Making nice with people he'll help screw over. Elites have bg plans for ALL of Hawaii
Thank you for the reminder of this old memory.. and in my mind it is sung by Bing Crosby.
In fact, he is, a really sinister bitch. He impedes the saving of children and is a soulless monster
He has perv face. It cannot be escaped.
Well we'll just see how that goes for them, won't we.
Fills me with shame for my country. But the days of impunity for the travesty are going to end. ANGEL ARMIES
Dear Lord, protect innocents from evil people and also please block Joe and Jill from doing still more harm.
It's not conscience, it's that he knows he has, and does, go against God.
As Assange said.... 98% of D.C. would be arrested
Bird flu in non-birds...... nope.
Isn't this the third time he has played this same game?
It is like being in shock, to varying degrees. The human spirit is not designed to do well in the face of emotional torture and physical cruelty and we have been put through exactly that. And people who are vaxxed probably are numb with fear if they have paid attention. And if they are still in denial, they still have cognitive issues and personality changes. Ni one is unaffected.
Alive and aware.
The satan worshipping libtards and corrupt globalisrs spoon-fed illusions to humanity to maintain control of slaves supporting their wealth and power. By definition, gas-lighting, and through sadistic deadly methods. They are the enemies of mankind.
But something went awry for them. Turns out that the majority of us just aren't as stupid as they thought.
So bizarre how they assign to Trump everything evil Democrats create. Point for point.
That's some nasty shit right there
I have had all of his ego that I can endure. Ugh.
I hear Greenland has some underground nuclear facility
The arrogance. We all know it comes before a fall....
I suggest that people look up and look for the person there known as Kab, but is a female
Bwa ha ha ha
Won't cause any harm. Iver even stops stomach flu. But humans will not have a bird flu pandemic. Absolutely, positively not.