Knotnow 14 points ago +14 / -0

Aesthetica @ @Anc_Aesthetics Funny you should ask, Ive been investigating the fraud in the F-1 Student Visa system too. 23H It's just as big of a rabbit hole as the H-18 stuff and the two are very interconnected. Buckle up because this one is something. Here's the game. Students from India fake their undergraduate degrees and just apply straight to Masters programs. The reasons for this relate to H-1B reqs and other things but also because colleges have gone full woke and stupidly don't have any way to verify the undergraduate certificates. So they just accept them most of the time. Canada is much worse btw, they have actual diploma mills with like 80k Indian students. Once the student has been accepted for their masters the fun part begins. They pay people with masters degrees in India to do the work for them and they have people within the masters programs themselves who are complicit (that whole nepotism thing again) to help them. This means they can skate through the masters program without getting caught. While they are "at school" they drive for uber/doordash for money. Once they "graduate" and finish their masters they are now here illegally so it's time to defraud the H-1B system. Enter the Indian H-18 consultants. The grift is basically this. The employee is a "subcontractor" working for the consulting firm and being subcontracted out to one of their clients. The problem is they don't have a Visa. So the consulting firm just fakes an H-1B Visa. Since it's the consulting firm's job to check, the company is none the wiser that they are actually using illegal labor. Obviously the "contractor" has no idea what they are doing so this work is also outsourced back to someone in India that the H-1B consultant has set up. The payment is made to the consulting firm and the worker is paid under the table. From what I've been told these are very predatory agreements so it usually means the worker has to still drive uber etc. Once the first contract is finished. They now have real experience to put on their resume with a real reference and everything. So they begin the process of actually applying for their H-1B. The consultant once again manages the whole process, commits a ton of fraud to get through the lottery system. Finds a company who needs a permanent IT hire. Company then sponsors the candidate and voila. They've committed like 10 instances of fraud but the person is now legit, has an H-1B and can work in the บร. Maybe we should rethink that whole "staple a green card to every diploma" idea.

Knotnow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Jimmy Carter brought in the Dept. of Ed. Trump has promised to take it out. Carter's dead and the DOE is about to be dead.

Knotnow 4 points ago +6 / -2

The "losing side" is relative. Trump is going to unleash America, the resources, the land, and energy. He's going to remove the regulations that stifle business and that prevent new businesses from being able to start. We may need an abundance of smart, entrepreneurial and hungry white collar workers for the rapid growth anticipated. The H1B visas will mine the world for the smartest people available. That will enrich us. Americans need to shake off the lousy education and work ethic that has been fostered in them in order to compete. It will be win/win.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, so little to be among the thousands of Judah, from you there will come forth to Me He who is to be ruler in Israel; and His goings forth are from ancient times, from the days of eternity (Micah 5:2).

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think Q just came into existence after Trump? According to Q posts, it was Q who enlisted Trump to run, to have a legal way to run the government so they didn't have to just take it over to prevent Hillary from being President.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

He credited Axelrod under Clinton with the genius plan, but Obama chased him down and wanted to use it for his rise to power. At first Axelrod didn't want to help him then decided Obama was the perfect tool. Q would be the unseen and unmentioned hidden hand. Trump is there because of Q. Elon is there because of Trump.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

From a medical source this is the best book on diabetes management: Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars Hardcover – Illustrated, November 1, 2011 by Richard K. Bernstein MD (Author)

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vivek is not a natural born citizen. He would be 2nd in line to the presidency, but not qualified to be president.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

And what happens to bills signed by Biden?: General Mike Flynn @GenFlynn What happens to the pardons when they discover Biden didn’t win the 2020 presidential election? 7:53 PM · Dec 17, 2024 · 68.2K Views

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to astrophysicist Hugh Ross, space aliens aren't real. Spread the word: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=771xXXhWDnU

Knotnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

IF the left can make people think we are under UFO attack, they can activate emergency powers and take over everything > https://banned.video/watch?id=675ca59756227e8713d99b7d

Astrophysicist Hugh Ross gives 3 reasons why there are no space aliens > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=771xXXhWDnU

Don't fall for the space alien scam. Those pushing it are setting us up for total takeover, not by aliens, but by therm.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, but why do we have to pick one. He can have a different commission for each of them and do them all at once.

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't "we have it all?" It was electronic. Doesn't the NSA collect all of that stuff?

Knotnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't matter if he had a birth certificate. That's a red herring. His father was a citizen of a foreign country, and his mother was too young to confer citizenship on him. Trump is going to outlaw birthright citizenship because being born here doesn't make you a citizen, and if your parents aren't citizens, then you aren't a "natural born" citizen, which is a requirement to become President.

