This site and TS are full of bootlicking boomers, I don't know what you expected. When I asked for advice on dealing with an illegal ticket, most of the replies were telling me it's my fault and one faggot told me to "just go with it" because it's "how they get their budget" and I should buy the whole police department lunch. "Lions among sheep" my ass. It's no fucking wonder this country has fallen so far.
Gonna be real, if I have to listen to more cope in 2024 about how getting fucked in the ass without lube is part of the plan, I'm over it. I've been pretty insulated from all the bullshit with Covid and rising prices thanks to my career field and the way it played out but there's people losing everything and struggling to feed their kids. Why? So braindead lefty retards might finally wake up? Fuck 'em.
Are you retarded? You know how many prominent people died of cancer after refusing treatment? How many people die without ever getting any treatment because it's found too late? The treatments they prescribe are not good, for sure, but this is some flat-earth-esque nonsense.
Fuck unity. They can come to my side or eat shit. I'm tired of people trying to compromise with psychopaths who are never satisfied. Any time we "compromise" (read: give up liberties to shut them up) they start foaming at the mouth with the same rabid demands before the ink is even dry. They won't hold up their end (leaving us alone) but we are still beholden to our side of the agreement.
Let's hope not because they fumbled that super hard. Also, Reagan is not the conservative hero he keeps being made out to be. We can thank him for all the crazies on the street (closing asylums), the '86 weapons ban, amnesty for illegals, trickle down economics, and partial credit for skyrocketing college costs.
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