JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm very doubtful that a single 72 hour fast can "clear" the vax. However, autophagy is one of the only solutions I can personally see for the jabbed and a 72 hour fast would indeed induce autophagy.

A very, very healthy thing for the pureblooded and I suspect an absolute necessity for the jabbed.

JackieDaytona74 19 points ago +19 / -0

Of course a party line vote.

A lot of ways to interpret this ruling from a broader strategic perspective.

Here's the link to the official ruling: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf

Some analysis from Jonathan Turley on X(https://x.com/JonathanTurley/status/1807785241588744694):

No protection for unofficial acts. So the issue is whether what constitutes official acts. It is a very for Trump in the sense that the Court rejected the lower court and recognizes some immunity. That will further delay the lower court proceedings, but Trump will have to argue that his actions fall within these navigational beacons. The lower court judge has been highly favorable for Jack Smith in the past. Yet the court is arguing that there is a presumption of immunity for their official acts beyond the absolute immunity on core constitutional powers.

Note this language: Whenever the President and Vice President discuss their official responsibilities, they engage in official conduct. Presiding over the January 6 certification proceeding at which Members of Congress count the electoral votes is a constitutional and statutory duty of the Vice President. Art. II, §1, cl. 3; Amdt. 12; 3 U. S. C. §15. The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct.

The question then becomes whether that presumption of immunity is rebutted under the circumstances. When the Vice President presides over the January 6 certification proceeding, he does so in his capacity as President of the Senate. "

Moves and countermoves. We all saw how this could play out if SCOTUS ruled against President Trump and the vulnerabilities it would create for criminal Presidents like Biden, Obama and Bush. But there is some nuance to this ruling as well. Still reading the full opinion.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course a party line vote.

A lot of ways to interpret this ruling from a broader strategic perspective.

Here's the link to the official ruling: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf

Some analysis from Jonathan Turley on X:

No protection for unofficial acts. So the issue is whether what constitutes official acts. It is a very for Trump in the sense that the Court rejected the lower court and recognizes some immunity. That will further delay the lower court proceedings, but Trump will have to argue that his actions fall within these navigational beacons. The lower court judge has been highly favorable for Jack Smith in the past. Yet the court is arguing that there is a presumption of immunity for their official acts beyond the absolute immunity on core constitutional powers.

Note this language: Whenever the President and Vice President discuss their official responsibilities, they engage in official conduct. Presiding over the January 6 certification proceeding at which Members of Congress count the electoral votes is a constitutional and statutory duty of the Vice President. Art. II, §1, cl. 3; Amdt. 12; 3 U. S. C. §15. The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct.

The question then becomes whether that presumption of immunity is rebutted under the circumstances. When the Vice President presides over the January 6 certification proceeding, he does so in his capacity as President of the Senate. "

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I should mention, this account is not the real @austerrewyatt. It's a pretender account that's been monetized and presents all kinds of existing content and doesn't cite that content.

Sadly, i don't know what happened to the original. He was a great follow.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree that overturning Chevron is an enormous step in the right direction.

But it's going to take a lot of time and effort to push back the "laws" created by the whims of bureaucrats. It's going to take endless legal challenges and citizen education for these arbitrary laws and regulations to be removed.

Now, a real President like DJT can certainly help push that process along. But it's going to be a lifelong battle for all of us.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in Minnesota and the weather this summer has been the drizzling shits.

Mild and rainy damn near every day. Doesn't even feel like summer.

The wife and I spent most of the day going to our local, independent nursery getting plants and flowers, then planting and working in the yard. It didn't even crack 75 degrees and it's almost July.

I would gladly welcome "the hottest summer on record". Maybe I'll start burning styrofoam tonight.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

As far as I'm concerned, we have two Constitutionalists on the Supreme Court. The rest are charlatans and pretenders.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I find this video to be a bit ridiculous as it's clearly distorted via a camera held up to a tv panel. There's also a general lack of information here in terms of referencing the campaign event which is especially important for those looking at this video/post down the road.

Now that being said, I dug into this a bit more and there is something to this, just not quite as dramatic.

Of course, the debate was on Thursday, June 27th.

There was a campaign event for Biden yesterday on Friday, June 28th at Raleigh, NC which is what this video references.

While his general physical appearance is much the same at both appearances, his demeanor, energy level and ability to articulate his words are dramatically different at times.

So much so that even CNN felt the need to spend a couple of minutes on it (apologies for the CNN link dirtying up your browser, I could not find this archived): https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/video/debate-rally-biden-difference-axelrod-source-digvid

So why is this important? We have all (I believe correctly) assumed that for high profile events such as the State of the Union address, Biden is being drugged with a chemical cocktail to temporarily enhance his energy and cognition. These concoctions have existed in the black world for many decades in varying formulations/purposes.

But on Thursday night at the debate, it was clear that Joe was not drugged. Why? Is this why President Trump agreed to the ridiculous parameters of the debate? Because he knew that Joe would just be Joe? I view this as certainly possible if the Cabal has been sufficiently backed into a corner.

The alternative is that the Cabal still has some agency and this was their way of trying to get Joe off the ticket before November by showing the world just how out of it he is. Though as we all know, removing him from the ballot at this stage will be difficult.

And that brings us to the Raleigh event yesterday. I watched around 10 minutes of his appearance and while Biden is far from perfect, his energy level and clarity are better there than I've seen in quite some time. He appears to have been injected. The question is why?

I don't buy for a moment that he was simply having a better day yesterday. The difference between Thursday and Friday is so stark, it's difficult to believe that there isn't a chemical component. But why waste that injection for a meaningless rally IN A SOLID RED STATE? Doubly so when there is a cost to those injections (the odometer is spinning quickly).

The Raleigh event will most likely be overlooked and forgotten by most, but I think there could be something important here.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would argue that Joe's presence on the ballot is the most important thing this community can watch.

I can think of no better sign that the Cabal has been backed into a corner than if Joe Biden is still on the ballot in November.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would cautiously agree.

For those saying "this is a movie", I can't disagree.

The question for me has always been: "How much agency does the Cabal have left?"

If Joe Biden is on the ballot come November, I'm confident that the answer to that question is "none".

If they do manage to replace him, I'd argue that they haven't been fully backed into a corner yet.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I keep asking the same question, Irish. We're well past absurd territory with the parameters of this "debate".

I have to believe there's a reason that President Trump is going forward with it and agreeing to these absurd rules. Hopefully that reason will become clear by the end of today.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

While this is enjoyable, I find it to be so demoralizing. These people are so incredibly stupid. Like, imbecile stupid. And I mean "imbecile" in the old-timey, criminally mentally deficient definition.

These people don't wake up. They don't become Saul and have the scales fall from their eyes. They talk to their ingroup and they attack the outgroup in equally mindless fashions.

Perhaps there's a place where these people could be warehoused.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sarcasm detector appears to be broken here.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

This looks like the temps my elderly parents enjoy in their home. I joke with them that they're feeling the "cold touch of the grim reaper". For some reason they don't find that to be as amusing as I do.

The insanity of these recommendations is laughable. My Newfoundlands would be dead at these temps. Not to mention I'd never get a minute of sleep.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

The vast majority of medical journals (Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, etc) are all primarily funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

So there you go.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't care what consenting adults do in private as long as nobody is being hurt.

But they always, ALWAYS have to involve kids these days and that's plain evil.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not saying this is who I want because it isn't, but do not be surprised if it's Tulsi Gabbard.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Weird, at least for me, I've never heard Bongino speak with such clarity.

But I also tend to talk like a truck driver so perhaps that has something to do with it.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

And it only took her 30 years to say something. Not trying to victim blame but good God.

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