Knotnow 2 points ago +2 / -0

On what charge? Is there a law against killing cats? Or eating cats? How about killing and eating chickens, pigs, sheep, cows? What kind of precedent is this setting?

Knotnow 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the introduction: "The Recovery Version follows, for the most part, the Nestle-Aland Greek Text as found in Novum Testamentum Graece (26th edition). "

"The translation of the Old Testament is based on the current scholarly text of the Hebrew Scriptures, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS; revised 1990 edition)... Frequently the ancient translations of the Old Testament into Aramaic, Greek, Syriac, and Latin were consulted for clarification of the Hebrew text....As much as possible the poetic structure of the Hebrew text, as indicated by BHS, has been preserved."

As you mentioned above, each book gives a distillation of the subject of the whole book in one sentence. Such as Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom--Proving that Jesus Christ is the King-Savior.

And amen, first we are one in the Father's name. Then we become one in the Father's word (we are here). Finally, we become one in the Father's glory (Jn. 17). Here's footnote 3 for [Your] "word:" The Father's word carries the reality of the Father with it. When God's word says, "God is light," it carries God as light in it. Hence, God's word is reality, the truth, unlike Satan's word, which is vanity, a lie (8:44).

Knotnow 0 points ago +1 / -1

I use the Recovery Version from lsm.com (Living Stream Media). It's a study Bible with excellent footnotes. I have a whole Bible that I purchased, but you can get a free New Testament from bfa.org (Bibles for America). I do word studies also, and this version has the fewest problems I've encountered. I haven't found any, actually.

Here's one example: John 3:16 in KJV says, "...whosoever believeth IN Him..." The RcV says, "...everyone who believes INTO Him..." The Greek word there is "eis" which means to move from one place into another place. KJV substituted that for IN, or Greek "en," which means to be in a place. For instance, we walk INTO the house, then we're IN the house. Paul said that he was "a prisoner IN the Lord (Eph. 4:1)." How did he get IN the Lord? He believed INTO him. The wrong word obscures the meaning.

True, there is a day of vengeance, but that is not God eternal purpose. He has an eternal purpose, you know (Eph. 3:11). He didn't create us in order to save us. That was a side trip to bring us back to His eternal purpose. He wants something. It is for this that all things were created (Rev. 4:11), and it is toward this that He is working all things out (Eph. 1:11).

What brought about the end of the Old Covenant? Do you know what the New Covenant entails? See Jer. 31:31-34 and Ezek. 36:27. What changed the age was the incarnation of God in a man; God and man were joined in the man Jesus. That man became the perfect sacrifice that enabled God to righteously forgive man's sins according to the New Covenant. This cleared the way for God to put His Spirit in man as foretold in Ezekiel. This Spirit was the Spirit of the glorified Jesus, which He foretold in John, 7:37-39, and which occurred in John, 20:22, when He breathed into His disciples and said, Receive the Holy Spirit.

Happy Thanksgiving back atcha.

Knotnow 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't use KJV, it has too many discrepancies from the original languages. The word "signified," Strong's concordance (using Olive Tree) says "semaino" means, a mark, sign. To give a public sign or signal. John uses the expression in his gospel also. Jn. 2:11 says, "This beginning of [miracles] Jesus did." The word for miracles is "semeiou" and means "sign, mark, token, miracle with a spiritual purpose."

Correct, the Catholic Church had not come into existence yet. Rev. 1:3 says that the things written are prophecies-"Things which are about to take place after these things (v.19)." It was during the time of the Catholic Church that idolatry was brought into the church (2:20). That hadn't happened at the end of the apostolic age.

I don't know anything about the book, Days of Vengeance, but just the title makes me think he misses the point of Revelation. The main point is not vengeance, it's the bringing forth of the Bride of the Lamb whose "wife has made herself ready (Rev. 19:7)." (Cross reference that to Eph. 5:23-31 to see that the church is the wife of Christ-the Lamb). This Bride is the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). And everything about the New Jerusalem is a sign. The Bible consummates with the Spirit and the Bride speaking as one (22:17). Don't you want to know HOW the Bride makes herself ready? For that you need to understand the signs. The Bible interprets them.

The lampstands are not in the first verse, they're in the first chapter (vv. 1:12,20). The lampstands are the churches (Rev. 1:20). The churches are the wife of Christ (Eph. 5:23-31), and the Bride of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7) and the New Jerusalem (rev. 21:2).

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