Can't wait 'til the left become the targets....
Well God knows she's not using it at the beauty parlor.
And so do we....
Would make for a good POA....
I do believe the ol' FAFO is appropriate here....
Meth head who was convicted with an assault with a deadly weapon two years ago.
And take his low-life wife with him as well:
This tranny obviously went against his own woke church's beliefs:
We must stand up to and speak out against Christian nationalism, especially when it inspires acts of violence and intimidation—including vandalism, bomb threats, arson, hate crimes, and attacks on houses of worship—against religious communities at home and abroad.
Or is this tranny also a trainee.....
They obviously need more practice.....
If/when Trump gets to pick a new Judge for the SCOTUS, he better make damn sure it's a true conservative who has balls this time!
In more ways than two....
WTF was he thinking with her?
Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney.
Surprise, Surprise.
That cunt is getting to be as liberal as that fuckin' roberts!
What is that thing again?
Democrats will never win another election again.
You spelled steal wrong...
You spelled alive wrong...
You spelled martyr wrong...
Dimocraps aren't really into that lifting districts out of poverty thing.
Just enough to survive, but not enough to thrive....
And this is what the term "lipstick on a pig* is referring to....
They're actually worse than that....
I'm not from the Houston area and I've known that for years...
Or behead you...
Ummm...It's fake!
So the price of hockey sticks and maple sugar candy will go up?
Oh no......
That's right masta....keep voting dimocrap as it's been working out so well for them for the past hundred years or so...
Cause he was picked up on foreign soil.