Everything comes down to what the majority BELIEVES as this is how "reality" is generated. The fewer the BELIEVERS in their propaganda, the weaker the cabal gets.
"Questioning everything" is what Q brought to a larger audience, creating a whole new population of "conspiracy theorists". A larger population of Anti-ganda critical thinkers is what was lacking prior to Q.
Agreed and good idea. Keep up the great work and posts!
Great post OP. I could elaborate on many points but I'll keep it brief:
The "start" was the "Harmonic Convergence" which occurred in 1987 (research)
The NDE idea is an interesting angle to investigate. Deeply ponder the following questions: a. Who am I? b. Where am I? c. Why am I here? Look for answers not from your thoughts/mind, but rather intuitive insights to these questions. Is it not our thoughts that ultimately deceive and trick us?
Ask yourself WHAT the "Great Awakening" might really imply? Is it merely "waking up" to the lies, deception and corruption of this world or is there something more to it? Could it be we are asleep to truth/reality?
Consider the Q project as a "wake up call" for the slumbering masses. One of many that have occurred in the past (e.g. JFK assassination, 9/11, 2008 financial collapse, etc.) and those still to come.
I would recommend the work of David Hawkins consciousness scale and that of Rudolf Steiner if you wish to delve deeper into the deeper mysteries of how and why things are the way they are. Also, the post below by "Hing" points to two of the most profound "insider drops" there have ever been, one of which (Hidden_Hand in 2008) was what snapped me out of the "dream state". They're both extremely insightful, condensed explanations of the situation we find ourselves in.
Great post though. I'm encouraged to see the many positive responses in your well-developed observations.
Indigestible anger.
A silver standard would be far more equitable. Something the cabal doesn't want, but what choice would they have if the masses wake up? Answer -> none.
It all comes down to the masses snapping out of the grand illusion of "rulers and followers" as well as "blind trust in authority". There must be a paradigm shift.
Otherwise we get more of the same and it doesn't matter whether it's a gold standard, an oil standard, a basket of currencies, a bushel of wheat, a special purpose vehicle or a fistful of peppercorns. As long as people believe they have "rulers", said rulers will make the rules that will always benefit them and be a detriment to their serfs.
Long it was! The short version is, we don't get sick due to material/physical "things". Being poisoned is direct and immediate - not a "dis-ease".
Well welcome to the 5% club! There aren't many folks that are able to come around to this idea just yet. But hopefully the numbers are growing and I'm quite optimistic that there will be more and more of us as time marches forward!
It's a fair question OP. While my perspective here on GA isn't popular, I'll tell you what you'll likely hear nowhere else for your own consideration. This is going to take some lengthy 'splainin because it's not a simple answer unfortunately.
The following are just all my rough estimates based on people I know and have talked with as well as hearing hundreds of other anecdotal stories over the years. Firstly, regarding the entire population of people who said they've "had Covid", understand that perhaps 10% of those people merely tested positive but otherwise had no symptoms. Another 20-30%-ish odd percent simply had colds or flus and these are the people that said they couldn't really "tell the difference". So this encompasses roughly 30-40% of the population of people who think they "had it" in my estimation.
On the other end of the spectrum are the people who had multiple co-morbidities and were frequently sick with any number of ailments - cancers, cardio-pulmonary issues, kidney/liver related issues as well as recurring lower respiratory dis-eases (e.g. bronchitis, pneumonia, bad coughs, etc.) where it was all but impossible to distinguish between their ongoing symptoms from the so-called effects of "Covid". I'd estimate that this group represents perhaps another 10-20% of the so-called "cases".
That leaves us with the middle group, like yourself, that felt they had a unique dis-ease unlike anything they'd had before. My experience is that this group represents roughly half of all people I've talked to or consulted with which made this such a perplexing phenomenon.
In my extended family, 4 out of 20 fall into this 50% category. And even more interestingly, 2 of the 20 felt like they came down with "Covid-like symptoms" in the fall of 2019, many months before all the hype started. I found this particularly illuminating. Both reported essentially being knocked over with little or no energy, unable to do anything but rest, with almost no appetite for nearly a week. Both also reported no real fever, just general body aches and malaise like they'd never experienced before. And it's also noteworthy that 10 of these 20 were children and none of them have had Covid, despite at least one of their parents having it. In one case, both parents at roughly the same time.
It's also worth noting that the ORIGINAL Covid symptoms reported by the media for the majority of 2020 were these five; dry cough, hypoxia, poor appetite, energy drain and general malaise. Lack of a sense of taste/smell did not start to become a symptom until 2021 as I recall - at least not widespread. And interestingly, it was the supposed hypoxia symptom that prompted the widespread use of the ventilators in the first 6 months of 2020.
