It was my understanding that people had to sign up for the trial testing. And only a percentage of those in the trial received the placebo. But. I also read that those that did get the placebo were later allowed to take the vax. Which makes the control group compromised. But please don't take my word.
I had a friend this evening tell me she did not need to read conflicting information to make her decision to take vax. She just knows she has done everything she can to protect her and those around her by taking it, and any needed boosters. Looked at me with sympathy over my choice to say no to the vax.
I agree. Very frustrating! Keep in mind that you tried. The end won't be for everyone. When the time comes those you speak of will need us. We are the ones that can point them to the truth once they are ready. If they are not ever ready, we still show love, even if it needs to be from a distance.
They tried to do that in Oklahoma on leased tribal land. The tribes stood up!