Interesting read about this Kazakh unit using potentially "home made" UN helmets. Also of note in the article:
Massimov, who had also previously been in charge of the National Security Committee (NSC), the country's successor to its branch of the Soviet-era KGB intelligence and internal security agency, was arrested today on suspicion of treason. Three other state security officials reportedly died today, one from a suicide, another from a heart attack, and the last from falling out of a window.
I was going insane when one of the SC Judges stated (this is not word for word) that HHS can tell hospitals that they should wash their hands and wear protective equipment, why can't we tell them to take a vaccine? My eyes almost rolled out of their sockets.
Disregard, here's her response via GETTR.
The monolith in fort worth was a known prank by a radio station (link below). It says in the notes "made by high school students" and should be removed from that site. How many more like that one?
But,but this NY ER Dr says symptoms are milder because of vaxx. The article goes on to state that unvax'd are 15x more likely to be hospitalized.
Copy pasta. 🤣 Thanks for responding though. Lots of questions still remain.