Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ridley Scott's Blade Runner has a scene where Decker (Harrison Ford) mentions "dirty little holes" (in the walls) to Joanna Cassidy, implying that she might have been spied upon.

Not relevant, but: Every HUMAN character in Blade Runner is portrayed / acted as being incredibly neurotic, with often uncomfortably stylized body language and dialog, while the artificial Replicant characters are, much of the time anyway, more natural and soulful. Interesting choice by the director.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm late to the party here, but for a good overview of whether these "vaccines" are SAFE or EFFECTIVE, here is Dr. Jessica Rose' presentation to the Croatian Parliament (in English); 32 minutes. Plenty of detail, including charts, graphs, screenshots.


Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nice! I'm happy for you, that you're not surrounded by Wokism -- just thinking about being stuck in that situation makes me feel ill. And clearly you (meaning both you personally and the school overall) are having a positive impact on people who have been mentally harmed by all the Establishment propaganda.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the post, Young_Patriot! Public school or private? What's the general tenor of the staff and student body? Just curious; if the school environment is heavily Woke this is even more impressive.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think to many people, "He" would refer to God, and

"New Order" would refer to the founding of the first nation on Earth specifically created to protect the rights to "life, liberty, and happiness" as the Declaration puts it.

But yes: What person (or group, more likely) picked those words for the Seal, and what did they mean to them?

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


Article IV, Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

A good paradigm shift can change the world (and often has).

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've heard that before, and hope it's true. She didn't deserve to be murdered.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0


If you think the internet is digging up dirt on (and yelling and laughing about) this corrupt transgender Marxist clown NOW, just wait until Big Mike files to run for the Presidency.

I can't f'n wait.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0


Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting analysis and detail. And yes, CORPORATISM -- the melding of corporate and government power -- is a key element in the problem.

My own belief is that corporatism and tyranny generally can never be eliminated until we walk away from the slavery of coercive government. American's tiny, highly-restrained central government of the late 1700s became the monster we have today because POWER always seeks to grow. Forcible, coercive, unchecked Power over others is hellishly addictive, can NOT be used, even "for good", without causing harm, and corrupts everything it touches.

When such Power is available, it is inevitable that large corporations and power-hungry psychopaths (in and out of corporate structures) will seek access to the coercive Power of government. Bribery, seduction, intimidation, blackmail, and every other tool will be employed.

Government and corporations (and, as we see today, every other type of institution, from universities to churches; from grade schools to the media) become one corrupt machine serving those controlling the Power.

ONLY by eliminating the idea that society "NEEDS" a coercive (thus criminal) group "in charge" of things will that dynamic be ended.

Another point, regarding distributism. You point out that:

Distributism favours the world's productive assets being widely owned by a large number of small businesses rather than concentrated in the hands of a few giant corporations. In a sense, that was the way the economy ran before the industrial revolution: stuff got done and things got built, but by local craftsman

Modern life -- a life with ubiquitous electronic computing, with many types of high-tech everywhere -- is impossible without large organizations. A single computer chip fab costs billions of dollars to build, for example. This could be accomplished by a large group of smaller firms pooling their resources (which is what the stock market facilitates in a fashion) but the point is, you won't ever get a new M3 chip from a local craftsman or even from a medium-large company.

If ending the corruption and tyranny required a return to a non-high-tech society, I'd support that. It doesn't, though. Ending criminal coercive structures is the one (and only) thing required to finally put the curse of widespread tyranny behind us.

Yes, other things are needed for a FUNCTIONAL and decent society, including a moral people, education, work ethic, and so on. Those are needed with or without a coercive government. It can't happen in a single step (so I believe), but it can and must be the goal if success in the Great Awakening is to hold for the long term.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well, then, Yuval, that would mean that YOU don't have any rights, so . . .

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The other food groups are being poisoned in various ways (chemical pesticides and herbicides and more), are losing nutrition from depleted soils and other factors, are loaded with micro- and nano-plastics and other endocrine disruptors, and are often combined with nasty seed oils -- even "organic" salad dressing often has Canola oil (the worst of them, imo) as the first ingredient. That's if the supply chains are functioning well enough that you can get them (not so bad -- yet). And assuming you can still afford them.

"Bugs! Not so tasty, but better than starving!"

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not yet. What we've seen so far is only a hint of what's to come.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every single thing that CAN be done without the corrupting influence and wasteful implementations of forcible government, SHOULD be done in the private sector.

Things that should NOT be done -- endless aggressive war comes to mind -- can only be done by (or with the collusion of) coercive government.

For example: Private sector regulation works better than government regulation (for examples, Underwriter Labs -- less so today, with much gov't involvement now -- and the National Fire Protection Association, both founded in the 1890s). With participation of and answerable to business, insurance companies, and the public, private regulation actually WORKS. Competition and other market forces prevent corruption (or keep it minimized), keep prices low, and ensure actual protection -- as opposed to government regulatory agencies, where prices and regulatory costs skyrocket, corruption is the ever-increasing norm, and human well-being is not always the primary guide stone.

So, what can NOT be done by the private sector that actually needs doing?

Given an educated and moral citizenry, the answer is NOTHING. Whatever NEEDS doing can be done, and done a whole lot better, by the private sector / free market.

The need for an moral citizenry is also true of Government, of course, as John Adams famously pointed out. Without that, NO society works well, no matter the arrangements.

It can't happen in a single leap, but reducing government to the minimum -- to ZERO in other words -- is the only goal that can prevent a repeat of the corruption, bloat, and tyranny that America now suffers.

The original plan for America's government was FREEDOM! That originally meant a central government so small that it DID NOT EVEN HAVE THE POWER TO TAX (Articles of Confederation, 1781-1789).

CLEARLY, THAT WASN'T ENOUGH. The federal government went from "tiny" to the largest, most costly TYRANNY the planet has ever seen -- in less than 250 years.

"That government is best, which governs not at all" ~ Henry David Thoreau

For an excellent overview of the topic, consider The Market for Liberty, an invigorating classic available free on the web.

For those who have never heard of the NFPA:

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Established in 1896, the NFPA is a non-profit organization that aims to prevent fires and protect people and property from fire-related hazards.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the links, fren!

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for posting this. It needs to get a LOT of exposure, and since it didn't -- non-optimal posting time? Needs more oomph in the post title? Shadow-banned somehow? -- I'm posting it myself in a few minutes.

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