LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is time to try them for treason all 100 of them. There should be no question.

LGBrandon2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a, yet to be known reason, for this not being immediately shot down. The fact they do not want civilian casualties on the ground is not one the reasons as the current narrative expounds. Its possible the balloon is carrying a payload our government does not want dispersed over our soil. Two of the many questions not being asked is "how did it get over our airspace without detection" and "why has it been allowed to encroach this far into our country?"

by DrMcCoy
LGBrandon2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the outlaw Josey Wales said that !

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patsy, not pasty! He did look a bit pasty come to think of it

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL !! You guys are awesome! Thats some funny Shiite there.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be in a holding pattern waiting for clearance to land or vectoring from ATC (air traffic control) OR waiting for smaller AC to get refueled.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, its a ransom attack. Disconnect from the internet if the laptop is has anything of valve. You can go into the source code and delete the program.

LGBrandon2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe that Q post said 10 days, darkness - not "10 days of darkness". There is a difference

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sorry, NOT SORRY. Lemmings. Hopefully they will make better choices in the next life.

LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Totally agree. They need to CLEAN HOUSE. 80-90% of Bureau Agents are good, honest, hard working people who follow the rule of law and constitution. Unfortunately, the ones in power, management/supervisors, like ASAC Thibault are the ones who are the problem. Not all of them, just a small percentage. The good/honest supervisors are under the guidance of the bad ones who dictate and direct the actions of good.

LGBrandon2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thibault should be in jail for obstruction of justice (Title 18 Chapter 73 USC 15XX), abuse of official government authority Title 41 USC 4712, election interference (Title 52 USC 10102), and multiple violations of the US constitution, just to start. He was also in direct violation of FBI official policy (MIOG). In addition to jail he should loose his FBI pension.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

They can track the VPN the hoax caller used, then they can isolate and track the ISP address used by the caller's computer. The local police may not have the capability to do this, but the FBI does. They can figure out who did this within a few hours - if they choose to do so. There is always a digital trail left behind whenever you use technology - remember that.

LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is some scary Shiite! Notice how the majority of the "arrest team" is visibly unsure of what they are suppose to be doing. They are looking around at each other as if waiting on a cue. They train their weapons on the subjects, but then drop their point of aim to look at their neighbor. Then there's "Biggin" leading the group, does the IRS not have a fitness for duty standard? Oh yeah what about "Hotrod McGinty" in the wheel chair, how exactly is he suppose to take down an uncompliant or combative subject? Run over him? Let me know how that works out for you. Dang !!!

LGBrandon2024 5 points ago +5 / -0

Someone may have already posted this, but in the event they haven't. The rest of the story, besides the new replacement battery costing $14,000, is they don't make the battery for that model of car any longer!

LGBrandon2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not disputing the above. But keep in mind police officers are hindered by their individual departments policies, procedures, and rules mandated by their mayor and city council. I'm not saying there might not be some fault on the part of some LEOs, but in many cases they cant act (except in reactive situations) unless their superiors grant their approval. This was a possible hostage situation which the departments have STRICK rules which are to be abided by. If an individual LEO decides to go "Cowboy" a.k.a. contrary to the "rules" and something goes wrong they will suffer the consequences. Case in point, there is a story that two different snipers had the shooter in their cross hairs, but were unable to get approval to shoot, by their higher ups in time before the shooter had move out of sight.

LGBrandon2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

They (DemonKrat Libtards) are in a panic, grasping at straws, desperately attempting to tip the scales and regain their short live control. We need to keep a list of ALL these people (media, politicians, professors, teachers, "influencers") so they can be put on trial for their crimes against the Republic.

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