Lptoro06 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was just there in September. I didn’t see any guards. We drove through the burnt down neighborhood. Saw the memorial for the dead. Do with that what you please.

Lptoro06 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone notice the line in 586 stating “Those you trust are the most guilty of sin Who are we taught to trust” Is that inferring to not trust anyone we’re told to trust? As in everyone Q says to trust, we shouldn’t? Or just pointing out everyone in Hollywood and in Authority shouldn’t be trusted?

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

We stopped saying Where we go one we go all. Or I just haven’t seen it as much. We should sign every post, comment, or anything else with it. Thanks for the reminder Patriot. E Pluribus Unum.

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was just so unexpected, I didn’t know how else to describe it.

Lptoro06 6 points ago +6 / -0

My wife and I live in Ohio and had a long conversation about this recent election in which had abortion on the ballot. She was for it, I was against it. I explained to her what this law would allow the way it was written. We had a long conversation the night before the election about where we were with it. This was the first time I went into a booth, and questioned my decision at the box, based on some of the points she made from the women’s perspective. I ultimately voted no because my it didn’t feel right. I could live with myself if the bill passed, but I wasn’t the cause of it. I got home after doing more research on the bill, only to find out the bill was so much worse than I originally thought and was relieved of my decision. I got home and shared with my wife what I had learned, for her to tell me she wasn’t comfortable with the way the law was written and ultimately voted no. My heart sank with relief knowing I got through to her. As hard headed as she is, if I can get through to her on abortion… there’s hope.

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have we ever thought drop 55 is us. We need to get the quote trending. With 7 periods that is.

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

To pass the issue. People don’t understand Civics, or read any bills. Just vote for the shiny “moral” object.

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately with this issue passing, they all just came out of the weeds. A lot of them would vote for Trump, and still vote to pass this issue. It blows my mind how dumb people are.

Lptoro06 13 points ago +13 / -0

Hamilton County resident here. I don’t know ten proud democrats. Somehow every election goes blue. I know way more people who voted for Trump than didn’t. Every facet of government is screwed in this country. If we can’t control our cities, we can’t control anything.

Lptoro06 7 points ago +8 / -1

Constitution is rules for the government, not the governed. I’m not saying I need to know where you live or where your kids go to school, but you shouldn’t know that about me either. Freedom is waived when you are in office. Your job is to defend my freedom by sacrificing your own. People have forgotten what it means to be free. Mainly because we’ve never had it, and didn’t know it. When you sacrifice your freedom for safety, you deserve neither.

Lptoro06 6 points ago +6 / -0

Secure doesn’t necessarily mean impenetrable. It can mean all fraud was traceable, to be able to show evidence legally. I think they’re are still some good courts in this country. Maybe some of them are working off the books for security reasons. There’s a lot we don’t know. Just hoping good guys pulling strings are better at it than the bad ones.

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

Politico added an extra Y to Zelensky’s name a then deleted it. Don’t know if it’s notable or not.

Lptoro06 3 points ago +3 / -0

I went at 7:10 Monday night. There were five people in the theatre. Me, my wife, my dad, two random people. I expected it in my area. Was just hoping I would be wrong.

Lptoro06 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’m one of the 74 million, and damn proud of it. Too many around me are not. The people I thought wouldn’t bow did, and some I thought would didn’t. What a time to be alive.

Lptoro06 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anyone consider this is a test for all of us? Look at us coming together. Getting back into the game. We’re already playing the game again. Who ever this is, has brushed up our autistic abilities and we are on the same page trying to verify if this is the “person” who taught us to verify. Shits getting fun again. Regardless of viability here, we’re back to playing our old games with new friends.

Lptoro06 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately joe isn’t wrong… sheep don’t know their rights, let alone care about them

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’d say wait for Greg Phillips in July. There is going to be one bit of news that is so massive no one can ignore it, and msm can’t cover it up. That is when the crash happens. It will distract from the news, and chaos will ensue. Just my 2 cents.

Lptoro06 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heard it in person! Was fantastic!!!

Lptoro06 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would assume if Gaetz has it, it is not classified. There may be some sort of immunity for dark parts of the laptop, which we all need to be careful with in the coming days/weeks/months/years. As far as classifying, treason should never be classified, and classifying known malicious acts should be held accountable. I know they haven’t been in the past. But things are a lot harder to hide with the worlds eyes on every move.

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