This information has already been presented by Patel Patriot and his Devolution series and by Derek Johnson who has gone through all of the Laws and Orders currently in place that shows Ol' Joe in an imposture and Trump has been the CIC for the last 4 years during to COG. That is why he wears a hat with 45-47 and not 45,47 or 45&47.
You are partly correct. The 2020 stealing of the election was indeed part of the plan and insurrection by the demoncrats on J6, 2021 along with the proven foreign interference in the election allowed Trump to implement the Insurrection Act and we have been in a COG ever sense following the rules as laid out in the Law of War Manual. The arrest have been on going since then as evidenced of the constant flights to Gitmo on a weekly basis.
What did Q always say? You can't tell the people, you have to show them the evil that has infiltrated the western civilizations. The last four years have been three fold:
- to show the people and awaken them to the threat
- to bankrupt the cabal and their banks to destroy the debt slavery system they created via the Federal Reserve.
- to build the backbone of the QFS which is mostly completed right now in preparation of the "golden" age where the US and world return to the gold standard with the new USTN.
Fakebook was taken over by the white hats via EO13848 and EO13818. You are correct, they are prepping for DECLAS.
Don't forget that Zuckerberg was on Epstein Island and that is why he spent $450 million of his own money in 2020 to defeat Trump. He was caught in the sting operation. As Trump said: "We caught them all."
7mg Nicotine patch for 7 days should cause the spike protiens to be flushed out of the body. Add EDTA or other detox regiments to flush the poisons out once the nicotine does its thing.
Please research Dr. Bryan Ardis work on this topic. You can find him on Rumble.
A God great enough to create this world is certainly great enough to create as many other worlds as there are stars.
By the way, who translated the original bible to English? Think they could have changed a few things to appease the Earthly powers of their time?
The proof Trump has was put on display at Mike Lindel's summits. There were a lot of military data guys who gave testimony and disclosed the PCAP capture. It was poo pooed even in the truther community. It had it all from the very beginning.
Lindel's summit was a testing of the waters to see how many of Americans were awake. We failed that test miserably.
It has everything to do with the bio-weapon deployed via the vaccine. It is working as intended. If you think it is bad now, just wait until cold and flu season. All of those who took the shot that was not saline are dead within 2-5 years. You can do the math based on how many took the jab in the past 2 years.
Would you agree that God is the most powerful thing in the Universe? And God = love? Then use the most powerful thing in your arsenal, Him, through prayer to awaken those you love. God can show them what it is that they need to see to awaken. Ask God to help you find the way. I'm certain he will give you the words and the means to be successful.
Cheyenne Mountain.