Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

That was from June 2020.

I THOUGHT I understood what was coming, if not in detail, but I have to say: my understanding was more timid that I would have believed. The Plan and its results are far deeper and wider than I saw at the time . . . and I THOUGHT I was pretty clued in.

Exciting times.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent, except for the last example. Millions of people are alive today because they got a blood transfusion after an injury or during surgery or in some other dire situation. Also, younger blood DOES rejuvenate older animals (and people).

That's not the same as saying that taking blood BY FORCE OR FROM SMALL CHILDREN is GOOD, anymore than suggesting that forced SEX or sex with small children is good. But sex among consulting adults is something else entirely, as are (honest) blood banks and research into WHY younger blood rejuvenates older people.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow! Amazing image of Satan.

And gets the point across, of course. But that IMAGE . . . Like I said, WOW. Maybe the best / most impactful Satan I've ever seen.

Narg 23 points ago +23 / -0

but they also know Trump promoted the vax, so they cannot attack him directly or they implicate themselves. . . . It was for now, for this disastrous double-bind the pharmas are now in.

Genius-level summary right there.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome idea, Greatheart!

My first, momentary reaction was "A DRAFT? Are you insane?" -- I'm old enough to have been feeling the draft during the Vietnam war; college and a high draft number saved me from having to kill strangers halfway around the world for the military-industrial complex -- and of course the idea of government being able to just enslave citizens anytime it wants doesn't sit well with me.

But a huge number of younger Americans have had their minds and their lives ruined by Woke bullshit, and I do believe there is little hope for many of them; perhaps most of those who are damaged will end their lives in the same state.

Furthermore, I worry that the American republic will be irretrievably lost as these damaged minds become the mayors and congress people and professors and regulators and bureaucrats and voters of this country. "The Constitution was made for a moral people" -- Ben Franklin, I think, and in any case an obvious truth.

I'd actually prefer that we transition to a truly civil society, where NO government coercion exists (i.e., no "government" as we have known it) and voluntary arrangements are used for everything (far more powerful and workable than you'd think; read The Market for Liberty for a head-spinning look at the idea) but that's not likely near-term -- although Trump surprises everyone so often I retain the smallest glimmer of hope.

For a practical solution, your idea might just be workable. I'm still horrified by the idea of a coercive draft of any type, other than during time of military invasion . . . but then again, aren't we IN such a time right now? A non-traditional invasion by millions of military-aged males from foreign nations? -- who, in many cases, are clearly NOT here to assimilate, to support America's founding libertarian sensibility or to become productive citizens?

As I said: Awesome idea.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't have any reason to think it's an AI-generated video or a fabrication of any type. Dr. Moore has been outspoken on this subject for a good while now; nothing he says here contradicts his well-known stance of the past X number of years, and it's certainly not wrong: CO2 is what plants breathe IN; it's where the CARBON in wood comes from (not from the ground -- from the freakin' AIR), and increasing the (very small) carbon dioxide levels in the air a bit will only make for a greener and more lush world (think of the Jurassic era, for instance) help farmers grow food.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

After scanning the referenced articles, I didn't find anything suggesting that any of the studies referenced IN the articles found OR LOOKED FOR spike protein in subjects more than 12 months after infection. Several details suggested that longer spike protein contamination was likely, as symptoms continued beyond the 12th month in a number of studies.

My guess is the Spike Protein could still be around a good while longer in COVID patients, and for mRNA injection victims, perhaps permanently.

from https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.07.22276020v1:

Cognition and olfaction were assessed at 2-, 4- and 12-months post-diagnosis. Lung function, physical and mental health were assessed at 2-month post diagnosis. Blood cytokines, neuro-biomarkers, and kynurenine pathway (KP) metabolites were measured at 2-, 4-, 8- and 12- months. Mild to moderate cognitive impairment (demographically corrected) was present in 16%, 23%, and 26%, at 2-, 4- and 12-months post diagnosis, respectively

from https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.04.04.535604v1:

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has been associated mainly with a range of neurological symptoms, including brain fog and brain tissue loss, raising concerns about the virus’s acute and potential chronic impact on the central nervous system. In this study, we utilized mouse models and human post-mortem tissues to investigate the presence and distribution of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the skull-meninges-brain axis. Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma. The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue. Furthermore, we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms. The spike protein was associated with neutrophil-related pathways and dysregulation of the proteins involved in the PI3K-AKT as well as complement and coagulation pathway. [No mention of the duration of the study, other than "acute and potential chronic impact"]

from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-022-00846-2:

In one study, circulating SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen was found in 60% of a cohort of 37 patients with long COVID up to 12 months after diagnosis compared with 0% of 26 SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals, likely implying a reservoir of active virus or components of the virus16. Indeed, multiple reports following gastrointestinal biopsies have indicated the presence of virus, suggestive of a persistent reservoir in some patients58,61.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes good sense, Cozette. In fact arresting Trump should help highlight ALL of the evil and corruption that Trump has been exposing and fighting in various ways since his first campaign in 2015. We're already seeing well-known figures pointing out the obvious two-tier justice system we have, with Trump's indictment vs. the studiously ignored Biden corruption being a neon sign for that particular problem.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It certainly could be . . .

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Based on #4566 -- re: crimes against children -- I suspect The Big One, the arrest that will REALLY wake people up, will be a MAJOR politician or other power-player getting arrested for raping children.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd agree; most of the time when I watched him on Fox the last year or so, I was surprised that he was being allowed to talk about that night's subject, and to be so truthful about it.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

the real fuckery that occurred from the very beginning.

