Cross reference any dates at the Standard Hotel and any crimes committed on those dates.
Soros has around 200 ngo's Can we take all of that money? EO13818
All of our pollinators are way down in numbers. They are being poisoned by chemicals. I live in a home surrounded by farm fields. In the past few years I haven't seen June bugs, crickets, box elder bugs, many butterflies and even the house fly and mosquito population is all buy wiped out. Whatever they are spraying us with cannot be good.
My husband's family would not have survived without food help when he was a boy. His father left the family two months after the 9th baby was born. His mom got powdered milk, cheese, peanut butter, dried apricots and several other common staples. Junk food should not be allowed.
A comedian, Installed. won't allow elections and has taken 350 billion dollars from us. I'm so sick of listening to him at all.
I can't wait until my kids or grandkids ask me what that meme is all about.
I remember when both Stzrok and Page were in closed door investigations. When Lisa Page gave her testimony, one of the Senators (can't remember who) came up to the mic, and said Page was very cooperative giving the impression her testimony was at the least more amiable and probably not quite as contentious as Stzroks. He was always so smug and arrogant when in front of congress. He gives off this "I don't think you know how important I am you little pissants" attitude.
Most probably a brilliant Autist. Good play.
IMO Trump ad his wonderful team are saving stolen elections for a bit later. They have the money fraud to finish right now.
Some real truth. Refreshing.
Follow the wives.
Crimes against humanity. GITMO.
Not really many people in the room clapping.
I wonder what the real number of government employees we need is. I'm guessing less than 10% of what we have. If you had employees in your business you didn't need, would you keep them?
Executive 13818 is especially for demons like Soros. Shut his 200 ngo's down. Then take all of his money.
#1 They operated out in the open with no hairy eyeball on them. #2 They never thought she would loose.
If you are proud of what you are demonstrating, why do you cover your face?
We don't need the Europeans at the table to tell you what we are willing to do.
When these "federal workers" fill out their paperwork, will they be looked into? If they had another full time job, will they really get a buy out?
Can you imagine what they may find there?
I'm sure Newsome is in on the homeless money grift. He gets many millions every year and yet the homeless population grows.
Raskin's wife has deep roots in the treasury, which explains why he is screaming at the camera every day. I can't wait to find out about any dirt on the two of them. He has been so difficult to listen to on any committee hearings. He is down right ridiculous.
Someone tells them it's their turn to go act stupid whether they like it or not.