MordenGeist 11 points ago +11 / -0

Ditto x2: BK is the absolute closest thing I can take to laxatives if I want a colonic blowout. Awgh, its the fuckin WORST haha.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cool. Often intuition is the more reasonable choice in an unreasonable world.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have to say, not everyone's a complete dumbass like big cities in Cali. Been to Bozeman and Great Falls; Montana peeps are pretty legit.

COULD have been staged, yes, but just as likely that was her intelligent response to the question.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is correct.

As former (24yrs retired AF) Military Flight Safety/AIB for the Air Force, I can offer concurrence with this statement. Not a lot adding up here, especially with a supposed $80m aircraft with Top Secret equipment on board. This site, would/should have been swarmed by Military investigators, Security Forces, and recovery operations within the very same day. Their main task would be to mark and cordon off the wreckage area, keep unauthorized personnel out, and keep the area as much as they found it for the AIB/NTSB board coming. Touch nothing! Note: They would have known exactly where the plane went down thru Mode 5 on the aircraft and the pilot by the ELT in the seat. In non-wartime domestic flying, both of these should be enabled.

AIB (military) would have been convened within an hour and ranking personnel would have been flown in, briefed, and main investigation started within a couple days. Same for the NTSB (Civilian). NO ONE would be allowed in that area other than those with proper clearance levels and not even the NTSB would be allowed in until all Top Secret/ordinance materials were ID'd and removed.

Added to this would be a few questions: Why wasn't the aircraft being tracked by Mode 5? Why didn't the ELT go off? Why didn't the wing-man give exact geo-location for recovery operations to base command immediately? Why did the news of this crash literally ask for public help? All these questions are HIGHLY suspect with regard to answers given...or not given...as the case may be.

I could go on but I dont want to seem boorish, as it gets very "in the weeds". There's a LOT of details missing and a lot of questions not being answered so I'm having a hard time believing this whole episode.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0


At this point in the game, you should be shouting "SHILLS", and, ""LYING SONS A BITCHES!"

Just sayin 🤷

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

If anyone reading this likes McDonalds French fries, I really implore you to look into how/why only certain potatoes are accepted. Then keep reading to find out all the steps required for the "perfect potatoes", then how long they jave to sit in an atmospheric controlled detoxification facility.

So toxic farmers have to wear full haz suits just like in the photo in all stages of growing and harvesting.

I aint even gonna get into the rest of their "foods". Fkin yuck.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly why I despise this wheelchair pirate.

His actions, if any besides talk, are way past any effectiveness that results.

It's like shouting, "oh shit I better hit the brakes!", after you've already had a head-on crash.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said: Dunning Kruger syndrome.

I get so tired of you arm-chair fuckin morons who spout horseshit they saw on Wikipedia.

You're wrong on all counts. Example: if you just take 5 minutes to YouTube cruise missile hits, arm-chair experts like you can easily see they attack from ALL angles depending on target proximity to other obstacles. This means from fully flat trajectories to straight down. I saw this first hand several times while serving, not to mention being AT ACTUAL AIRCRAFT CRASH SITES investigating for the Air Force.

Let's not even bring in the equation sites have been intentionally doctored by gov agencies to mask true incidents and that they've been doing it for decades.

Fuck you and your narcissism, troll.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd probably get banned for my response to him on the platform.

It'd be a simple, "Fag🖕"

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

That vid shows worse blur as the one I gave, only mine had better Frame rate that you could actually gauge size. They're both shit, but one gives more clues.

I didn't refute ( missle) due to its asinine assumptions, hence the dunning-kruger. I don't bother with bullshit, as I have witnessed first-hand a cruise missile both hitting target, and aftermath. Spent most of my 24 years military in the sandbox and know, from experience, what they do. I also wore the hat of Aircraft Mishap Investigator during my time in and nothing about the Pentagon hit adds up.

I noticed you had nothing to say about the Pennsylvania "crash site", either...which also doesn't add up.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

wags finger

Now now, Thomas. You mustn't have the temerity to keep pulling those curtains back so everyone can see the (kkk) wizard...

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe if this was his stance BEFORE over 100 billion already sent, NOT including billions in military hardware, I might cheer him.

It's fucking posturing. Nothing more than posturing and means absolutely jack-shit except to the braindead who can't see this same pattern play out every fucking time.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

In her defense (somewhat), she was taught "world history " by revisionist communists actively changing true world history. She knows only what she was programmed to think without context or real world implications, even though countless examples exist in history and present day. This is reinforced by the idea that, "Well I went to university so am smarter than you" which is typical of over educated (indoctrinated) idiots.

It is what it is, man. Only way she'll change is if reality, metaphorically, shoves a barbed cylinder up her ass to make her rethink her position. Sorry for your loss.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

As much as I loathe speaking with narcississtic people bathing in Dunning-Kruger syndrome, I'm going to throw your own question back at you for shits and giggles:


MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeeeeh the only problem with gators, albeit whimsically funny in this case, is 1) they wander, and 2) cartels would make boots out of them in no time.

I was thinking more 50 yards of mine field, backed by automated miniguns on the first fence line facing Mexico, then a deadzone of 20 yards filled by random Claymores and man-traps, then another fence line but electrically charged.

Figure any MFer gets thru that, they earned citizenship, no questions asked, and a prefilled form to enter the marines.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

They (your bank) dont have a change counter?? Damn, I haven't rolled change in almost 20 years now. I save all my pocket change every day and sort it in different containers. When they all get full I just take them to my credit Union, dump them in the counter, It prints out a ticket when done, I take that to the teller and get my cash.

Last dump was a little over $800 in change.

And yes, First time I did it, I painstakingly counted every penny to make sure the machine wasnt going to rip me off....and came out correct.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Said this for years now. We haven't had true Republicans in a very long time....just a bunch of fuckin losers playing the political game getting rich off Americans.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont think that was Comms, but an honest fat-finger typo from a phone. Nothing on QAlerts comes up with "FO".

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

All this info is still out there if you know where to look. I used Yandex and basically gave the first or second link....several more to choose from if this is something you want to prove to yourself....or break open the box the MSM and government has put you in.

Edit: take it or leave it, I'm not going to convince someone who's already been fooled for so many years. Herein lies the only reply on this.

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