Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Then for no particular reason..." SCOTUS just happened to strip itself of jurisdiction in abortion.

Mcmurdo32 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's easy. Plants are bad for the environment. Obviously.

Mcmurdo32 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes that will help boost population growth.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't they eat bugs naturally though? I would think they'd be suited to digest crickets.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +3 / -1

I do believe God does have a sense of humor. He likes to play around with these little declarations from people.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seems from the comments here that you've all just given up. You are certain that they will steal the election and no one will do anything about it. Yes, they will try. We must combat it. We must make all government and election officials understand that we will not tolerate election fraud and punish those who allow it and those ,such as Zuckerberg, who facilitate it. They must be made to hurt worse from facilitating fraud than any pain they might feel if their guy fails to achieve power. How we accomplish all this, I leave to your brainstorming, but quit dooming. As always, I remind you: They are not going to let you hermitize in the woods. They will take your gold, your 30 day emergency food supply, and your Marijuana. So if you want those things and more, you must fight them.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a strong chance we'll see a resurgence of covidian stupidity. That's what I'm more worried about.

Mcmurdo32 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't believe this thing between Trump and Elon is as unfriendly as it may appear. This does not feel like genuine animosity between the two, but more like friendly chiding. They appear to be on the same side in the political battle for the world. So I don't know if this is some strategy or if it is just what it appears: friendly chiding.

Mcmurdo32 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ok, whoever downvoted me. Go engage in some serious meditation. Do some serious research. Re-evaluate your life. Then when you realize that I am right, come back and meekly apologize. I will then accept your apology accordingly.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

The other way is to start just killing people, which is a sure way to lead to mass pushback. We actually see this in the Netherlands right now as the WEF tries to directly interfere in the masses' ability to obtain food. Fortunately, the masses are rising against it. So reduction in birth rate is a slower way to reduce population, but less likely to get those responsible strung up.

Mcmurdo32 18 points ago +18 / -0

Didn't Q say something about having to clean up the Alphabet agencies before they could pursue these people?

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are correct. Note that I did not actually specify a gender. Although I have never heard of a man suddenly coming down with a headache if his wife comes out in the sexy clothes wanting some, and puppy dog eyes probably don't work for most men, but I can't say these are impossible either.

Mcmurdo32 7 points ago +7 / -0

No. Wives are way more expensive than prostitutes.

Mcmurdo32 8 points ago +10 / -2

This is correct. Sex is one of the main tenets of marriage and should never be withheld or given conditionally. No headaches either. Take an Advil. Besides, you probably get more with puppy dog eyes or some version of that anyways.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope she's ready for the msm and Swamp shitstorm they are about to fire her way. First, she is a major narrative buster, and second, while all she wants to do is represent the interest of the people of her district, in order to do that, she will have to go directly against the Swamp. They will hammer her relentlessly.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

You implied that you know something. So tell the anons what you know and they will take it from there. They are not afraid to vet candidates who claim to be MAGA.

Mcmurdo32 11 points ago +11 / -0

I thought Brussels would be the Globalists' capital. I wonder why they want to build a megacity in the Netherlands?

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