Johnny87144 1 point ago +1 / -0

THE REAL F** ing QUESTION NO ONE IS ASKING IS…..WHICH…CHAIRMAN…IS ….HE…..REFERRING……TOO!?!?! Yeah, they say it CEFC chairman, but can’t we check? Like obummer asking medviedev to tell Putin he will be more flexible after election. Is Hunter talking about chairman of CCP? How is this not even investigated???? DIRECT F**KIN EVIDENCE OF TREASON PEOPLE,

Johnny87144 2 points ago +2 / -0

Geez, we gotta get away from this AI stuff. The closer you look, the more these are fever dreams. Bizarre

Johnny87144 9 points ago +9 / -0

Teaching positions and book deals are the Cabal payoff methods.

Johnny87144 28 points ago +28 / -0

Yup, time to out “Alinsky” the socialists. If you feel some explosive runs coming on, that would be a good place to drop shorts and let loose.

Johnny87144 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like disinfo. If he was a plant, why would they try so hard to dump him? Looks like he’s a threat to the deep state tards.

Johnny87144 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let’s hope so! Him leaving is really great news! We now have Tucker, Bongino, James O’Keefe are all free agents! Throw in Andy Ngo on the Antifa watch and you have a B2 loaded with fact bombs! Fox put first nail in coffin when they dropped O’Reilly. A Rhino, but dropped some truth, and only encouraged more to fill his space!

Johnny87144 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is really best news! We now have Tucker, Bongino, James O’Keefe are all free agents! Throw in Andy Ngo on the Antifa watch and you have a B2 loaded with fact bombs! I’m getting a thrill up my leg!!

Johnny87144 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is really best news! We now have Tucker, Bongino, James O’Keefe are all free agents! Throw in Andy Ngo on the Antifa watch and you have a B2 loaded with fact bombs! I’m getting a thrill up my leg!!

Johnny87144 2 points ago +2 / -0

We know the answer, deep swamp monster McCarthy kept them.jr Murdock never wanted truth on the network.

Johnny87144 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had the hugest Lego collection! Loved them! Wait til Tonka goes pink truck on us!

Johnny87144 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why is it Dems can take pics with hateful and evil weasels, and never have to apologize?? Can you imagine if GEOTUS had his pic taken with this guy and his “looks like swasticas” on his shirt?!?! What a POS

Johnny87144 4 points ago +4 / -0

Players need to wake up and realize they control the sport! Not the owners, coaches, schools! The industry depends on the players to make their billions! Players walk away for a year and the woke BS goes out the window! They left can hold tranny only sporting events! I’d watch! Just like midget wrestling! 😂🤪

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