That is cool.
Future Leader
he has that look like STFUP Hillary
Arrest and hang those responsible ASAP
And maybe we can skip a generation and start over with some level of intelligence going forward
On the bright side you will notice them much easier now
Put your FAITH in the LORD and everything will be OK FREN
The narrative always change when the dems lose
Take his words serious fens
Is that a man?
If anything happens to him it They will severely regret it.
Wasting the MONEY our country sent you. No more for you morons
Elon is awesome
Yes we have come a long way Joy, Much Love sent your way dear fren
She needs a call that says you will get moving and fix this or you will be arrested and hang at GITMO
Hilariously pathetic isn't it?
Purkiss I do believe you are right. TRUMP has been hinting at things and everything is lining up to this being the case
All being revealed long ago to try and start waking people up for what is going on. That is why I say until you begin to question things you have not reached the threshold to reality
The tide has turned
He needs to. OH and that comment you made that if we were going to send something Chinas way you would alert your china Conter part to it, well that is TREASON sir