JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, I have no way of knowing. But I DO trust the USDebtClock, and I do know the current price is fake AF. That's all I know for sure.


Also, I don't normally recommend videos of any kind to people, but I highly recommend this one. This Silver Smith who pours silver hammers and wrenches (stealth stacking) for SD Bullion, seems to know what's up. Almost like the miners and the raw-material guys have a better handle on what's happening than what market-guys, themselves, do. JMO.

Fascinating information, beginning to end.

JohnnyMagnum357 6 points ago +6 / -0

How do you speak before Congress with an active arrest warrant?

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

Were they prepared to use deadly force at Bidan's garage-raid? You know, "standard protocol" n shit....

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

I gotcha. My actual worry isn't the "frightening porn", its the idea that those are moments of opportunity to plant shit and/or hack a phone. Which I do believe happened.

Since those pages popped up on me, my phone now hard-disconnects in the middle of all convos I've had. Its not a reception thing, its a hard "hang up".

Plus, my browser will now no longer find search results for anything. I don't care if I just search "ants", I get the "sorry, no results found"

Something happened to my phone and it happened after the pop-ups.

JohnnyMagnum357 22 points ago +22 / -0

Got my 1 oz silver Trump Mugshot Coin sitting on my dresser. 👍

JohnnyMagnum357 10 points ago +11 / -1

They have a few headquarters. There's one in Huntsville, AL that just opened like 3 or 4 years ago, yet even another one has been recently slated the $$ (by blackmailed Congress) to be built.

"Headquarters" my a$$. Let's be honest. These are domestic enemy bases.

JohnnyMagnum357 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fine. Then STOP stopping us from doing it.

Last time the Minuteman Militia was working the border, voluntarily and yielding superb results, CBP and FBI swooped in on them at gun-point and disbanded them. Took everyone's weps and some even went to jail.

MUCH harsher consequences for protecting your own border than there are for illegally invading it.

JohnnyMagnum357 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did the same thing to copper/gold/silver today, too.

Copper hit the hardest.

JohnnyMagnum357 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know some old-timers who loaded up BIG time, back when it was $3-$5 an ounce. They were all temporarily rich when silver hit $40 in 2011. I think it was 2011?

Hopefully they'll still be around when it moons for real. Id hate to see all that be for the naught.....

JohnnyMagnum357 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not to mention, ((they're)) having to pay for expired GME swaps from 3 years ago, while trying to beat down GME 2.0, while trying to short metals, while trying to hold back the ($1.2 quadrillion) over-leveraged derivatives from exploding,.........simultaneously...... and with far less banks still in business than 3 years ago.

The FED/hedgies have their work cut out......

JohnnyMagnum357 5 points ago +6 / -1

TF is with that page? I click on the graphic so I can read the highlighted text and it starts popping up porno ads I can't get out of.


JohnnyMagnum357 35 points ago +35 / -0

Very reminiscent of the Paul Ryan/Mike Pence attempted coup against Trump while he was still just a candidate. Remember that? The Paul Ryan/Mike Pence Coup e-mails.......


JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

😆 I had no idea Trump said that.

I made a similar comment on Gab just 3 days ago.

I have replaced my wipers 5x in 4 years.

Growing up, I swear I saw my Dad replace the wipers maybe 3x in 18 years.

I've definitely noticed the built-in degradation of wipers.

The ChiComs use scrap/junk rubber to make the wiper, then sell the junk to us at $25 a pop.

JohnnyMagnum357 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah. The amount of silver in a 5G tower? Those won't last. Tesla/EV motors? There's like 5lbs of silver in each motor. Gone!

"Copper thieves" will surely become "silver thieves" overnight and nothing infrastructure-related that has any melt value, will be safe.

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im secretly hoping that's the plan.

We can either have Humanity, or we can have digitization of everything, but not both

I choose the former........

JohnnyMagnum357 11 points ago +11 / -0

IDK. Might ruin technology as we know it.

If Silver really went anywhere near $2k / oz, plan on everyone melting down their tv's and phones and any other gadgets that have silver in them. All these solar panels everywhere.......imagine how much those would be worth melted down.

You'd have to sell phones, tvs, etc for at LEAST the price of the silver contained in them, which would make them insanely expensive. Then people will just go melt them down anyway.

You can't even keep people from stealing copper Tesla charging cables, and copper is cheap AF by comparison.

Just my own thought. Maybe Im way off.

Honestly, though, Im perfectly happy to go back to the stone age with stacks of silver in my cave.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

She mandated closures, including schools

Kids are behind on their (gov) education and Alabama mom 'n pop businesses have never recovered.

I see so many (out of business) closures, STILL

Also, the Covid PPP money that was given to the Chamber of Commerce for dispersal........it never left the Chamber of Commies. Never went to the People. She still won't comment about that.

Nasty old dyke with a lap dog.

Everytime I hear her speak, reminds me of the beginning of that Guns N Roses song, Civil War.

"Whut we have heah...... is a faailya, to kuh-municate"......

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

Morehouse is just an "angry indoctrination" mill for blacks.

They will vote for the first (next) Obama that comes along.

They always think its "just this particular guy", yet never seem to equate their own bad-decision making processes or mindset to the reason we keep getting the same kind of fuckos in office.

Ive talked to quite a few guys at Morehouse. They're not that bright. Literally everything they study comes from an Afrocentric perspective.

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