These people who are influenced by the same demons who were behind the trial of Jesus the Christ are still showing their faces if you know where to look. Now that they have Trump in court their happiness is that a fever pitch. But imagine thier disappointment 3 days later. If Trump was appointed by God which I believe he is, only good can come out of it.
I want to say cure but it's more like a biblical treatment, because when they're dead their souls go into the dark spiritual realm and they're still the same people but they're quarantined from the good guys, the true cure is the blood of Jesus and repentance, other than that there is only treatment.
You're absolutely right of course, though it is a far better action than just wiping out the debt, that stuff goes somewhere and we know where. The people in Washington are never very bright, or they are, and it's part of a darker plan to instill globalism, I'm going to go with the second thought
Good man, ask questions think outside the box, of course I've heard it on the winds, but that is a very good question. Did not did not I hear about Hillary Clinton saying if Donald Trump wins the presidency we are going to hang from the gallows? Or was that hearsay?
Trump came in and exposed the corrupt system, the Democrats make problems and the Republicans pretend to fight against them, Trump showed us he could get stuff done and shown a light on inadequacy of both parties. That's why maga matters
Now is this is just a theory, what if they achieve their globalist agenda and they tell the world "now there could be peace and safety", and that's when the Lord starts pouring out the bowl judgments and opening the scrolls getting ready for the time for the King to take over? Thoughts?
That's the way it feels, My worry is there will be so much illegals voting in the election that the red States will refuse to participate in an election so corrupt, that the Democrats will get what they want by the red States calling off the election and hanging the albatross on their necks