After the exposure of the 80-90% fatality rate of the people put on ventilators, suddenly the hypoxia symptoms stopped being mentioned if you recall. Even though this was all the rage in the beginning and essentially the metric the healthcare establishment was using to distinguish Covid from flus and other respiratory dis-eases presenting with similar symptoms. If you can recall back to that time you'll note a correlation between the period of time the PCR tests became widely distributed and the dropping away of the hypoxia symptom. An interesting "coincidence" IMHO.
Out of my 4 family members that believe they "had Covid", all got sick in 2021 and only one of the four said they completely lost their sense of taste/smell and one said they sort of lost it during the height of their nasal/sinus congestion which is common with flus and respiratory ailments. So kind of 50/50 in my direct experience with family. But really only one said they lost their sense of taste/smell while otherwise having clear nasal/sinus passages.
Further, of all the people I've talked with who claimed they had Covid, no two people had identical, or frankly even similar symptoms other than the general lack of energy and poor appetite (feeling sick). I know several people who thought they had it for only a day or two at most, while others who claim it lasted for a month or two, and everything in between. And out of this group, the more recent they claim to have had Covid, the more likely they were to report loss of taste/smell (2022/2023 cases).
With all of that as background, I'll next add that I did a massive amount of research and investigation into the existence of so called boogeyman-viruses beginning in 2020 to date. By early 2021 I became fully convinced that not only was there no proof of any SARS-COV2 "coronavirus", but in fact there isn't even a sliver of proof that any boogeyman-virus of any kind has ever been proven to exist. The entire germ theory paradigm is a lie from beginning to end.
So next we have the "bioweapon" question. While certainly viable as a possibility, this is a situation that's impossible to prove or disprove in my opinion. From a purely scientific standpoint, it makes absolutely no sense that people and families that spend a great deal of time together could have only one or some of the family members get sick while others didn't.
If the bioweapon idea was viable, we should see large groups of people all within the same vicinity, or exposed to the same water/air/food supply getting sick all around the same time - presumably whenever the bioweapon was deployed, be it family members sharing the same home/water/food/air and/or co-workers of schoolmates spending 6-8 hours a day together.
That family members would come down with Covid months and even years apart makes no sense in this context, and yet this was more the norm than the exception for people I've talked with. In only three instances out of many dozens I'm aware of, did both the husband and wife have it at or around the same time. And I should further add, I'm aware of only 2 children under the age of 18 who ever "got Covid", as opposed to dozens of adults I know.
All of these epidemiological observations combined with the fact that nobody has even suggested any actual causal chemical/agent that could trigger the range of Covid symptoms leads me to conclude that this is not the answer either. And besides, a bioweapon implies a "poisoning" event in my estimation as well, so the effects would be immediate and unmistakable, much like a large group food poisoning event.
But I do agree there was definitely a "new dis-ease" for roughly half the population. So if it isn't a virus nor a bioweapon, what could it be?
My hypothesis for risk factors is potentially any one of the following alone but more than likely a combination of two or more that make somebody more susceptible than others to coming down with this thing we call "Covid".
At the top of that list are people who are generally unhealthy as a whole, sick with one or more ailments that they cannot shake off. Second on the list are people who lead overactive, stressful, always-on-the-go lives with little or no downtime on their schedules - hyper-active from dusk til dawn. Third on the list are people who do not get an adequate amount of good REM sleep - 6-8 hours on the regular. Fourth on my list are people who do not get outdoors and spend quality time in nature on a regular basis. And fifth on the list are people who are roughly +20% overweight/obese and tend to get very little quality exercise.
In a nutshell, people whose body/mind/soul are overworked/overtaxed/overstimulated, either by their schedules or their lack of attention to the health of their overall state of being.
These are what I call the primary "Covid risk factors". In a nutshell, people who are "out of rhythm" with the natural order of life for any number of reasons - namely a balanced lifestyle that includes work, play, normal exercise coupled with adequate rest. And it's worth noting that the times we are in demand greater periods of rest I might add.
In combination with the above risk factors are two additional factors that can trigger "Covid". The first is a deep-seated, repressed trauma that has been buried for many years that needs to be released. And the second is a heightened state of fear/worry/concern over "catching Covid" and/or about other things going on in their lives.
In my experience and based on my observations, those least likely to "get Covid" tend to be those who are more at ease, more reposeful, more relaxed in general. As an example, I know of only 2 friends who said they "got Covid" who have a regular meditation practice. One in particular frequently feels anxious and overly stressed about any number of things in her life, despite her saying she sticks to her regular meditation schedule. I can think of at least two dozen regular meditators who never got Covid as far as I'm aware. I mention this simply to point out that there's no "one thing alone" that can guarantee someone won't get it, but this is the one thing I recommend above all else. Secondarily would be ensuring a quality night of sleep.
