M1staAC 1 point ago +2 / -1

Cranberry sauce made it closer than it needed to be....but still...the FED...gone

M1staAC 2 points ago +2 / -0

YES YES YES! This should be non negotiable...the American people deserve to know what their elected officials have been doing in office!

Yes Epstein list should be released...in full...and all other threatened assets...ALL OTHERS! There needs to be accountability!

M1staAC 6 points ago +6 / -0

and the article...in which she announced it...she cites taxes and homelessness in Cali as primary reasons for her decision to move on...looks like she wants it to be about Trump when its actually about Newsome...lol...good riddance regardless.

M1staAC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely BRILLIANT! Top shelf ideas and implementation.

M1staAC 2 points ago +2 / -0

The strangling of the feminist...omg!! So funny

M1staAC 4 points ago +4 / -0

Best thing about conservative women....no penis...absolute GOLD!

M1staAC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha, thanks for the sauce! 😉

M1staAC 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am 204,995 on the wait-list...and still waiting. 🤔. I do take comfort in the fact that I have almost 10k shares of DWAC in my 401k...and I have not been huge into social media so I will just continue to wait

M1staAC 13 points ago +13 / -0

Q1 -- my largish gut thinks there will be a lot of normies continuing to be forced awake as more info comes out into the open...this will cause some wailing and general confusion that will resolve but the next 3 months will be rough-ish

Q2 -- it will be country dependent...so will feel freedom increasing while others...more firmly in the grip of despots will struggle with the chains of totalitarian rule.

Q3 -- COVID will be dropped and exposed...many will refuse to acknowledge they were duped but the COVID agenda will be subsumed by something else in another gasp by the deep state to exercise control

Q4 -- human trafficking will continue to be reduced and those responsible caught and by the end of the year major trials will be conducted and punishments will be given.

Q5 -- US election fraud will be exposed in full by year end...it already has been but MSM will be forced to publisize it and the American population will be forced to acknowledge what happened.

Q6 -- I am not sure what this is...

Q7 -- yes Q will come back...not sure he/she/they will be revealed but Q the individual or team will actively take part in additional and bigger reveals by years end

M1staAC 5 points ago +5 / -0

Been watching and following you on TikTok...sorry peeps I still watch TikTok...you are great...very understated delivery similar bro birbigglia. Love your stuff

M1staAC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I watched it....and there were much better points that could have been made...Fauci is a self serving treasonous big pharma lapdog...but continually just talking over him is not the way to go about taking him down. Focus the question and stick with the question until it is answered. That particular exchange I was not impressed with...I think Paul should have backed up the claim that Fauci policies are the cause of millions of unnecessary deaths because there is mountains of evidence that Fauci actively shut down prophylactic treatments of HCQ, Zinc, Ivermectin, etc when there are a ton of peer reviewed studies from around the world as to their efficacy. Once those facts are established hit him with lockdown studies and information...anyway I suppose it is easy to play armchair quaterback...just frustrating to see that snake playing the victim.

M1staAC 10 points ago +10 / -0

I watched the video conference call in which he made these comments...he blames the unvaxxed...at no point does he acknowledge what has to be true...the vaccine is killing people through side effects in unheard of numbers...it is mind blowing the level of brainwhashed these people are

M1staAC 1 point ago +1 / -0

The link was simply to the website that is a place you can buy the book....as far as I know this does not have a video of the contents of the book. Read the book...it explains it very clearly....and there is a lot of proof given of the small pox vaccine preventing nothing...and on many cases increasing small pox outbreaks. Read the book, then decide :-)

M1staAC 3 points ago +3 / -0

YES! My wife and I have 8 kids...and as recently as 3 months ago the three youngest got HPV boosters...never again! Now I am worried about my grand-kids and them going through the vaccination series....I need my daughter to read this book...she is a nurse and completely blinded by the medical establishment party line of Vaccines are responsible for everything good in history

M1staAC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah the description of the horrific living conditions is unbelievable, a quote I am remembering from a later chapter is how remarkable the improvement was to health when people stopped drinking "diluted sewage" as their primary means of hydration

M1staAC 3 points ago +3 / -0

Almost done with this book...and there are chapters that could be ripped right out of today's headlines...proof of longstanding vaccine hoax's. From small pox to measles to chicken pox...the truth is in this book.

<a href="https://dissolvingillusions.com/">website link</a> for those interested.

by M1staAC
M1staAC 1 point ago +1 / -0

ery sorry about the size of the image....I will delete and repost

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