Just speak in an even more foreign tongue to deal with this BS.
Perhaps you'll be passed onto an American citizen who speaks fluent English after a few minutes of speaking gibberish...
I was never good with most poetry, and unfortunately this isn't going to help.
With that said, it is beautiful.....I think....
I'm with you.
His smirks and shady smiles when he reads his cue cards just ain't doing it for me....
That's what I figured.
No different than all the others regardless of how legit they are...
Don't forget the ice cream in her new fridge/freezer...
Doe's Roger Waters have a twin?
She had the mettle, but still got her ass kicked....
I'll believe it when I see it.
And if/when I see it I'll more than likely still not believe it...
Event 201.
Nuff said...
Something is rotten.
In Denmark...
Lot's of people are sheep and can't tell shit from putty...
So I have to enter my email/password to continue reading?
Umm....no thanks.
Shouldn't "we the people" get some frequent flyer points when all these corrupt fuckers fly around at our expense?
Private or not.....
Is Chinka going to buy up all that lumber I'd assume?
Is this one of those spontaneous purchases or are you trying to quit smoking?
Why doesn't these operation mockingbirds ever mention the United States biggest (global) terrorists?
The C-LIE-A........
And they use tons of fossil fuels and oil to make and maintain...
Carter's passing was a reminder for me to go buy an extension for my flag pole...
They should all receive the metal of free dumb....
Perhaps this is why jim stone has been married 5 times.
How many times are you going to copy/paste this drivel on the same thread?
How many times are you going to copy/paste this drivel on the same thread?