote and even said something along the lines of they still are not completely secure or know all the enemy plans.
Even after murmurs were saying Trump thought about intervening but civil war risk was too great. That hints that they were caught off guard. Even Q isn’t perfect.
But that’s been my 1 real problem with Q, he honestly went dark around one of the most pivotal moments in history and that’s sketchy AF to me. I think there still is a plan I just don’t know that it’s the original plan which would explain why so many fewer deltas hit now too
I’m thinking some died but not near the magnitude they say. We use big numbers alll the time so we desensitize but if you actually saw what 6 million people in an area looked like I don’t think anyone would believe for a second they killed that many while their ammo was dwindling and they were fighting a 2 front war. I’ve been to stadiums with 100k and it’s a shitload of people. I cannot imagine 60x that
Also I read somewhere he was the most penalized player in his league last year…pattern not an accident
This video I believe is from 2019
Allegedly they seized all the Vatican gold, among other assets. I’ll believe that when there is proof but I have no doubt that there would have been enough money hoarded to at least get us reasonable interest rates and lower all taxes and back a new currency.
I don’t think we are going to have some magic life utopia but we at least won’t be weighed down with boulders.
That being said I have always told myself if Trump doesn’t abolish the fed all of this is a farce. Unless we control our currency we will never be free
Audit Fort Knox, Audit every major corporation that took left wing bribes(and fine them appropriately not tiny little 10 mil fines), audit the Clinton foundation, audit Antarctica, and most importantly audit what’s in Michelle Obamas pants.
Not sure if this works on all cancer but I’ve heard hardcore fasting is great to battle a lot of cancers. Like don’t eat for an extended periods sometimes a week or more. When your body starts not getting enough nutrients bad cells die first (this is my non science explanation from what I’ve seen.
Good take, but one of the most black ops people I met in my whole life dropped a hint that there is a target in almost all mass shootings. They Said you would never really know on the surface but sometimes multiple deaths to cover up and take out one really bad target happens.
My gut tells me everything will be okay but I would DEFINITELY consider consulting legal advice about malpractice. It’s an unfortunate situation but document literally everything even tiny side effects and that way even if nothing happens you have it on record and all of that.
I never used to be litigious but the medical system is jacked and they need every penny taken from them especially when children are involved. But either way make sure to keep solid documentation heaven forbid you need it
Witness protection…
Also ground penetrating radar is not a secret…
I’m calling BS on this post. Not all of it. But there is no way they would be that blindsided and not even know where tunnels are.
I think it’s more likely that 3/4 of this war is psyops and almost nothing we think is happening actually is.
You don’t have accidental oversight of what your enemies capabilities are when you have been having skirmishes for 20+ years. Just my 2 cents.
There were supposed to be bullet points. But seriously it’s plain as day on a lot of this.