LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Specialization. Humans are incredible at understanding anything, but there’s only a limited amount of time and knowledge we have. It’s basically the opposite of “Jack of all trades, master of none”.

This is the same reasoning everyone is all about “Trust the experts”. There is just too much to learn if you don’t trust others but it’s now being used against us.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 11 points ago +11 / -0

The song about the coup of a century is very fitting now. Might even be good meme material.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 20 points ago +20 / -0

The key with lyme seems to be a longer than normal course of antibiotics. In the 90s doctors were threatened with their licenses over this, sound familiar?

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ionic vs elemental form. Each form of filtration targets different analytes. So much about water chemistry is misunderstood. Thats not even getting into the biological impact of “does this matter”

Got into an argument with a water company over “natural minerals” vs sediment before when their filters werent working.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah this does seem more plausible. I know families that went from 2 incomes to 1 income due to covid measures, but I don't think that would account for the help needed everywhere.

by BQnita
LessSwampMoreMAGA 6 points ago +6 / -0

Either its the most deadly vaccine ever released according to VAERS, or if the argument is that VAERS is unreliable then there is ZERO safety monitoring of every other vaccine.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was wondering about this. I wonder what the Gun homicide rate is using legally owned guns (ie Homicides using a legally owned gun per 100,000 legally owned guns) because thats what all these gun 'control' measures do is reduce legally owned guns.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 6 points ago +6 / -0

The "War on Terror" started giving me doubts that the official story was exactly that, a story.

Covid I realized wtf the gov is straight up lying for emergency powers and so many peoiple bought it hook line and sinker.

Ukraine I'm sitting here watching war propaganda unfold in real time.

I now have doubts about every part of history I had ever 'learned'.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

Isn't Bethesda the company that had the alphabet flags on their accounts EXCEPT their Middle East account?

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +2 / -1

Juries require a unanimous decision to find guilty. Anything going through the normal court system I have no confidence will have a just ending. We've already seen that juries are allowed to be threatened.

At least military tribunals only require 2/3 of the vote for conviction.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its either government run or 'Who wants to come in here to run a power plant until when we decide to shut you down again"

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

The line about this supersedes the constitution…lol yeah ok. Find me a single legal document in the US that says this, nevermind one thats created by a foreign agent.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can’t help but to think he made some sort of deal to endorse oz that’s not contingent on him winning. There’s literally no republicans candidate right now that has as many anti republican positions ON VIDEO as Oz and you’re seeing that play out.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just a friendly reminder that WHO stated covid was NOT transmissible in humans (Jan 14th 2020) AFTER Modena had started on their vaccine (Jan 10th 2020)

LessSwampMoreMAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

How do you correlate 2 deaths to two lots of formula?

Thats the same as picking two points and saying the correlation is linear.

No formula samples have tested positive for the bacteria. You dont have to trust Abbott on this either, the FDA or contract labs have testing capabilities.

Something weird is going on with the FDA and CDC….again.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pfizer is trying to prove their jab is safe with these studies. These are “controlled” studies from a fast tracked novel treatment, not randomized population data. From a company that has the largest criminal fine in history for false claims.

These types of statistica evaluations are intended to be predictive and that goes out the window when the source of the data is suspect.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 12 points ago +13 / -1

Maybe I'm reading it wrong but the "No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies" concerns me. Yes, anyone citing 90% mortality is wrong and disingenuous. BUT, I would not put it past Pfizer to hide unwanted outcomes in patients who don't follow up. There were a significant number of patients in the phase 3 clinical trial that just didn't follow up as well.

In other words, the clinical trial for this product was a shit show.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wasn’t as clear as i could have been. I think it’s bullshit too. There is no low supply, it’s increased demand from cash buyers that don’t have to worry about appraisals and can manipulate the housing market.

The same people that are inflating the cost of housing are the buyers of mortgage backed securities. They are allowing it not manipulating the housing market to inflate. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the source of most of the inflation.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t understand how lawyers aren’t jumping all over that this is “not work related”

There is loads of EEOC\OSHA precedent already set for this.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

They state there is a housing market shortage because there is low inventory. Year over year of houses FOR sale are up. Here in the Raleigh area ibuyers (financial companies) account for 30% off sales, these sales are throwing the market balance off and causing this shortage of inventory.

You can go to Redfin and search just a state and click on housing market insights.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think they just thought they could get away without punishment like every inspector general investigation or someone has blackmail on them. FDA data is commonly looked through by competitors in the industry, especially generics companies.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just saw some articles this morning they’re already blaming it on the “global debt crisis” and high oil prices because of Russia. Same story every time

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