Don’t do it. Tell your pediatrician you need more time to think about it. Ask for testing to see whether or not your children have MTHR genetic mutations. Also, avoid antibiotics for every ear infection and pick up some chewable congaplex online to treat them.
Always start with a humble apology.
This is about more than an argument - this is about whether you stay married, which means another man (or evil stepmother) potentially hurting your children, and you dying young because married men (not divorced ones) live longer.
Start treating her like you did when you were trying to convince her to hitch her wagon to your star - you are a man, so fix it, and if you don’t know how, LEARN.
Are you unleashing your frustration with the state of the world on your partner and best friend? You pledged your love and loyalty for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part.
Apologize. Wrap your arms around her (she may resist for a moment if you hurt her feelings with cruel words), and apologize. She’s your beloved, the mother of your children. Humble yourself, apologize, and ask for her help in being a better support to her.
I also recommend spending a few dollars on the book “Men are like Waffles, Women are Spaghetti”. Very helpful.
Good luck.
I will put money on the fact it had been done before and thus they had zero worries.
This operation was run like an established routine.
Follow the money - whoever has it, and whoever paid it are the Treason Weasels.
I didn’t get angry. I didn’t resort to insults. I was literally insulted over an accomplishment that is on my resume from sixteen years ago that was documented in national media with a “fifteen seconds of fame” thing. I was told I don’t know how elections and vote counting work (I’m an actual election worker), my accomplishment didn’t happen, and also that I don’t believe in science (despite running an actual scientific study about a decade ago, and being certified to do it by the NIH).
The attacks were intended to destroy my credibility because there was no way a reasonable person could support the Evil Orange Man, or be questioning anything like masks or whatnot.
I could have been okay with “sorry, tempers are high with a challenging political climate” but it’s nearly a year later.
And I’m done.
Yep. I waited a few weeks for tempers to cool, sent an email saying we need to talk, got back “not about politics”, said this isn’t about politics and have been waiting ever since for my friend to initiate the peace talks.
I’m the one making the decision now. The friendship is OVER. And not because of politics but because my friend is a Bad Friend.
Can it be repaired someday? Yes. But it would require actual effort and a sincere apology, which I don’t think I’m going to get.
And I’m okay with that.
If I understand correctly, they weren’t supporting Palestine - they were supporting Hamas.