MoLibertyson 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is such a serious step-back as to be ridiculous.

MoLibertyson 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't disagree with you about anything 2A. But WTF is a sanctuary city if not UnConstitutional? And that's where you are having to pull gorilla teeth to conceal carry. This is a fight in all directions as well as straight up. Stay frosty brother and we win.

MoLibertyson 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://www.freekentucky.com/congressman-massies-500-yard-run-that-is-driving-congress-crazy/ Trying to pass legislation so no state can deny you the ability to protect you and your family IS kickin' the fuck outa some butt.

MoLibertyson 1 point ago +1 / -0


This interview will give you some insights into Mr. Massie. Understand that the wife that recently passed away is in the room during the interview. I've been watching this man since the Tea Party days and I can tell you this is the best statesman we have in our legislation.

MoLibertyson 1 point ago +1 / -0

He knows it time to SHUT IT DOWN. The save act was already passed in the house Schumer will not bring it to the floor in the senate and Biden would veto it any way. The save act won't save an election but boots on the ground and a overwhelming amount of Trump votes will.

Massie is one of very few that I do trust.

MoLibertyson 2 points ago +2 / -0

Massie is a journeyman legislator and an honest man. The language in the bill I haven't read but I know he will keep the 2nd Amendment pure. He's not going to taint the Constitution in any way.

MoLibertyson 9 points ago +9 / -0

Expect Thomas to be very active in congress. He lost his lifelong partner and his children are adults. His only fight left are grandchildren and the Constitution. Thank you Kentucky.

MoLibertyson 4 points ago +4 / -0

Schumer the schemer won't even let it come to the floor in the senate and Biden will kill it anyway. Just wishes is all the save act is. The only way to stop the inbred corruption is to cut off the money. SHUT IT DOWN.

MoLibertyson 3 points ago +4 / -1

What makes a good movie? Likable characters who identify with your experiences and a riveting plot. There you have the election of ALL elections and the man who cares so deeply he put his life on the line we are holding.

MoLibertyson 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rookies are allowed to get some mistakes during their professional education. She is very smart and will figure it out. I have some confidence that the Iowa upbringing will be influential.

MoLibertyson 3 points ago +4 / -1

Because those present are wearing NYFD gear not construction/demolition gear. Which in the timeline puts the image nearer to the collapse. Realizing of course that FD personnel would be onsite until the fires were out. Just lookin' a little closer than just the steel.

MoLibertyson 12 points ago +12 / -0

I hope he has a whole body armor wardrobe. Undies included.

MoLibertyson 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thomas has proved time after time that no one in Congress is his intellectual equal.

MoLibertyson 5 points ago +5 / -0

We need a republican majority without any rino's. Backstabbers won't let any reform occur. Both houses are infested with this vermin. America firsters only.

MoLibertyson 2 points ago +2 / -0

He once again demonstrates audibly why he IS the smartest kid in class.

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