That's really the key, I agree. Personally, I believe that BELIEF IN A COERCIVE GOVERNMENT OF ANY KIND is the core of the fuckery.

I'm an abolitionist. We abolished chattel slavery; it's long past time to finish the job.

We need a civil society, without initiated coercion (including such things as eminent domain, taxation, and so on) sanctioned AT ALL. Initiating coercion is a crime, and that doesn't change just because the people committing the coercion say they're doing it as a government, or for "our own good," or anything else.

The common objection that civil society is unworkable is simply wrong, and the arguments for retaining coercive government are not unlike those used in the South against the abolition of slavery.

J.R.R. Tolkien was right: Power is hellishly addictive and corrupting, and even using it with the intent to do good ultimately creates horrors. ANY form of government, no matter the form and no matter how innocent and benign it may be at the start, is a danger.

The United States was (and still could be) a step in the right direction: a government set up by men who openly spoke of liberty and set rules in place to protect the rights of the citizens. That was a new thing in the world, and a good one. But it's not what we need, and until we finish the job we will always arrive back where we are now, under a growing tyranny.

This line of reasoning never plays well here, but I continue to occasionally lay it out because ultimately, it's where we need to go.

The Market for Liberty is an excellent look at how a civil society -- one with no government as we know it at all -- would improve on what we have now.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Any and all true MAGA people in power (and otherwise) have Pharma in their sights, and between that, the public waking up, Trump's EOs, and the general clean-up of corruption and evil that's coming, Big Pharma has a reckoning coming that will be talked about for a thousand years.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

No argument with anything you say, Slyver, except for your first sentence.

America's government began getting corrupted on Day 1, and the forces of evil / the ancient Cabal / bankers / money-grubbing psychopaths / etc have beavered away at America's institutions non-stop since the Articles of Confederation, before the Constitution changed our loose confederation of States into a more centrally-controlled republic. Yes, America has been a bully to other nations for its entire existence. Sometimes a friend, of course, but even then with monetary or strategic overtones.

But as for America's original INTENT and the heart of her people -- not to mention our founding documents, in particular the Declaration of Independence -- America was and IS like no other nation in history. The Declaration set off a firestorm of interest in FREEDOM around the world; it created what can well be characterized as a global Great Awakening, and lead to the French Revolution and other revolutionary movements as well. Right into modern times -- the freedom movement in China that was crushed at Tianamen Square, the people in Hong Kong begging for America to be the "America we know you can be" when the CCP started really cracking down there are examples -- America has been a NECESSARY symbol of freedom to the peoples of the world, despite her increasing corruption. Trump's administration brought those positive perceptions back to life, although of course now Biden has tarnished our image (and our reality) more than most of us thought possible.

So, my point is that your anger at America's corruption and other faults is on target, but the EXPRESSED intent and the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans -- yes, that's a smaller contingent than it used to be -- are not only "for" freedom, but are freedom's last and only hope going forward. A world without a revitalized America -- and by that I mean a far-less CORRUPT and militaristic America -- would be a hellscape mankind might never escape from.

Narg 33 points ago +33 / -0

Yes. I've read about Eisenhower's treatment of German POWs after the war. Sickening, really. On the other hand, one of the very few things my father (10th Mountain ski trooper in the Italian Alps) ever said to me about the war was related to how horribly the Germans treated captured Americans and for that matter some of their tactics during the war. There was a LOT of anger over that.

All that said, Eisenhower wasn't one-dimensional, and his famous "military-industrial complex" speech near the end of his second term is BASED (although he was not a very engaging speaker) and in particular when talking about how America could be fully taken over by corrupt forces, his voice shows, to me, real concern and distress.


I think he was, at bottom, a patriot and was seriously concerned for the future of America and of the world. If America falls, the world falls -- freedom will die without at least one strong nation standing up for it, and Ike clearly knew that. His war experiences surely branded that truth deep in his mind.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0


In addition to masking, electrical stimulation, and other therapies, these supplements are recommended:

  • Anti-oxidants (there are many, and they're good for your health in a lot of ways in addition to possibly helping with tinnitis)

  • Taurine (an amino acid; cheap. Also good for other things like heart health)

  • Ginkgo Biloba

  • Zinc (but don't overdo this one; it's a metal, so I'd not use more than 50mg/day. If you're low in zinc, however, it's worth taking for other health benefits as well and adding quercetin or green tea will help it get into cells where it needs to go).

  • Melatonin --

Melatonin, a hormone critical for healthy sleep (Wurtman 2012), has powerful antioxidant properties. Melatonin has been tested as a treatment for tinnitus, both in combination with the medication sulpiride (an atypical antipsychotic) and on its own. On its own, melatonin provides relief from tinnitus, especially in people with significant sleep problems (Rosenberg 1998; Megwalu 2006; Reiter 2011). When combined with sulpiride, melatonin reduces the perception of tinnitus by diminishing the activity of dopamine, a chemical in the brain. In one study, sulpiride alone relieved tinnitus in 56% of subjects while melatonin alone reduced tinnitus in 40%. However, when used together, 81% of subjects reported relief from their tinnitus symptoms (Lopez-Gonzalez 2007).

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

FYI: If you DO need to call them, to order or for whatever reason, the old 800 number is still active (as of yesterday anyway). 800-544-4440. It may be that they had to buy out Saul's heirs and shut down the third-party call centers as a cost-saving measure. Sauce: just my overactive brain.

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