Jackdagger 4 points ago +4 / -0

I call bs. SubT wouldn’t be the name of the program and military keeps a very tight lip on things. I also am of the opinion that there is no benefit to hopium anymore. If it comes out as true soon then great, if it comes out in a few months great but if there isn’t some serious improvements and revelations soon even the trump train can’t go much longer. Trump has been hinting at being back soon for nearly 3 years now or being back before the election, etc. soon is apparently relative, but I wouldn’t use soon to describe something that still hasn’t happened years later.

Jackdagger 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had the weirdest thing happen. I had an entity I forgot to file taxes on and they sent it to collections. Like a separate company which seems really fucking weird. Isn’t the IRS collections!? Lol

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes that is something that should be debated more. As much as I like Trump there is a lot that I am skeptical of (super pro Israel and a lot of Jew connections (we will see if that’s good or bad), a lot of grifting vibe things like selling quick meet and greets for 5k or 10k and even selling NFTs, he didn’t stop censorship which I fully believe he could have done through executive order if he wanted to. I’m hoping it’s all part of the plan but Trump should be questioned just like others. As much as we love him we have to understand all of the trumps have huge wealth and are not suffering anything like the average person. Sure they slander his name and attack him legally but Trump junior is giving speeches at hunting conventions and fishing on his 1.5 million dollar boat while we are wondering wtf is going on. Not the best look imo

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q shaman is part of the white hats 100% go listen to his long form interview. He has wild ideas but he definitely knows some shit

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it’s kind of hard to get traction sometimes. I think it’s also more consistent during normal weeks and not holidays since people browse at work,etc.

I’ve had a couple sticky’s but I feel like you need a good catchy title and a unique take on something or first to the story if it’s breaking news which is hard.

Jackdagger 8 points ago +8 / -0

My guess is that life insurance specifically will go up not traditional health insurance. These fast acting cancers are whacking people in a hurry so insurance probably isn’t that bothered by it.

By my estimates insurance companies realistically probably have like 60 % profit margins or higher. They will never publicly state that but there are so many ways to hide profit they probably won’t rock the boat much or people will catch on that the whole fucking thing is a scam. All insurance in every industry.

Jackdagger 7 points ago +7 / -0

My prediction of massive die off is like 5% over the next 10 years albeit the majority of them will be retirement age so it won’t be as blatantly noticeable.

If there is an actual mass die off even those who think they are prepared won’t be ready for the world they face. It would be near world ending. Imagine everything not having enough workers when we are already staring at a huge shortage just from boomer normal retirements.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m a conspiracy theorist. I think Michelle O has a massive “member” that would make Ru Paul has run.

Jackdagger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I think Beamer story was fake but maybe it’s a combo like the plane in Pennsylvania was real but the ones that hit the towers weren’t full of people?

Also I’m thinking whether or not they used missiles there was 100% explosives in that building. The fact that the owner of the building was never investigated for his insurance policy specifically for terrorist attacks and none of the short sellers who placed massive shorts against those airlines just days before were ever published either tells you all you need to know.

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’ve seen both. I’ve seen people say they offloaded passengers but I also knew a guy who had a ticket for one of the flights that crashed idk which one and he literally canceled flight because his friend or whoever he was meeting was running late.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Last I read it’s projected in general that the younger generations are drinking and smoking less. Not sure if that includes vape or not… but my son is almost 12 and man they roast the shit out of things people have been doing a long time and it’s funny.

It genuinely may be a tidal wave of change which is ironic because so many think the youngsters are lost but they are watching and they hate globohomos pushing dumb shit.

Examples: when kids are bullies he says they all just bully the bully (maybe not the best tactic but better than letting them get away with it), they like guns cause they all play games, they don’t like lgbtq as much probably because the tranny shit is so crazy, and a host of other surprising things. We will see how it shakes out.

Jackdagger 8 points ago +9 / -1

So he also kind of confirmed what I thought which is that Trump himself likely doesnt even run the team. You have to understand when you are at trumps level you are lucky to get a 30 min brief of anything going on once a week. You literally don’t have waking time to deep dive boards and all that when you are running the world.

It is most likely that Trump authorized the Q op and let them do their thing and gets occasional updates which is why he is able to drop hints occasionally from team but also comes across as having no clue about the full Q op. It’s likely run by a former or active general or spec ops guy

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well he flew on the plane but not to the island. That is confirmed I believe. I also do wonder if some people literally just flew one place to another like NY to ATL and there wasn’t any sketchiness or if they all are sketchy.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s funny that you get downvoted for stating that you aren’t free till you own your money. Also it’s fair to point out things Trump failed on like big tech censorship. That being said if he gets back in and goes ham on the deep state then that’s great. But at the end of the day it all comes down to economy and mega corps being allowed to poison and kill all of us slowly. If we don’t end that then we will be finished no matter who is in office.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shit I hope so.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

I actually think I saw what random was talking about however the amount of energy used to convert to gold literally is more expensive than the gold.

Jackdagger -2 points ago +2 / -4

This has always been my final indicator. If Trump gets in and doesn’t make moves to abolish the federal reserves grip on currency then there never was a plan worth following. We can never be free till we own our money again.

Jackdagger 9 points ago +10 / -1

I agree. We know if there are demons there are also angels that likely have the same tech. After all when they were first cast out of heaven they were quite literally angels. I think there are both but maybe we can’t physically see the good ones or they choose to manifest in other ways or even protect us unknowingly. For all we know there could be UFOs trying to annihilate us every day and the good ones are quietly stopping them. It all sounds wild but seems more true than not.

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

He’s probably in witness protection not dead like Seth rich.

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