That’s such a succinct and well-put prayer Mary, thank you. You’re so right that we must pray for our brothers and sisters who are clouded by evil. If not for their sake, but for God’s, so that He may see His children again. God bless you.
The vaccine is his way of breaking the lefts cognitive dissonance. The left now agrees with Donald Trump, which makes them more amenable to his ideas. It’s up to US to show them that. What follows from here is the Great Awakening.
“She was down with it.”
Firstly, she was drugged.
Secondly, a 13 year old brain is too susceptible to manipulation, and therefore cannot be relied upon to give informed consent.
Thirdly, European morals? I think you’ll find Mr. ((Polanski’s)) morals emanate from the Talmud, you piece of shit. (Not you OP dw)
I know what you’re saying but it’s not that simple. They were initially tricked into sexual activity with Epstein by Maxwell. Once Ghislane starts mentioning Jeffrey is a billionaire and she has connections to powerful people… the message is essentially ‘leave at your own peril.’
Oh yeah, I think that is what’s going on here too. I just meant the trial itself is pretty much based around sex offences rather than straight up paedophillia. Regardless, I agree, it’s probably nothing more than a sham trial to sweep the whole thing under the rug on ‘lighter’ offences. The Podesta sketch is one that troubles me a lot, it’s uncanny. Not to mention Clement Freud, a known paedophile, just so happened to live nearby too.
You are right, there is a big difference. The Maxwell trial isn’t paedophilia, it’s sex offences and sex trafficking. I wouldn’t quite call the girls prostitutes though. They were manipulated, pressured and coerced into sexual activity. They couldn’t exactly refuse with the threat of punishment looming over them, so they were raped.
Something nuanced like TED talks and rational debates. A purely unbiased news coverage where the events of the day are reported, not opined upon. Social Media-wise, I just want a Twitter clone really without the biased algorithms. I definitely do not want it to become an echo chamber like Parler, I want non-political, regular people on there too.
As an Anglican, Welby has been a terribly disappointing Archbishop of Canterbury. It is not his job to speak on behalf of God, but to guide people THROUGH the Word of God.