Your post has led me to do a quick search and found this gem:
This, send him here. And don’t forget
Also teach him how to verify information, he needs to understand we have enemies in this community trying to soften our minds with disinformation also.
I used to focus on these drones a lot, tried to help them. If at this point, they are still afraid, then perhaps they will wake up on their own time or, they are forever lost. Ignorance is no longer in this day and age where all the information we need is seconds away, we simply need to reach down our pockets. These people have made, and continue to outsource their opinions to all external forces, because technology and the corrupt media has programmed them to.
Work on yourself frens, be ready. Some of these drones will need us.
Take action on what you can control. Work on yourself physically and mentally. That’s my suggestion. Nothing can stop the universal nature now, and as many have said, NCSWIC.
I’ve seen people being vocal about everything, but have done nothing to prepare themselves in any shape or form because they think some hero is going to save them. I’m not religious at all by any means, but one thing is guaranteed, if I work my hardest to be the best person I can be, physically and mentally, when the time comes that I am needed by my community, whether it be for my family, or for humanity when we can hunt these tyrants down, I’m ready.
I just watched his entire speech via the bald headed fence sitting faggots YT channel.
I believe James will come out even stronger than before. I will be watching and supporting his new venture, as his fight continues to reveal the truth to the world.
For anyone that has seen the coastline of the Philippines, it’s surrounded by slums. Not just the slums contribute to the mess, I don’t believe Philippines have a good waste management. Everyone’s rubbish eventually ends up in the sea, and it’s disgusting. Even in some “resorts”, the beaches are disgusting. I would only trust waters away from Manila and other bigger cities.
Saved for listening later today. I’m not reading the comments but I like some of Peter’s messages. As I got to listen more to his interviews I noticed he doesn’t exactly exercise what he preaches. I saw this particular interview with some moslems, who were supposedly highly regarded…. Anyway, they confronted him about his statements in the past, in which I have not seen but as he was confronted, Jordan cowers like a faggot. So much for standing up for being a man, and doing the right thing and saying the right thing. Instead he got intimidated by a bunch of sandrat nobodys. Most of the respect that has been created by his motivational messages have been lost. I still agree with some messages, but really do not see him as the mentor I thought he was. Just another coward who speaks quite bravely against feminism then cowers down to a bunch of sandrats.
Edit: Thank you for posting this. Quite a very interesting take. One takeaway is the lesson of questioning everything and applying critical thinking. I had to idea about Jordan’s drug abuse, especially right after 12 Rules. Quite interesting indeed.
I can see how Philippines, is surprisingly large in water waste here. But I would think, china and it’s magnitude of manufacturing capability, is doing significantly more damage to the water than what is being portrayed here, through chemical byproducts and such. And let’s not forget, all those plastic junk floating around in water or even in landfills, I would suspect most of them would come from china
Thank you for this I was just wondering about this particular subject in the past few weeks.