Narg 21 points ago +21 / -0

TL;DR: Add context to your Subject lines and/or put context in a comment below the post itself. Include sauce when possible.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Genetically modified corn, fried in seed oil, with a side order of glyphosphate. Yum!

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great meme!

Simple, honest, hard-hitting.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

No democracy can survive letting the people decide who their elected officials are! /s

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great, fairly short video that provides well-visualized evidence and detail for the incestuous cross-ownership of nearly all large corporations in America.

The video does two things, as I see it:

First, it's yet another voice reminding The Public that nearly everything they buy, read, watch, or otherwise consume is sold by a single MegaCorp: a network of recursively-cross-owned corporations that, in reality, are pretty much a single organism. That, in itself, explains a lot and is a great red-pill for those who haven't quite put it together before. All the crap being imposed on us by corporations (DEI, woke-crap generally, unhealthy food, Big Pharma's bad drugs and high prices + bio-weapon "vaccines", financial support for Black Lives Matter and every other group and movement tearing America apart), and every other assault and insult from corporate America is being created and controlled BY A SINGLE ORGANISM: "MegaCorp", a loosely-structured single entity.

Second, he mentions the obvious elephant in the room: WHO THE HELL ACTUALLY OWNS ALL THIS? Corporations don't actually own anything: PEOPLE do. One (or likely more) human beings own and CONTROL all this: set agendas, control the corporate philanthropy ("Give $1.7 billion to Black Lives Matter"), decide to keep selling herbicides and weed-killer despite knowing they cause cancer and other problems, decide what candidates to back financially and in the press, fire executives who don't toe the line, push for legislation that supports the MegaCorp agendas, etc.

One small group of people (or for all I know, a SINGLE PERSON) makes or approves all the broad decisions that MegaCorp puts into practice.

Who the HELL are they?

THAT's a question worth getting put out into the public discourse.

An Awakening on THAT could have HUGE consequences.

Narg 40 points ago +40 / -0


That's the official government story -- the figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statitistics -- so you know it's COMPLETELY ACCURATE (wink-wink).

Despite the tricks used to make inflation look less horrifying that it actually is, you can clearly see how prices are going up.

The chart is indexed to prices in 1914, the year the FED took effect. The Price Index for January of that year is set to 10.0.

In Jan 2017 the index stood at 242.839

In Jan 2024 the index was 308.417

Imagine what the REAL numbers would be if the CPI hadn't been corrupted by jiggering the way the index is calculated.

The FED is nothing but a massive counterfeiting operation for the Cabal, and has drained TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth from the American people who CREATED that wealth. Guess who all that money has been benefiting -- it sure ain't most of the American people, that's for sure. Every new "dollar" created from thin air lowers the value of the dollars we earn, save, or spend.

EDIT: for context, consider that up until 1933, when Franklin "Internment camp" Roosevelt seized American citizen's gold -- making it ILLEGAL for Americans to have more than $100 worth (until after Nixon took us completely off the gold standard in 1971), each dollar was worth 1/20 of an ounce of gold (I'm ignoring the seignorage, which means an American Liberty Head $20 gold coin actually contains .96750 troy oz).

Until then, any American could walk into a bank, or a hardware store for that matter, if the store could handle such a large amount -- slap a $20 bill on the counter and exchange it for an American one-ounce $20 gold coin.

Today, Kitco shows the dollar price of gold as just over $2,000.

$308.417 is 30.8417 times as much as $10.0, which is to say that the "official" CPI is almost 31 times higher than the price index from 1914.

That would make $20 worth of gold NOW worth $616.83.

Gold is ACTUALLY selling for ~ $2100, or (2100 / 616 =) 3.4 times as much as the government's CPI suggests it should be. The CPI is underreporting the rate of inflation by a substantial margin. Instead of 308, today's CPI should be roughly 1050, using the dollar price of gold as a benchmark.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nobody even thought of a LOT of problems that pushing rapid, mass EV adoption would involve. And you're right: it's all coming out in real time.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The monarch has a great deal of influence over the government there. They are not just figureheads.

IF they'd been using that influence to protect the British people against the Woke / Cabal onslaught that has almost finished off the Brit middle class and largely destroyed British culture, I'd have a different feeling about this.

But if they HAVE been trying to protect the British people, I haven't noticed it. And King Charles for sure has -- since before "ascending" to the throne, and after -- been pushing for WEF values rather than traditional English ones.

Maybe the Monarchy has the potential to provide benefit at this point, but mostly what I see is just another group of uncaring uber-wealthy people living off a massive power structure they inherited, pretending to care about the masses but mostly helping to subjugate them further.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

YOU FIRST, WEF members:

. . . comply with the following list of mandatory rules:

  • 0kg [of] meat consumption

  • 0 kg [of] dairy consumption

  • 3 new clothing items per person per year

  • 0 private vehicles” owned

  • 1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

This has GOT to be a White-Hat imposed move, because "growing some plants will destroy the environment" is too much for even the dumbest normie to believe.

If this isn't an example of "You can't tell them, you have to show them", I don't know what is.

Or maybe the WEF bigwigs really ARE this stupid. Hard to believe, but . . . the world is FULL of stuff I find hard to believe right now.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

We borrow money so that it looks like we're not constantly debasing our currency. We're the new Zimbabwe but we don't want others to know this (by now, of course, most of the world knows this anyway, at least subconsciously).

America USED TO have a REAL currency, backed by gold (a $20 bill WAS THE SAME as a $20 one-ounce Gold Eagle coin; you could exchange one for the other at any bank or hardware store. The dollar made a GREAT reserve currency then).

Since the advent of the Federal Reserve and the replacement of gold-backed dollars with "Federal Reserve Notes" backed by nothing but "the full faith and credit of the United States", trillions of dollars have been counterfeited -- created out of thin air by the FED (because "monetary policy"), enriching the Elite in countless ways and draining the hard-earned wealth of the American people who CREATED that wealth by slowly stealing the value of every dollar we earn, save, and spend.

I'm just being Captain Obvious to most of the people here, but a LOT of Americans, including those smart enough to know better, still think the FED is a "necessary" institution instead of a Cabal counterfeiting operation that steals wealth by the trainload from the American people while funding every Cabal program being used against us.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks for passing on the info. Another good reminder to not pre-judge people or events; get some details first, at least.

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

Nice collection. Yes, in aggregate, this is thought-provoking.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, Mojeek.com appears fairly unbiased, in the sense that Establishment lies and nonsense are not the ONLY things presented; some dissent (i.e., truth) appears in the search results as well in this query:


Can't ask for more than that from a search engine.

From an AI, I'd expect the wheat to be separated from the chaff, meaning to have the lies called out AS lies when there is sufficient evidence to do so.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh . . . so very sorry to hear it. Your brother and any children they have must be devastated, and you must be hurting as well. I hope you have good support IRW for times like these -- and these times aren't over yet. Most of us are going to have more friends, co-workers, or family leave this world prematurely due to the jabs.

The end result of where this is all headed had better be worth it, although it's sometimes hard to see how it could be.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is there ANY disease, symptom, or syndrome that ISN'T more likely to afflict the jabbed?

Perhaps hiccups, flatulence, dandruff, or hangnails?

Because EVERYTHING deadly or seriously miserable appears to be on the list of things "caused by" the jabs. If it ends your life or makes you suffer, the jabs increase your chance of getting it.

Tinnitus and vertigo are relatively minor compared to cancer or dementia, but they are damned annoying and vertigo CAN kill you via a fall or car accident.

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