Exempting yourself from paying taxes is easy, you just have to fill out some forms and send them into the irs. Done no more taxes. Look up Brandon Joe Williams on YouTube or go to www.onestupidfuck.com and sign up for his free video course.
*******LANGUAGE WARNING *********
If your thin skinned and can’t handle cussing this guy is not for you!!!!
I feel dumb for even asking this, but I have a buddy trying to get into GAW but none of his browsers will let him access it. I can’t figure it out why. Anyone have any tech tips on his setting or what he would need to do to get in here?
We the people should be going to these city council meetings regularly just to say things that trigger our elected officials to have us removed. Keep the courts tied up with lawsuits against these cities and counties until they understand we have rights or they go bankrupt from their corruption!!
The problem is people like HRC don’t believe they are in the wrong, they feel entitled to do what they do. I say save the money from feeding them for 20 years. As soon as the gavel hits the block with a guilty sentence walk them straight out to the gallows!
They live it they breathe it they eat it for breakfast!!!