So what is "Covid"? I'm more convinced then ever that this dis-ease is the result of an energetic shift taking place in all of humanity. In Q speak, you could call it a shift "from dark to light". The "dark" is being eradicated to make room for greater amounts of "light" from here on out. Further, this process comes in "waves" if you will. You can think of this process as literal ocean waves of light being infused onto the planet in regular cycles - some waves bigger than others.
These light infusions are the reason and cause for the "Great Awakening" that is undoubtedly underway as humanity has been plunged in darkness for many centuries now.
When said darkness becomes "exposed" to the light, it is then "released", having no true existence in reality, but rather existing only as a shadow in the absence of light.
And it is this releasing of the darkness process that can be more gracefully handled by the body when there are ample periods of rest/relaxation/repose in one's schedule, in combination with healthy, normal REM sleep. It is in these periods that the releasing of darkness is able to occur without "sickness" happening.
And finally, as to the loss of taste and smell symptom, I would suggest that the hardest work our body does each day is digesting food. It requires the greatest amount of energy expenditure for most people, excluding robust exercise of course. Thus, curtailment of the smell/taste sense causes the individual to want to eat less, thus not taxing your energy resources enabling this release of darkness.
Whew, that's a lot to explain! It's a heckuva lot easier to just pin it all on a non-existent boogeyman-viruses or ambiguous bioweapons...I'll give you that!
So in sum, I agree "Covid" is indeed a new dis-ease experience for humanity and roughly half the population has likely come down with it to date. There's no denying it and it's unreasonable to conclude that it was really "just a bad flu" as the symptoms simply don't line up. But I will say that the flu is similar in the sense that it is a "purging event" of sorts, but not to the degree or depth that Covid is going.
So in that sense, they are alike; Covid being more of an "energetic/emotional purge" and influenza being a more routine physical/material purge of sorts.
And this makes a lot of sense when you think about how flus typically fall in the 24/48/72-hour timeframe. I've never heard of anybody who had "the flu" for longer than 4 or 5 days frankly. While for some people, Covid lasted for a month or longer, even beyond a year for some people in extreme cases (long Covid).
In a nutshell, I believe Covid is really a "light upgrade" that is most gracefully handled by those living a balanced lifestyle which revolves around a natural daily rhythm.
I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on my hypothesis. I'd say less than 5% I explain it to agree with me so no hard feelings. :)
The evidence goes back to the origination of these organizations which were all founded to protect the cabal from the populace.
We aren't going to make any real progress until this is understood. The idea that things only started going sideways since Obama or Clinton or Bush or JFK assassination, blah blah blah circumvents a full understanding of the situation we find ourselves in.
We don't need "rulers". They need us....since time immemorial. This is what humanity at large is slowly waking up to!
Good post. I've been working on understanding this phenomenon for a good 6 years now. I've arrived at the following basic tenets as to how things are pulled off:
- Herd Mentality (being accepted by the majority "in group")
- Blind acceptance and belief in authority ("experts" know what's right/wrong)
- Belief imprinting (our first belief about a topic tends to stick and is hard to shake off -> "it's easier to fool somebody than convince them they've been fooled".
- The majority opinion is the correct opinion
- Too many people would have to be "in on the lie/deception" for it to be a lie
- Beliefs are masquerading as truths
- It's best to "go along to get along" in life
Combine these ideas and you will see all are covered by the mainstream media/entertainment/academic complexes. Their "experts" are selling the populace a cavalcade of BELIEFS that they're passing off as normal, natural, unimpeachable, irrefutable, undeniable TRUTHS. You've got to be a grade A nutjob or conspiracy theorist to question their conclusions.
The institutions are captured and their ordained "leaders" are themselves, fully brainwashed through these same mechanisms. Anybody who questions the orthodox ideas is weeded out, discouraged or expelled from the collective institutional paradigm long before they have a chance to reach a position of leadership.
The fundamental problem we have is the blind leading the blind. And questioning the orthodoxy damages one's reputation, earning potential, "club membership" not to mention severely damages one's position in societal and relationship circles.
Thus we can conclude, life is apparently much easier all the way around if you choose not to think for yourself but instead accept the apparently dominant paradigm as arrived at via the ordained experts and authorities.
