It's amazing how irrational people are to protect their pride/egos. They'll do it all the way to their graves, unfortunately. Good on you though for being the light of reason to them.
Wash your hands after going #2.
That's all.
Here ya go! There's some great info on this page.
Good find! So I guess we're waiting for bad news about Podesta to surface in a rather mainstream kind of way? Could be a while since he just assumed his new role.
I'm really sorry to hear that, man. There are protocols created by America's Frontline Doctors to treat the vaccinated. Look for that and implement it. And maybe you received a placebo?
I feel bad for the ones who trusted the "experts."
And mine is 10 days after that on 9/27. Add them up and you get 18 which doesn't mean anything. Lulz
It does... The vaccines assemble and disassemble nano circuits based on the presence of WiFi.
I don't see how her passing leads to suicide weekend. But there's still the rest of today and tomorrow.
She can beat her forever and ever and the reptile will never die! #Winning
LOL!!!! I thought the same thing!!! That video had me ROLLING back in the day!
17 months to the day since the death of Prince Phillip.
Immediately following the 10 days after her death...Hmmm
Her Twitter account seems to have been hijacked by the White Hats tho.
I've trained and hung out with him multiple times. Was always a pretty cool dude.
Democrats gonna democrat.
It's on Rumble for free.
I'm trying to be surprised.
No, really, I am.
They're gonna be double-baffled when he comes back and it needs to be done again!
Oh God, I hope shoulder pads aren't coming back. Leave the late 80's and early 90's in the past, please.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. We're pretty sure HRC's is controlled by white hats so I don't see why AS's wouldn't be.
Yep, the lying assholes sit on the Left side of the aisle.
The Cabal has already lost. The storm we're going to be seeing is a part of the movie.
This is pretty much with everything they report on any news outlet whatsoever. It sucks that we have to question our reality to such a degree. It should not be that way. Humans should be better than this.