It mean to direct registered stock. Instead of holding stocks at your bank or broker, DRS is holding the stock at the stock registrar.
Stock at your bank/broker are not your stock, sure you are the legal beneficiary, but the bank/broker owns the stock.
When you DRS, the stock is in YOUR name, and your name only.
It’s the digital equivalent of having paper stock certificates.
Intel Slava is a blogger, who runs a telegram channel. He posted updates about the Russia-Ukraine conflict since the beginning. His channel gave raw and unfiltered content regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which included details mainstream media wouldn’t report on or cover at all.
If he is truly dead, which it sounds like he is, he will be greatly missed.
Here is the telegram link:
Hope that helps.
God Bless!
The NFT release was Trumps way of saying “get into crypto”.
Had anyone purchased any crypto in the months after the NFT release, they would be in the green.
Lets not forget the predictive programming from South Park last year where they are in the future, and “everyone using fly by night crypto rather than central banking”.
I personally would like to see Trump put confidence back into the US Dollar by backing of gold to some degree. Similar to what Putin did a year ago with the rubble.
All the more better fren! ;)
I freakin love it!!! Lets gooo!
“The first arrest will surprise you” ???
Not your wallet, not your crypto = not booked shares, not your stock.
“DTC states that issuers to do not have continuing ownership rights in shares they have sold into the marketplace and therefore cannot control the disposition of shares already registered in DTC's nominee name by directing that those shares be surrendered to the transfer agent or by restricting their eligibility for book-entry transfer at DTC.44 DTC contends that attempts by issuers to control their publicly traded securities are improper and may constitute conversion*.
You guys remember that dump truck that got caught on train tracks last year??? There was something very fishy about it. Unfortunately it’s been so long that I’ve memory-holed it.
It took place in a town that shared the same name as another town Trump was rallying at pre-midterms…
Someone jog my memory please!
False flags are a way to sway public opinion, and can be for anything. While its very effective for starting a war, the true definition is much broader.
Damn this video got blocked!!! No surprise I guess...
Surprised that Mike Adams hasn’t been mentioned yet.
Great podcast, maybe a little light compared to X22, but he covers a broad range of topics.
I didn’t watch the game, was there something in particular that was questionable?
Ron’s cozy relationship with ken griffen is big red flag.
First reaction, I was surprised Trump didn’t go with the GameStop NFT marketplace. I think maybe maybe it is better to use polygon instead of GameStop as the GME saga is still playing out, and any political polarization could hurt GME.
Either way, it’s bullish for crypto and GME.
Also for the people who say this doesn’t fund Trump directly, yeah I get that, but these funds are probably being gathered to be used for whatever purpose the white hats need without the strings of a PAC/campaign restrictions. Just my thought...
Cross post this on PDW.
Just to add, the company originates from Spain, fyi.
Ey! You did call it!
That would be nice :)
RTE is pure propaganda.
Very beginning of his Presidency.
Is this number for Arizona or nation wide?
Also Kazakhstan had a coup last year! Even if it didn’t make the headlines as much as Myanmar, still significant.
We got twitter now. All the pieces are align! There will never be a perfect time, only a right time. Which is now.
Fortunately/unfortunately, USA is the last beacon of freedom on Earth. We might not see justice till we fix things here.
It’s general consensus here that the Ape movement is a white hat operation.
The Plan, as were told, will rectify all the wrongs the cabal has pushed on us. Everything from medicine, education, national and international policy, and financial markets.
The cabal has used the financial markets to push their influence. Shut down good bio medical companies, cripple unwanted competition, and all sorts of things. It’s no surprise that the white hats wouldn’t have the stock market in their scopes. It definitely one of the things needing fixing. In the current market, the average Joe gets screwed. Sound financial planning should be a way to build wealth, for everyone.
Q has posted [game stopped].
Ryan Cohan has tweeted: MGGA (make GameStop great again).
Jared Kushner is also close to the hedgie fund types. I think even in a way, Mayo man ken Griffin might be working for the White Hats. If it wasn’t for Ken, then these swaps holding GME shorts wouldn’t be spread across to ALL other financial institutions, nationally and internationally. The GME squeeze has the potential to return the illegitimate gains the cabal has siphoned from the people.