SD Bullion is the cheapest, most reputable online usually. You could also try Miles Franklin as a lower-cost alternative. Highly reputable but it's a phone order only, they don't have a retail website up yet. You'll pay more per ounce (higher premiums) normally at your local coin shop (LCS). But if you buy less than $10K worth at your LCS, there's no paper trail. At this stage of the game though, your LCS might not even have $10K worth of silver to sell. Presumably they'd have gold at that level however.
- United States of America is the "union" formed by the separate states
- the United States of America (little "t") refers to the same union of states
- The Unites States of America {Inc.} (BIG "T") refers to the corporation (trust) formed by the British territorial "government" that owns and operates the district of Columbia
- UNITED STATES is a separate corporation (trust) owned by the Vatican that operates local/city/county "Municipal" government agencies
- Florida state or New York state or "Texas state" refers to a geographical land designation region (albeit artificial in reality)
- "State of Florida/The State of Florida" is a "State of state private corporation owned and operated by the British territorial government
Semantic deceit is how the game is played.
Hmmm, that opening sentence sure looks like a direct attack to me. Seems like unfair play any way you slice it. Very disappointing...GA dies a little more each day it seems.
I guess it's probably time for me to move on as the establishment defenders around here are promoted more than ever before in recent times.
It's a fairy tale to be precise!
FYI - Poornima Wagh has some sketchy, unproven credentials. While what she had to say was sound and logical, when pressed for evidence of her many claimed PhD degrees, she became defensive, provided no additional evidence and quickly vanished from the scene never to be heard from again as far as I'm aware.
I thought we weren't supposed to discuss this topic on GA? Wasn't that the deal we all agreed to honor?
This is precisely what has happened, to all of us. The "State National" title is false however. Correctly stated, you would be a "State Citizen", as in a "Florida state citizen", as all 50 states, like the "California state", "New York state", etc. are individual "nations" unto themselves. However, the "State of California" and "State of New York" are corp-orations (talking corpses), aka "fictional/dead entities" just as is USA, Inc.
God created man -> Man created government -> government created policies (statutes/acts/codes/decrees) -> the corporate government created the corporate title "U.S. citizen" under the 14th amendment providing "privileges and benefits" of their choosing that fall far short of our natural rights.
Maxim of Law: "He who creates controls".
We were all deceived into surrendering our natural rights under this scheme. It was voluntary on our part, being ignorant of the true law. Thus, we placed ourselves into voluntary servitude to the corporate franchise known as USA, Inc.
And that pretty much explains everything we see today in a tidy nutshell.
Saul Alinsky -> "Rules for Radicals"
You felt attacked/soiled. The separation conflict is only for the first kid who misses his/her mom. All the chicken pox party kids get the attack/soiled conflict.
A lifetime of brainwashing doesn't get wiped away in a day.
Boogeymen-viruses don't exist. Germ theory is a hoax. It's all propaganda to instill fear in the sheeples.
All dis-eases begin in the mind, not merely the pseudo-infectious kind. From cancer, heart dis-ease, diabetes, auto-immune poppycock dis-eases, right down to the common cold or flu. All the same. Matter follows mind in all facets of life.
A separation conflict. Typically, when a child is separated from the mother for extended periods of time, which is why typically kindergarteners and first graders get it. A chicken pox party situation is an "attack or feeling soiled/dirtied conflict" situation, which is the same cause of adult shingles. They are one and the same.
This will be the start of the "Great Awakening" - when people start to realize it has always been about the "masters" enslaving their serfs. The United States of America had a brief window of true sovereignty in the 1790 - 1860 time frame where it was truly "the land of the free and home of the brave".
Officially, from 1865 to today however, all "federal government" activities, agencies, organizations, etc. have been for the singular purpose of re-enslaving we-the-people. This, in concert with their secret "public-private" relationships with all major institutions - media, legal, medical, academia, etc.
The lying and corruption didn't just start in 2020, or 2016, or 2010, or 2008, or 2001, or 1989, or 1963, or 1941, or 1929, or 1913, etc. It's been going on since time immemorial in all places around the world.
We've been lied to about everything we can't easily verify for ourselves that gives the cabal an advantage over us, primarily for the purpose of causing feelings of fear and judgment. Because when we entertain these base emotions, we feel powerless and instinctively give our power to "them", our psuedo-protectors. And this is how they are able to "rule over" the ignorant masses.
We're worlds apart if you think you're reading "scientific papers". I've read thousands of pseudo-scientific papers - almost never seen an actual scientific paper. The overwhelming majority are filled with poppycock, hogwash and insanity.
I'll bet you can't produce a single one that is a truly "scientific paper" that follows the actual scientific method. Not a one. I can assure you none exist in the realm of "germ theory", ala "contagion" experiments with boogeyman-viruses/bacteria/fungi.
