Octobyte17 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know that if they put a tampon dispenser in the boys toilets at the schools I went to, not only would it be emptied pretty sharpish, a whole bunch of people would be attempting to avoid getting hit by big wet wads of cotton that are suddenly being thrown about.

by BQnita
Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

FF for more attempts at internet censorship. They're talking about some major upcoming attack, from unknown sources, to set up for the main show for the Normies to get them to gain security at the cost of freedom.

Octobyte17 5 points ago +5 / -0

What gold exactly? Where will it be stored? Will the populace be able to verify it's ACTUALLY there? I feel we've seen this part of the movie before. Oh, this is also the route to Social Scores and the apps that will end up very similar to those used by the CCP.

Octobyte17 7 points ago +7 / -0

Dang. And I still got indigestion.

Octobyte17 13 points ago +13 / -0

Will the website optimization cure my indigestion?

Octobyte17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup. Now when I play Rockin' in a Free World on the guitar, I do it to spite him.

Octobyte17 7 points ago +7 / -0

First arrest possibility? At this point it would look like nothing other than it is: Political persecution by a corrupt system. When people realize what "that could be me" really means, it could be just the wake up call they need.

Octobyte17 5 points ago +5 / -0

So, someone calling themselves Ned Beatty proudly announces he "squeals like a pig"? I mean, Deliverance was on OK movie, but that's taking that particular fetish to the extreme. DM only means he's a loser with no pull, making threats hoping to strike fear into the community. I won't work, of course, there is only one thing here we truly fear, and it isn't him. Far scarier beasts out there. We've been pretty lucky with the Mod team keeping on top of it. Else it'd turn into a HamSandwich circle jerk.

Octobyte17 16 points ago +17 / -1

Blazing Saddles is one of my favourite movies. As funny today as it was then. Maybe even moreso today, thanks to current events.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like recent health decisions by Dictators, Tyrants, and other pond scum, the thing that is totally missing from the recent AI craze is talk of ETHICS. Ethics, or lack thereof, is at the core of damned near everything THEY are doing. Please people, WAKE UP. Ethics is far more important than you likely think it is. And those found breaking them need to be severely punished as an example of those who may think it a good idea to discard them so easily in future.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with the overall conclusions, but the writing style makes me think an AI was used in its creation.

Octobyte17 4 points ago +4 / -0

For me, it was patterns in the chaos. They use chaos as cover distractions for moves they (or others in power) made before from the playbook they're using. I grew up during 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland, and I can tell you without doubt, what we're seeing now with how the likes of ANTIFA is being used is the start of the same slippery slope Northern Ireland went down. They NEED fear for their schemes to work. Same goes for COVID. I saw the signs and did my own digging. Shortly after I noped out of the Mass Medical Experiment.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

THIS is a prime example of someone who has been through a Leftist education system. I'd look at his educators as well as this sick bastard.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

They couldn't. Remember, the majority won't listen, so they must be shown and learn for themselves. That's what happened. We tried to save as many as we could from taking it, but to them we are just conspiracy theorists. I had my own reasons that still stand for not receiving any of the shots/boosters, but far too many blindly followed the scam. Now they get to reevaluate. Some will always hate us for being right, but most will understand what we were trying to do in places like this in trying to save as many as possible from the mechanisms of whatever NWO is at play.

Octobyte17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Proof? I fucking hope so. I hope MTG being all smiles for her selfie with him is worth it. Maybe McCarthy is the hidden dagger to the heart of the swamp. Personally I don't have ANY trust in politicians and what they say. I have an experience in how politics works, ESPECIALLY dirty politics, that would leave most normies, Yank or not, on the floor. Politics is a FILTHY business. Don't you think it's time for a clean up?

Octobyte17 21 points ago +21 / -0

At first I was dubious, then quickly saw the entertainment value on display. It was fun seeing Maxine lose her shit.

Octobyte17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno. After thinking on it, it comes down to numbers. They don't want a Dem to gain enough votes for majority, neither McCarthy, so it would make sense to vote with tactics in mind.

Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had to rewind the feed just to make sure I wasn't mishearing. And MTG voted for McCarthy. Interesting.

Octobyte17 2 points ago +2 / -0

God Emperor of the United States. It's a Warhammer 40k meme.

Octobyte17 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yer a twat. A funny Twat. But still a twat. And yeah, you caught me with a shitpost.

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