Jackdagger 25 points ago +25 / -0

Not sure if this works on all cancer but I’ve heard hardcore fasting is great to battle a lot of cancers. Like don’t eat for an extended periods sometimes a week or more. When your body starts not getting enough nutrients bad cells die first (this is my non science explanation from what I’ve seen.

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good take, but one of the most black ops people I met in my whole life dropped a hint that there is a target in almost all mass shootings. They Said you would never really know on the surface but sometimes multiple deaths to cover up and take out one really bad target happens.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

My gut tells me everything will be okay but I would DEFINITELY consider consulting legal advice about malpractice. It’s an unfortunate situation but document literally everything even tiny side effects and that way even if nothing happens you have it on record and all of that.

I never used to be litigious but the medical system is jacked and they need every penny taken from them especially when children are involved. But either way make sure to keep solid documentation heaven forbid you need it

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m calling BS on this post. Not all of it. But there is no way they would be that blindsided and not even know where tunnels are.

I think it’s more likely that 3/4 of this war is psyops and almost nothing we think is happening actually is.

You don’t have accidental oversight of what your enemies capabilities are when you have been having skirmishes for 20+ years. Just my 2 cents.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

So I read somewhere that supposedly scientists have found what looks like an artificial cap on our telemeres which is why we only live to around 100. (I’m not scientific so this is a basic explanation). Combine that with keeping us low frequency and you have a short angry lifespan.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now lookup Facebook. Theirs is even easier to dig on. You think a weird ass need who can barely speak in sentences masterminded one of the biggest social media platforms of all time?

I’m convinced of a few things with my life experience plus the past few years of even deeper awakening (I’ve been awake awhile) 1: there is no such thing or an organic billionaire anymore (or very few) without deals being made 2: there is no one with a following of over 10 million who isn’t pushed intentionally 3: there are no wildly successful singers who haven’t sold out (same with actors)

Basically the more organic or meteoric they say someone’s rise to fame is the more you need to dig.

Not saying you can’t get a million followers but when you get to the 10s of millions it’s definitely fire where there is smoke.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is that they all are buying and selling data. Probably even rumble and other similar sites. It’s not free to run a business and so especially the little guys have to get creative.

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

Clapper called it Stratospheric Aerosol Injection I believe. Not Chem trails. Kek.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean his daughter and kasich said McCain was executed and that was a longgg time ago so I can only think they have started executions.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t think it’s cowardice I think it’s laws written to maximize punishment so nothing blows back on them.

Back in the Wild West no one got sentenced for hanging or shooting someone vigilante justice style who did something awful, now if you try to do the same thing you end up with a life sentence or worse. That’s how they maintain control. Too many ways to throw you under the jail while they never have to see a court room and lurk in the shadows.

Jackdagger 9 points ago +9 / -0

Plan or no plan I’m thinking we are going to lose around 5% of US population to it in the next 5 years, especially when compounded with the boomer generation getting older.

I swear just in my sphere of people (friends of friends families, coworkers friends, etc) there is cancer and or death at least a few times a month.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember there are people making way less feeling it way more. Also consider small things you can cut back on (not a cup of coffee a day bs) like eating out or grabbing “cheap fast food” etc. you can save way more than you realize.

Also hold the line. We are all feeling it no matter where we are financially. We swim or sink together.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah it doesn’t take a lot for migrating libtards to take over low population states. Also note it could be election theft just as much as libtards.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

This I think is intentional misdirection, however he pisses me off with his “take action” shit with no clear guidance. Like dude we know it’s rigged even at the local level so how do we fix it? Clearly if you try they hit you with charges or stonewall you. So there cannot be meaningful change without a more specific path.

Hell, tell us to all file class action lawsuits against our cities for damages with false leaders installed to boards and mayors and such or something. Some path other than “take action, no one is saving you” lol

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

At this point I’m at either it’s completely fine or we got duped by the greatest psyop in history and it’s too late to worry about it but a ton of people wake up so we can rebuild from rubble. Kek.

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

“Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt”

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plot twist. “My fellow Americans” comes from Biden account

Jackdagger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Look here is my honest opinion of 10 days of darkness: If it literally means shutdown, etc. then that is a very shitty plan.

I’m not a doomer but they have done studies based on past wars and within 2 weeks people are robbing and murdering and within 3 or 4 they are cannibals. If you have 10 days of the system being down shit will get so crazy that even white hats likely will not be able to contain and on top of that people will be begging for order and that leaves just as much danger as not having a plan.

It’s easy to type from our comfy homes but I promise even 90+% of this board isn’t ready for a real 10 days down. No one really is.

Jackdagger 10 points ago +10 / -0

Children will be protected. I think kids know. My youngest got just 1 round of shots when he was little but by the time I had my second one 10 years later I made sure he was a pure blood. I remember fighting off a tetanus shot when I was only 9 or 10 and knew nothing. Took 2 nurses and the doctor to hold me down. Fortunately my parents are awake to it all now and my little pure blood will break that cycle…I was in the military so I had tons of shots anyways but after that I never got another and refused the covid jab for me and every member of my family.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I remember correctly Israel also funded anti gun lobby in US which was really strange. I remember Alex Jones talking about how they did a lot of anti US stuff way back in the day. I still want to know the specific reason Israel is saved for last though.

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