Only 61% ??
Post a source link or fuck off.
He won’t because it doesn’t matter.
Top keks from kekestan
So we are past the counting of the electoral college. Now what? :)
Wow! That’s a big one too.
Which insurance company?
He probably thought it was a bio-weapon.
Because that’s what he would do.
What happens after you decertify and election?
Asking for a friend.
The attempts on patriot lives is real. Some of us have little ones. Gotta go gray man during times of war.
Get a Divorce
Is Florida Constitutional Carry state now?
Which post?
Does this judge fuck kids too?
So basically the Common Cold.
Send in the national guard
Ivanka just got the vaccine shot.
Trump just said this vaccine was good, yesterday.
What do you guys think about that?
Why fake it?
Why did Trump endorse the vaccine?
Why did Trump recommend we get the injection?