I'm guessing the investigations have been going on for a while. The revelations the American people will see will be astounding.
Pence looks like a man with deep dark secrets. I'm sure most of you on here know what those secrets are.
"intensive noticing" I'm stealing that one.
They need them in the voting booth.
During Covid, ours was the only continent you could not get ivermectin tablets.
I think you are right. I never thought about that. How very sad.
I'm hoping and praying Trump sets up a rock solid whistleblower system right when he takes office. Can you imagine the things people have seen and done. There is no way we can trust inner agency whistleblower protection.
It's the (somewhat) new eyebrow scaping. I think it looks weird on most men who do it.
It's time to take a hard look at all military activity inside the military bases.
Remember how hard Obama worked to get Flynn out of the Trump admin.? Flynn knows where a lot of corruption exists and who was involved. I'm guessing he will be part of this whole plan without having a title. Less incoming attack on him.
It was a citizen's video that caught the FBI taking pictures of the truck with the ISIS flag on it. Then they go on camera and say this wasn't a terror attack. Isn't it amazing that most criminality is caught and stopped by citizens today? Just what the F**k is our FBI doing besides taking pictures of license plates in a church parking lot or arresting people for praying in front of an abortion clinic?
I'm sure they are. I'm guessing they are weaponizing every virus they can. This biological warfare is their new love.
So an eye for an eye?
Bird flu has been around for 100 years. Farmers have dealt with it just fine. Now the government is paying them more for destroying the whole flock than they would have made selling the chickens. So, in my opinion they are doing two things right now. They are continuing to destroy our food supply. Number two, they are trying to scare us into vaccines again. Good luck with that. Even my far left friends and family members don't trust you.
They went after him because he wasn't playing along. Don't get me wrong, he did take what looked like a bribe on a hospital deal. Then they twisted a phone conversation where he was using leverage and they called it a bribe. It's the same old play book. They went after Adams when he talked about too many illegals in his town. There is always enough dirt to dig up on any Democrat. If you don't play along with everything they tell you to, they will dig up something and throw the book at you. His jail sentence was very extreme, sending a message.
The Immigration and Naturalization Act gives the president power to close the border, especially if there is a National threat. I would say, child trafficking, drug smuggling and bad hombres coming to harm us is a threat. I would love to see the border shut down until we can finish the deportation efforts and complete the wall.
The Khazarian army is the worst of the worst. They settled just over the border after the war. In the beginning of this Ukrainian war, that is why they were stripping soldiers to their scivies and duct tapinging them to light poles. That exposed their Khazarian tatoos. They were killing their own countrymen and the Ukrainians were exposing that.
This Corporate indentured servant bullshit has been going on for decades. It's time to show the whole world the Emperor has no clothes.
It's no coincidence that OBama "banned bio labs" here. He just moved them away from prying eyes. Where did they move? Oh yeah, China and Ukraine. And, our universities are carrying on with this evil shit.
Several studies show the more you are vaxxed the sicker you get. These ghouls have ruined people's immune systems.
Maybe Trump is doing some serious trolling so he can do the hard work behind what's to come very soon. Of course the media stays busy chasing their tails to get a news story out all while the reality of what is happening behind the scenes goes unnoticed,
Silicon Valley has been running this grift for decades. My only question has been, do corporations pay their way through college or their home country? No one ever mentions the United States graduates whose parents and grandparents paid their way through college only to never get a job in their tech field because someone who is not a citizen is willing to work for less money. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!
Beautiful. Tears streaming down my face. I am filled with hope.
So much grace. Two beautiful people inside and out.
Threat to who? Evil people?