5 acres of ground that the Georgia Guidestones was set on was to be returned to the original owner. How grand that would be; to erect a monument of Milton William Cooper in its place.
The debunking attempt is staggering. “Fire spirals reaching the sky aren't the same as energy rays coming down from it.“ There is not enough room for interpretation of the picture to not call that statement a lie.
Well with Christmas around the corner and Elon promising a Q&A I get post 2598 in mind. But in my mind the Santa carries a heavier hammer.......
I cannot express my discontent with the public school system properly without assuring that the only reason there is not more outcry from parents is because of their children being held hostage. I started to edit the word “hostage” thinking of it being inaccurate but no is close enough. Even though there is no clear ransom there is an understood threat that the child will surely pay a price if the parents ask too many questions.
Give unto Caesar? Can you imagine trying to pay a debt to Caesar with fasting? Or to God with gold? So how can a debt be paid to a victim with other than blood? I agree that a gold standard would solve a whole world of injustice but is it what’s being cried the loudest?
If memory serves, Kim talked of a name+gold and he mentioned someone using a simple stone to take down something bad (Pretty sure he mentioned debt but could have said death the first time). So imagine the evil exposed; Trump card played. Imagine the greedy (wanting payment of U.S. debt in cash) being overpowered by their citizens ( wanting blood for payment / justice).
So the leader of a nuclear war machine humbly asks for peace. Trump holds up a simple rock and the bidding for this “TrumpGold” starts. Leaders of debtor nations have a choice; insist on war or go back home and take credit for clobbering the traitorist warmongers with some TrumpGold.
So much to unwrap. Someone that is truly on the brink of drowning doesn’t give a show, they are too weak to speak and fear they will breath water if they try, It is sadly overlooked many times. All I’m saying is even if these doomers are sincere, they are not the ones that need your understanding right now. Reach out to the silent
Bless you. Keep fighting. It’s needed loved adored and all the other words I think of when saying Thank You
A thought: What if twitters censorship went beyond the obvious. What if there was safeguards/ algorithms in place to notify when certain people were trying to flee captivity or whistleblow. Basically I would like to see a list of the censored and know their fate.
This needs Ted Nugents reaction to trump getting elected
The more they lied and used dirty tactics against him the more I believed he was the real deal then he got elected and proved himself. Trump tore up the Small Arms Treaty. Nuff said
Whatever he does he will close with “WWG1WGA”!
So some words popped in mind. Famous words first told: “A Trump card never played is just another one that ends up face down.” Trump lives for winning. He will play the cards at the best time. I won’t predict but it’s ripe. Ripe like walking past a tree and smelling the fruit.
Time to unite the people WWG1WGA
If you flip the votes giving Lake the 58% it would be more believable given the cheating. Could they have been so desperate they switched who the votes went to?
Meme somewhere in there: 1.Trust the science 2.Math is an immovable scientific fact 3.Numbers that don’t add up in an election is acceptable and anyone talking about it is probably one of those anti-science freaks.
If you haven’t heard of Edgar Cayce “ the sleeping prophet” It may be an interesting dig. He spoke of the past that was later verified by the Dead Sea Scrolls, spoke of his present time that was verified in many ways including surgery and of the future including the future of medicine. Want to build an anti-gravity machine? He explains how to organize your scientist to achieve the electromagnetically equivalent of the impossible bumblebee flight. He also talks about politics in the U.S.A. You want controversial? He claimed decades ago that we would elect a black president and that shorty after would be the last. So NWO wins or Trump 4EVER? All of his reading were digitized years ago. If you find where it’s available let me know.
Ok, got it done.
Thank you but it’s taking to long on my end. Feel free to run with it.
Am I seeing this right? The Post is predicting a Lake win?
You have no idea how much your words resonate with me!
Should have left them with their hands super glued to the wall until they licked the painting clean.
So just now on Fox News they show someone on a bicycle that nearly got plowed over by a speeding car. Before you could finish gasping the screen is showing California’s Bullet Train. The way I see it is they are purposefully installing an unconscious fear of the train.
With 4,000,000 non military citizens living abroad it wouldn’t surprise me if this push goes overseas targeting the potential UOCAVA voters.
How do I contribute? One thing that stands out to me is my concept of brainwashing techniques that must now be actively used on us if I am to use the philosophy that there is no original thought. I base my opinion not on training but of one instance that I accidentally brainwashed myself and the years pondering what this one truth means. (The experience is personal so I won’t detail) It occurred from a single job being done repetitively. Repetitively to the point I saw the project when I closed eyes for the night. All I will say is that on two completely different circumstances a feeling of uneasiness fell upon me that I dwelled on til I figured it out. I was using the logic of my small involved world as a greater truth. With that in mind I ask: What does the mention of a world known event like 9/11 mean subconsciously? 2=falling? , 2=bad? Is 9/11 the only subconscious influence of 2=falling/ 2= bad? Of course not! Infinite numbers of the same message are out there so we can be bombarded without our knowledge.
If you are curious and desire truth you will be enlightened to know this is an ongoing war. http://hourofthetime.com/bcmp3/20.mp3