Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey checkout the link provided above at docdroid.net. You have a fungal infection. That is why you are craving sugar so badly. There is an easy and very affordable protocol you can follow to eliminate the infection. Good luck!

Myjunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fun fact: During the peak of Castro's rule in Cuba, my Cuban friend and her family faced a dangerous situation. Her father, who owned an airline in Cuba, refused to fly Castro and his allies. As a result, one of her father's associates was brutally murdered as a warning. Her father and the head of Goya at the time were friends. Fortunately, with the help of Goya, they managed to escape the country on a Goya ship, hiding in the ship's hull amidst the trash. After years of uncertainty, they were finally reunited with her father, who had stayed behind but promised to find them. Apparently this incident can be found in some history books. Clearly this is a great company.

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes! Several people including my husband have been very sick. His turned into a pretty nasty infection and an ear infection. I never got sick. For those of you who wonder why I have not been sick, 10,000 IU of Vitamin D a Day for the last 4 years. When he started getting sick I dosed up to 20,000 for a few days. My numbers are beautiful! IT WORKS! Btw, I am also unvaxxed.

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

When utilized appropriately, technology can bring about tremendous benefits. However, when mishandled, it has the potential to pose a grave threat to humanity. I harbor doubts about our capacity as human beings to consistently employ technology in the correct manner.

Myjunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did y’all notice he sniffed the child at the end? What is up with him sniffing kids?

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could he have been trying to save himself by getting the info out to the public before he was killed? I don’t know when the interview was done. Could Bannon’s life had been threatened if he released it?

Myjunk 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Ladies here are already fed up. We are not the ones you have to preach too!

Myjunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Beck certainly contributed to funding OUR, but he is not a billionaire. This information was clarified during his interview with Tim on Glenn's podcast on July 3rd.

Myjunk 15 points ago +15 / -0

Glenn Beck conducted a comprehensive interview with Tim Ballard for the movie, which took place on July 3rd. You can listen to it free of charge via Apple Podcast or any other Podcast platform that carry’s Beck. During the interview, they discussed the remarkable support from Glenn Beck and his audience, who generously funded one of Ballard's operations. It's worth noting that Glenn and Tim share a strong bond of friendship. Hence, your argument against Glenn is entirely unfounded.

Regarding the Pope, his integrity is compromised. He is entangled in the very issues that plague him, along with the Catholic Church, or rather, the Vatican. Pope John Paul highlighted in his book how the Vatican was succumbing to external influences. Moreover, historical evidence abundantly exposes the Catholic Church's involvement in funding Nazi Germany. Given this wealth of information, should it truly come as a surprise?

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was raised Christian and never once was the scripture in Leviticus used to caution against getting tattoos. Using an Old Testament passage as a proof text to regulate activities in the New Testament Christian Age requires caution. The Law of Moses, which no longer applies today, was nailed to the cross and is not the current standard.

It's worth noting that the same chapter that forbids marking one's body also includes instructions about animal sacrifices, leaving portions of crops unharvested, avoiding mixed seeds in fields, and wearing garments made of different fabrics. If we only enforce one of these restrictions, are we being fair? The context of Leviticus 19:27-28 is about avoiding heathen practices and things associated with idolatry, where "cutting the flesh" is mentioned. For example, in 1 Kings 18:28, the prophets of Baal cut themselves in an attempt to get a response from their god. Archeological evidence shows that some Canaanites tattooed themselves with names or symbols of their favorite gods. God is likely prohibiting idolatry, not the modern practice of tattoos, in His injunction against cutting the flesh. Please consider the entire context of the scriptures instead of drawing conclusions based on one verse.

The Bible of course is open to translation. As someone already pointed out here, it is NOT for individuals to judge, Only God is able to justly do this. And let’s be serious for a minute, tattoos are the least of our worries at this point.

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone know if it is an MRNA Vaccine? I haven’t looked into it yet.

Myjunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would like to contribute some additional information to this discussion. Please understand that I hold a strong opposition to all vaccines due to a personal incident I experienced when I was 12, which nearly resulted in my death (Tetanus). I want to clarify that I am not contradicting the statements made by Steve Kirsch; rather, I am providing some further insights.

I have a close friend who was raised in an Amish family, and her family continues to maintain their Amish lifestyle. I had the opportunity to discuss and share the video in question with her when it was circulating previously. According to her, while it is true that most Amish people do not vaccinate, it's important to note that they typically refrain from seeking medical assistance unless their condition is extremely severe. In cases of ailments such as Autism, the Amish community tends to attribute it to possession by a malevolent spirit or Demon. My friend herself was labeled as such due to her struggles with depression. Consequently, a child exhibiting symptoms of Autism would be subjected to rigorous methods aimed at expelling the perceived entity from their body. It is unlikely that they would seek professional medical help for such conditions, as Autism and ADHD are generally not discussed or well-understood within the Amish community.

Furthermore, it may come as a surprise to many, but numerous Amish communities have practitioners known as "witch doctors" called Brauche or Pow Wow Doctors. In instances where a community lacks such a practitioner, families may travel to seek their assistance if a situation becomes dire. This revelation was particularly shocking to me when my friend shared it.

Considering the unique characteristics of the Amish community, it would not be surprising for the US Government to have conducted studies or collected data pertaining to them.

Myjunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes! You are correct & JP Morgan (Dimon) is involved as well.

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I completely agree. Over the course of two decades, I have faithfully followed his journey and have even had the opportunity to attend his exhibitions. Through personal interactions and firsthand experiences, I can confidently assert that he is genuinely authentic. It's disheartening to witness individuals from various perspectives attempting to discredit his testimonies. However, rather than blindly accepting my testimony, I encourage everyone to conduct their own thorough research.

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree too. I totally believe that there are a crap ton of bad corporations out there funding bad stuff, but at the end of the day, I know not ALL of them are. I think we need to be balanced with this stuff instead of always assuming the worst, but also not being complacent.

Myjunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would be beautiful if it backfired miserably on them. Imagine families actually talking with each other, playing games, eating dinner together, friends doing the same. I just hope this happens and not people freaking out.

Myjunk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I decided to dig into this case, mostly so I could prove my BFF wrong. On the very first page it states that she had zero issues serving customers no matter what their sexual orientation. The only issue was that she wanted to start designing Wedding Websites and would not design an LGBTQ site because it would go against her beliefs. She was not discriminating. I told my BFF that the court was upholding the law as it is written to protect religious freedom. And as a side note there are zero federal laws protecting sexual orientation.

Before I provided that info to my BFF she stated that the Supreme Court was taking us back 100 years. Because all she had heard to that point was that the woman would not service anyone from the LGBTQ community. I am happy to report that my BFF has changed her tune now that she has the FACTS!

Myjunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn’t someone debunk this tape as fake? Although who are we gonna believe at this point. I guess if they say it is fake we know it is real! And does anybody else want Facebook to fall as bad a so do???

Myjunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I have both of those but I was looking for the direct links to the WEF so my friend could look for themselves. I appreciate it.

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