OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to the Gateway Pundit, that's Jill Biden in a panda suit.

OfChrist 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to live in Canada and still have relatives there. All of them are Trudeau socialists except one who is a Trump fan. We went there this time last year to help my aunt, who was in the hospital after a fall. They wanted to call it a day on her and were treating her that way though she's 92 and still sharp as a tack, and we went to intervene. The time there was surreal. The Toronto airport is like our southern border, but with a heavy population of rude, pushy people, mainly from India. The biggest thing on TV was the new covid vax. On every news station, after a 10-minute story: "Line up to get your shots!". Of course they do. Another triple-vaxxed socialist aunt, whom I was staying with, was being treated for uterine cancer that appeared out of nowhere. She asks aloud if she should get the shot...really?!? Is the correlation that hard for people to make? They vaxxed my hospitalized aunt without our knowledge though we are legal guardians, and would have kept assisting her infirmity if we hadn't stepped in. She's had more health problems since that haven't been helped by whatever they've shot her up with. Their health care is abominable because it's free and overburdened. Long story short, if you want quality of life Canada is NOT the place to look unless you're a TDS-addled liberal that needs to move if Trump gets into office. In that case, MORE POWER TO YOU, eh!

OfChrist 4 points ago +4 / -0

A "caption this" fest. Who brings their kid within sniffing distance of Joe Biden?

OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

True that - the large and rotund ones do contribute more to greenhouse gas emissions, especially when their mouths are open whining about Trump, fussing about MAGA deplorables, complaining about misused pronouns or violations of their intersectional rights, or spouting other insufferable liberal nonsense...as they do.

Lol, pmsnbc - perfect!

OfChrist 10 points ago +10 / -0

Big Mike is as bitter and unappealing as ever, but also looking rode hard and put away wet like every other democrat they've trotted out to stump for Kamalamadingdong. Adreno supply must be scarce.

OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's yielded to keep the peace time and time again, and ultimately proven himself lacking in moral fiber. What a disappointment.

OfChrist 6 points ago +6 / -0

I voted early this morning. Such a pleasant surprise to see the number of proud Trump supporters in a place that's historically been full of liberal transplants. My freedom of expression has been limited for so long that seeing others claim it is inspiring. Wherever you are, go vote. Your vote is needed, but you need to remind yourself that your vote matters. TRUMP 2024!

OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. How could she not know what he's talking about if she supposedly stayed after the regulators and did everything she humanly can? She knows exactly what he's talking about.

OfChrist 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Right now, I feel slightly defeated. I am not sure if my marriage will survive through this election cycle. My wife thinks that I am "crazy and wastes all of my time on useless political stuff that has no meaning". All the while as she spins her way through each and every Instagram video that comes her way. She chastises me any time I bring up items that I have learned to her and more so to other people. Belittles me."

How I hear you, fren. Been there with a spouse who used our differing political beliefs when DJT was first elected to justify some seriously dumb behavior. Still there with vaxxed and boosted family members who keep clinging to their liberal fantasies because if they don't, it means they've been wrong all this time, and to admit that would be just too much. Jesus loves them, and oh, I'm trying.

But God. When I was at my most desperate He showed up and showed me how to do something different. He helped me to stop trying to do it all on my own (it was obvious that wasn't working) and focus on His way of doing things.

I finally learned to stop reacting to others and to focus on Him first. It took some hard experience, but I finally forgave the dumb behavior and other people's real or perceived trespasses and I stopped getting frustrated with them so He could forgive me and give me grace. Forgiveness, giving and receiving it, is the way. (BTW, if He gives you two a chance to experience a marriage relationship that centers on Him, take it. My husband and I never loved each other more than when I turned back to God and then he did, in what were the final years of his life.)

That said, life is still not a bed of dewy roses, and that's because we have a very real spiritual enemy that comes to steal, kill and destroy all the Go(o)d in our earthly lives, especially when we make an effort to draw closer to Him. It's also because this world is broken - always has been, we just hear about it 24-7 these days thanks to the internet = and because this war we virtually support each other through is inherently lonely: trust has been broken, relationships have been broken, lives have been broken. Maybe I personally feel that way because I'm still grieving.

But having a relationship with God doesn't change this broken world. It changes YOU, and then He uses you to change this broken world for the better, little by little. He will forgive, heal, and restore you. He will never leave or forsake you - His is a blood covenant that cannot be broken. And as He reveals the depth of His love for you, which is nothing like any love you have known on this earth, He will use your relationship with Him to change your marriage, to help your wife see anew, to open the eyes and hearts of those around you to Him. He will always put you in the right place at the right time, but only when He knows you are ready. Right now His focus is you, and I know that because you are exactly where I was in December 2016, in a closet steaming a pair of work pants and wondering what I had done to upset the universe. I had to be at the end of myself before He could do anything, but in retrospect I am so glad I got there and wish it hadn't taken as long as it had.

Maybe this isn't what you expected and I didn't expect to write a confessional, but here we are. TLDR: You need the kind of encouragement others can only give in small measure and the greater hope called faith to sustain you. Everything you're looking for can be found at the end of yourself, where He is. All you have to do now is open the door to Him. God bless you, fren.

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends." - Rev. 3:20, NLT

OfChrist 9 points ago +10 / -1

The pattern you're noticing - flare-ups with an ultra-processed diet - tells you everything. Processed food is highly inflammatory, as are certain healthy foods. I'd start to make the clean keto and intermittent fasting a lifestyle, or at least lower your carb count and inflammatory food intake (e.g., nightshades, wheat, peanuts, refined vegetable oils) significantly. Have you checked your fasting glucose and A1C recently? Pre-diabetes - T2D has an inflammatory component as well. If the numbers are creeping up there and you notice a difference on the keto-IF routine, you're on the right track to changing it and related issues by changing your diet. But make it sustainable so you can stick to it. Finally, you can request an inflammatory marker test from your doctor, or request/buy one yourself through certain labs. I really think you're on the right track with the low-carb/IF, though.

OfChrist 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's even more shameful when you replace "European explorers" with "Biden-Harris administration."

OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sad. Looks like he's got a tremor in his left hand - heart-related, or Parkinson's? Or maybe it's the weight of what's attached to that ring.

OfChrist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Commie Speak

"My plan is about saying that when..." She said, wearing her favorite earrings again "...And I plan to create more opportunity By creating a holistic economy..." "But how are you going to pay for it?", he asked And she, puzzled at the query And how to explain 'opportunity economy,' and Confused about who's her daddy, Met his eyes with a blank stare...

She couldn't hear through her earpiece clearly, so she Doubled down and circled round to what she was saying back there, And repeated her non-answer, this time with emphasis, On taxing the rich and making them pay their share, Using ideas devoid of meaning like 'economy' and 'fair,' And for good measure referring to taxpayer-funded careers. "But we are dealing with the real world here," he said, and she Unburdened by all good sense, with an empty smile said, "They know what I'm talking about, because they know. To be clear."

OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is beautiful, Alice! To you and everyone here sharing in the joy of your restored relationship to the Father,

"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” - Zephaniah 3:17

OfChrist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hard to distinguish attention-getting antics from gestures that suggest violence or harm to others. Even if it is a fad, it's inappropriate at best. 45's team ought to stop it in its tracks.

OfChrist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems like the tide is turning, though - the media (i.e., the DM) keeps toeing the communist party line with their "alarming rise in [vax-related disease]" articles, but I notice that the commenters who call it out don't get hammered or silenced by triggered liberals to the extent that they used to. Hey, progress is progress...

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