We don't prepare food after pooping without washing our hands first.
Because our feces is filled with toxins and waste. Has nothing to do with parasites.
Experiments prove how parasites come into humans and animals and how they spread.
Can you produce one that follows the scientific method? It needs to state an hypothesis, define an independent variable and perform control experiments that attempt to disprove the hypothesis. No "injections" allowed either.
If it doesn't include these 3 things, clearly stated, outlined and demonstrated in the "Methods" section of the paper, then it ain't a "scientific paper". It's a pseudo-scientific paper by definition. Which is 100% of the "germ theory" papers.
And said experiment should have been repeated many times by different experimenters as well to verify its validity in order to qualify as irrefutable. The stories of researchers trying to make a name for themselves by falsifying data to produce a result to gain attention, notoriety, money and grants are legion.
I'm all for "science". Unfortunately, almost nobody has been doing any real science in the "soft science" realm for well over 100 years now. And of course, it's never been done in the fraudulent field of "germ theory". Why? Because all the SCIENCE failed miserably to prove pathogenicity and contagion 100+ years ago. Koch's Postulates = 100% failure rate!!
Is it any wonder? Ghislane Maxwell's dad, Robert Maxwell, cornered the entire scientific and medical publishing industry 70-odd years ago (Elsevier), in addition to his near-monopoly on British tabloid newspapers ta boot!!! If you think his goal was to ensure truth, honesty, integrity and the best for humanity, I've got some very bad news for you....
Okay, I'm all ears. Tell me how you "witnessed" and "experienced" the alleged curvature of the earth.
I don't BELIEVE anything. You are the BELIEVER in things.
This seems to be the MASSIVE problem globe BELIEVERS have with coming to terms with reality.
I have SEEN and therefore EXPERIENCED that there is no "earth curvature".
You BELIEVE there is earth curvature. You have neither SEEN nor EXPERIENCED a curved earth.
The true meaning of the word "Knowing" is "Experiencing". But the meaning of this word, like so many others, has been altered, changed, and watered-down to the point that has almost no meaning in actual REALITY today.
Further, the word "Belief" is its own word for a very specific reason. Because beliefs are neither true nor false, they're simply BELIEFS. People love to argue about "true beliefs" and "false beliefs", but in reality, a "true belief" would be a FACT, a TRUTH - no need to tack on the word "belief". And all truths are self-evident.
There is so much evidence online today of boats, oil rigs, windmills, etc. that people have zoomed into with their P900s, that it's beyond proven. Thousands upon thousands of examples. They've zoomed into things 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, even 25 miles away when atmospheric conditions allow for such distances (which is rare).
But I get it, you don't BELIEVE me, therefore you won't look into it for yourself because it makes you uncomfortable to have your BELIEFS challenged. See how this works?
The globe is an obvious lie once you look into it. There are now literally hundreds of proofs that the area we are aware of (6 continents, 4 oceans) is on a flat plane. And yet we can't find a SINGLE proof that shows the earth is curved, is in motion, nor is traveling through a vacuum. Turns out this all the stuff of BELIEFS alone. In reality, these two facts should be reversed. There should be hundreds of proofs of the globe by now. And yet there are none.
And rather than you try to argue with me about what you BELIEVE is a proof of the globe, you can go win yourself 3 bitcoin ($80,000 bucks) and simultaneously DESTROY the entire flat-earth movement all in one fell swoop for your efforts. Because we've been looking for just one, itsy bitsy, teeny-weeny proof of the globe for over 5 years now. If somebody could deliver it, we'd all admit our error and go back to being globers. But surprisingly, nobody can deliver on such a proof. No astrophysicists, NASA employees, cosmologists, or anybody else has yet stepped up to claim the prize, which was once worth almost $200K last year when bitcoin was peaking around $68K.
Things that make you go hmmmmm, eh?
Why the BIG LIE (which are always the easiest to pull off - the bigger the lie, the easier it is pass off as legit). Because the entities in control of this realm don't want you to know who you are. That's why.
And don't forget, it's easier to fool somebody than to convince them they've been fooled.
I researched for over a year before I finally conceded to flat earth. I was 100% fooled, like everybody else. And I wasn't happy when I finally learned the truth either. I was angry and upset and couldn't understand why they would tell us such a lie in the beginning.
The only thing we can say for sure is what DIDN'T cause this. /s
Hey, great stuff. I'm familiar with "Guide for the Perplexd" but hand' heard of Capfra. I'll check that out!
Good luck to you too. Sounds like you're on the trail toward realization!
Doesn't even look like the same person to me...