0:17 second video?
IRS Whistleblower reveals that the agency uses an antiquated computer system (called IDRS) using software from the 1960s. This system is composed of four different master files: one for businesses, one for personal, one for government, and the last was forgotten by the whistleblower.
"The taxpayer thinks we can magically look up anything and find any information we want; we can just sort through a huge database. We don't have that. If anything is going to be looked at, it's brought up on an individual case basis. Everything I receive or my case load to work, is exported into an Excel. How it gets from there to IDRS, I don't personally know. It's taken from Excel, they break it down. There's a lot of time by Case Selection to put together our inventory and select which cases we're going to be assigned to work." ~IRS Whistleblower.
O'Keefe reveals that there are more IRS whistleblowers coming forward soon
IRS Whistleblower reveals that the agency uses an antiquated computer system (called IDRS) using software from the 1960s. This system is composed of four different master files: one for businesses, one for personal, one for government, and the last was forgotten by the whistleblower.
"The taxpayer thinks we can magically look up anything and find any information we want; we can just sort through a huge database. We don't have that. If anything is going to be looked at, it's brought up on an individual case basis. Everything I receive or my case load to work, is exported into an Excel. How it gets from there to IDRS, I don't personally know. It's taken from Excel, they break it down. There's a lot of time by Case Selection to put together our inventory and select which cases we're going to be assigned to work." ~IRS Whistleblower.
O'Keefe reveals that there are more IRS whistleblowers coming forward soon
In a sense, those states that don't observe DST still need to be aware of DST since they interact with other states that do observe. Think logistics
I worked for USPS for a stint, and I feel it's worth mentioning here that we were required to take the oath to defend against all enemies (foreign and domestic). Imagine taking that oath, and then facilitating election fraud...
Funny enough I wanted to work there because I expected that since they were such an established and historical institution, they would "have their shit together" and I could expect a fair career path and climb the ladder justly. I ended up leaving because it was such a total shitshow, where my coworkers would happily dish their work onto everybody else and seemingly fight to do as little as possible. Fuck USPS
People on this thread actually downvoting you for reposting the tweet into text... Let's do better, team.
Check this thread for help posting drop #'s and GIFs: https://greatawakening.win/p/1995CSSpkb/-the-new-and-improved-gifs-and-q/
If you look at just the white stripe and the white neck, they resemble the numbers 1 and 7 respectively
I loved that Carrie sang "a capella" because it enticed the deep state players in the room to sing along... The Biden/Harris/Clintons looked like total dumbasses mouthing the words! I remember they missed some lyrics, and sort of mouth mumbled as it went.
Sorry to hear that y'all seem concerned and deflated about the performance! I thought it was amazing that Carrie stayed on pitch, and I would have loved to be present in the room to experience the acoustics. I felt that it was a perfect performance given the circumstances. The show must go on!
What would I do with a functional government, you ask? Two chicks at the same time...
51 experts agree!
Green Day fan here, reporting in that I went to a couple of their concerts this year (fuck me for liking their music? y'all are trashing them in this thread lol). They played their albums "Dookie" and "American Idiot" in their entirety. Also, the bands Smashing Pumpkins and Rancid played.
During their song "American Idiot", he changed the lyrics from "I'm not a part of a REDNECK agenda" into "I'm not a part of a MAGA agenda". Also in the show were visuals of one eye with Christian churches burning inside of the eye.
It was a sad sight to see, yet even though there were some cheers during the MAGA line, I think of how actually quiet the overall crowd was about that line. I think of how few people are so willing to hate Trump anymore, or at least cheer about it at a rock show.. This was in a huge stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania btw.
Lastly, at one point in the show, Billie Joe (from Green Day) seemed to basically ask for help in the election from Pennsylvania and neighboring Ohio, because of how important they are to electoral votes. Anyway, symbolism will be their downfall. Funny meme.
It could give puff time to loosen them up (like letting the drugs kick in) and lower their inhibitions to showcase their depravity (collect incriminating material). Lord knows what sorts of blackmail material has been hanging over the heads in Hollywood, government, music industry, etc. Celebrity can come at a cost
"JulianAssangeOfficial" lmao.
Smocking is known as using body paint for sexual gratification. Remember when that alleged photo of Tony Podesta and Obama's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, both covered in body paint, was discovered?
Not Constantinople? u/#lowqualitypepe