Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

LOL. Too bad Liz. SO sad, YOU and the rest of the criminals in the Cabal -- who you keep pretending are, collectively, "Democracy" -- are all going down, and soon.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mail-in voting is one of the biggest reasons the conservative West Coast states (remember Reagan getting elected to the California governor's office TWICE?) became woke Blue-state nightmares.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, and I think it'll be more than just "some."

And then there's the Medical Mafia telling these poor souls after diagnosis that they can only choose to either take the toxic "Cut, Poison, and Burn" approach OR DIE.

Imagine hearing something like that from your doctor. In that situation, most people -- not surprisingly -- submit to the Establishment approach.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Too teeth-grittingly distorted for me to finish reading, but what I did read was a reminder of how f'd up today's "liberal" minds are and how genuinely terrified everyone complicit or worse in the destruction of America and of Western Civilization is as well.

The title makes it clear all by itself: Trump back in the White House, restoring America's prosperity and sanity, cutting crime, reinstating border protections, attacking the massive Crimes Against Children and Human Trafficking problems, keeping America out of new wars and ending today's conflicts, replacing Soros pro-crime prosecutors with honest public servants, and returning American law enforcement -- from the beat cop to the FBI, DOJ, and other agencies, to the Supreme Court -- to being a shield for the public against crime instead of (in too many cases) a criminal enterprise itself -- THAT is an "Unimaginable Horror" to modern "liberals" and those they get their marching orders, talking points, and paychecks from.

They are desperate to have the public feel the same way. Many do -- but not enough. Not by a long shot.

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

So, every time a Liberal policy is implemented, then.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Non-advice commentary from a non-doctor:

Oxidized (i.e., rancid) cholesterol is bad for you, "fresh" cholesterol is needed for important processes in the body.

Cholesterol helps with several functions in the body. It circulates throughout the body in the blood and is found in every cell.

The body uses cholesterol to:

  • help build new tissue and repair damage to existing tissue
  • produce steroid hormones, including estrogen
  • help create bile in the liver
  • aides in production of vitamin D

To help reduce the level of oxidized fats (including about 60% of your brain) and cholesterol, take anti-oxidants such as Alpha- or R-Lipoic Acid, grape seed extract, vitamin C (needed to help cholesterol do what it does -- and maybe add some ascorbyl palmitate, a fat-soluble form of C), and others, and eat foods (and take supplements) that boost your body's production of glutathione and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) -- and moderate your intake of oxidized and oxidizing foods like packaged ground meat, fried foods, and seed oils (other than organic virgin olive and coconut oil, Butter and Ghee from grass-fed cows or goats, and organic animal fats, darn few "cooking oils" aren't nightmares for your health.

Bad oils (per Dr. Hymam; see below) include especially non-organic soybean oil, ANY type of Canola oil, and even sunflower, safflower, corn oil, Palm oil, Peanut oil, butter substitutes, anything "hydrogenated" ("it's poison" says Dr. Mark Hyman).

See Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?" by Dr. Hyman for more commentary.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pretty nice summary of the problems with EVs in the story. A snippet:

The key issues with EVs are as follows.

The cost upfront is much higher.

Financing charges are higher.

They depreciate at a higher rate than internal combustion cars.

The insurance is more expensive, by at least 25 percent.

Repairs are much more expensive, if you can get them done at all, and take longer.

Tires are more expensive and don’t last as long because the car is so heavy.

Refueling is not easy and missteps here can have nightmarish consequences.

They are more likely to catch fire.

Any motor vehicle accident that impacts the battery can lead to repairs higher than the value of the car, that is totaled with so much as a scratch.

To top it all over, there is no longer any financial advantage to the driver. It now costs slightly more to charge under many conditions than to refuel with gasoline.

The novelty of driving one for a day wears off after the first day. At first they seem like the greatest thing that ever happened, like an iPhone with wheels. That’s great but then the problems crop up and people start to realize that they are fine for urban commutes with home chargers and not much else.

They make truly terrible rentals. Obviously, under rental conditions, people have to use charging stations rather than a charger in the garage. That means spending part of your vacation figuring out where to find one.

Not all are superchargers, and if it is a regular charger, you are looking at an overnight wait. If you do find a station with fast chargers, you might have to wait in line. They might not work. You waste hours doing this. And you likely have to reroute your trip even to find a station without any certainty that you will get a spot with a functioning charger.

No one wants to do this. When you rent a car, all you want is a car that goes the distance. And typically car rentals are for going some distance else you would just take a taxi or a Lyft from the airport. You might need to drive several hours. And god forbid that this takes place in cold weather because that can reduce your mileage by half. Your whole trip will be ruined.

Why in the world would anyone want to rent one of these things rather than a gas-powered car? You might be better off with a horse and carriage.

Did Hertz think of any of this before they spent $250M on a fleet? Nope. They were just doing the fashionable thing.


Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blackmail and other intimidation, Big $ bribery, and a Dem / Woke machine making sure they'll get re-elected if they play ball (or NOT if they don't) clearly have more weight for these cockroaches than love of country, honest behavior, and concern for their constituents. But Trump is coming, and Hell's coming with him for these people.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Deep dives:



In both links above, see the "Nutrients" section for a good number of supplements known to be effective.

Personal story:

Maybe 35 years ago, my SIS was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She was already having trouble doing the office work her job required, and the Dr told her she would eventually be unable to use her hands for much of anything. NOTHING could be done to prevent that.

I suggested she look into SAMe, Glucosamine and Chondroitin (often encapsulated together), and curcumin.

She decided to take SAMe and nothing else. (She's still not interested in taking more than a small handful of supplements). Her arthritis problems went away quickly and her hands are STILL functional and showing no signs of arthritis.

I hope you and your father both find relief from your joint problems.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right-on with the description.

That pie in the sky never materializes.

THAT's maybe the best line about Communism I've ever seen. It leaves out the mass-murder and starvation but THOSE things are too much for the Normie mind to hear; pointing out their "Everything will be FREE!" fantasy won't materialize is, I think, much more effective.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The other type of "real commies" you might be talking about -- the True Believer rank and file, the "useful idiots" and others who actually think Communism is GOOD and go along with it and even help promote it despite the obvious truth that full Communism would impoverish or kill them -- are the ones whose particular emotional make-up and circumstances predispose them to yes, being manipulated like that.

I turned my comment into a longer post, btw:


Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "real commies" -- if by that you mean those at the top -- are sociopaths and psychopaths (who have frontal lobe dysfunction from serious repression, and frontal lobe deficits from genetics or physical damage, respectively) who have little or no sense of connection to others, no real empathy, and who see the world in a very different way than normal human beings.

Imagine being driven insane by lifelong solitary confinement ("no sense of connection to others") in addition to having been treated without respect or otherwise abused early in life.

You'd want something, ANYTHING, to cover up what that all felt like and to replace the utter lack of meaning your life had.

POWER. MONEY. CONTROL. The ability to cause PAIN to others with impunity. The feeling of being BETTER THAN NORMAL PEOPLE.

Those are the types of things that psychopaths and sociopaths crave, live for, and seek more than anything else.

Read The Black Book of Communism: Crime, Terror, Repression (by a group of mostly-Marxist lefties, not conservatives) and you'll see what I mean. Or if you don't read it (almost no one does, and it's $67 at Amazon), just meditate on the title. EVERY Communist nation has been a nightmare of torture, mass-murder, constant repression, and intentionally imposed poverty on the masses, with the wealth going to those at the top.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby, and I smoked a LOT of WEED, self-medicating my childhood trauma away.

Prenatal trauma is actually a VERY big deal, for what should be obvious reasons:

“In science as in life, it is well known that a chain of events can have a point of crisis that could magnify small changes. But chaos meant that such points were everywhere. They were pervasive. In systems like the weather, sensitive dependence on initial conditions was an inescapable consequence of the way small scales intertwined with large.” ― James Glieck

In a growing complex system like a human in utero, where the "complex system" of the human being is starting from (almost) zero, sensitive dependence on (early) conditions can make the difference between having all four major limbs or being shortchanged, as from Thalidomide. It can mean having a serene later life or having a weakened psychological defense system plus an ever-ringing bell of early trauma, echoing through life and setting later traumas ringing as well.

I had my own early traumas (most people do have some level of trauma, from various times in their early lives) and it's made me sympathetic to every person who has to deal with their own. It also makes me particularly appreciate those who do so without causing harm or pain to others. I think you're doing a great job with the challenges you were given and I wish you and your wife well.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for the kind words. There are half-a-dozen or more changes and additions I'd make to the post -- I write fast but edit slowly and repeatedly -- but this mostly says what I wanted to say.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a Christian, but feel that Science and Christianity are not polar opposites.

Science is the attempt to learn the TRUTH about the world.

Christianity is -- in my opinion, which differs from almost everyone else's -- an attempt to find and live by the healthy emotional TRUTH of our own humanity.

When honestly approached and properly understood, those two truths are not at odds; they are each a part of the other.

Another topic: your vehicular accident score is exceptional! It's amazing that it all happened with so little human carnage. I rode motorcycles too, daily for about a decade, and only "crashed" once -- at just over 0 miles per hour, pulling away from a stop sign, turning left and slightly uphill, when the back tire hit a bit of sand and swerved violently. I over-corrected and ended up on the pavement, with a snap on my helmet crushed (instead of my forehead) and a new scar on my wrist.

After years of riding like a maniac (felt immortal because teen-age hormones, I guess) and never falling once, that was a serious wake-up call.

I hope your crashing days are over; the world needs agile and well-meaning minds like yours.

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