I guess they’ve been convinced that they can make their boyfriends pregnant.
It would save trillions and save America!!!!!
It can’t be denied that any gathering of libs is teaming lots of mad cows.
Front, back, middle the outcome would be the same. The good folks would then clean up the mess, say some kind words and go back to work the next day.
Hell yes!! Let’s play a game!!!
If he challenges Trump no doubt the media will love him. If he, against all odds, beats Trump in the primary the media will then turn their love to hatred in a moment. Don’t ever be fooled by the media. Ignore them completely regardless of what they do or say.THEY are the the real enemy.
Trump is carrying the mantle right now. This movie has to play out with him at the helm. Whether that movie has some sort of conclusion before 2024 is the great unknown. The next 28 months will be extremely eventful and it will unfold if Trump will carry on or pass the mantle off. Few would argue that DeSantis is a star and will be a big part of the future. Hopefully many more will rise to the forefront in the months ahead.
They’re all doing this probably under orders to try and prop up the complete BS of the jab that people are running from by the millions. It will be another one next week saying the same crap!!
There are some great candidates! He may be a great guy that was treaded like shite. Not enough for me.
It’s more fake BS to keep the narrative alive. And they are ALWAYS thankful they are fully vaxed. The message is Covid is still a threat and GET VAXED. Lying POS’s all of them!!
Probably a United Church of Christ. I grew up UCC and was very involved after being “saved” elsewhere. At 20 I would debate “the clergy” city wide over abortion, and homosexuality. I did not last long and that was 45 years ago. They have been lost for a very long time.
This board never disappoints when we’re grappling with life and death and the war of all time I can still get a laugh.
Probably from our pockets!
No I really think her mind is gone.
…she is a dipshit and has no clue! Full stop.
Very logical but finding a big company that isn’t woke and supporting the trans POS is like finding a Unicorn.
And the same ones are saying Ukraine is the poor innocent victim and Russia is the bad guy.
No moron! I would say most people don’t!!
If the events of that day happened as they say, the tapes should do nothing but strengthen their claim of insurrection. The tapes represent the truth!! So there is only one possible reason she would not want the tapes/truth out. Any fool can see that.
Sick!!! Compare this to the whole George Floyd crap! Heads need to roll!!!!
Yeah, I love snow!! LMAO. Oh the depth of the woke mind!!
Orwell himself would be impressed. Who the hell would think this is a good idea?
Same here! Class, dignity and self worth is surely dead on the left. Judged by the content of their character they are lost, soulless, empty.
“Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.” Romans 1:28-31
Licenses be damned. Who is telling them at the local level. People have to speak out about this crap. At least he should call Project Veritas and do an anonymous interview…. people are effin dying!!!!!