How many more weeks?
Keep in mind that wind isn't in any way limited by the speed of sound... Speed of sound limits the speed that a perturbation moves within a medium, whereas with wind the medium itself is moving. It's like putting a big aquarium on a train basically, but with air instead of water. The fish wouldn't know the difference. It does mean however that an aircraft flying against the wind would basically have to go supersonic in order to move forwards and not backwards in relation to the ground.
It's not the core problem, it's a symptom that indicates that there is a problem though. A white man could probably achieve Obama's skin color if he spent enough time in the sun, but that wouldn't magically turn him into a dirty jogger.
Who knew that electing a jogger for president would lead to problems down the line🙄
Indeed, making promises he has no intent to follow up on would make him look like a jackass and a dishonest politician. Good thing that never happened. 🙄
Yeah, keep giving Bill Gates and Big Tech more power and money instead of supporting independent developers and open source products... How does that make any sense?
So the Bible is nonsense to you?
Men don't get their own league. Most sports have an "open category" (anyone can compete) and a woke women-only category.
The idea that women get their own special little league is unfair. I'm glad the trannies are crashing the party.
If you collaborated with them, the appropriate punishment should be given. Treason is a crime.
Isn't AIDS a divine punishment though? I think most likely God willed that airplane to be destroyed because those (((AIDS researchers))) were trying to interfere with his plan to cleanse the Earth of sodomites.
It seems like a spit in the face of the free market to adopt socialist methods within your community... That's not what made America great. You should visit Venezuela if you want to see the results of your ideology.
Well we sure eat of it, that's for sure. Approximately 10% of the calories of what Americans consume comes from soy. Just think about that for a second. One tenth of all American food. Even if you don't buy soy products like soy milk, tofu etc, if you regularly eat out or buy any kind of processed food chances are you're gulping down pounds of that stuff every month.
Oh by the way, that number doesn't even include livestock that was fed soy, which is basically all of it. 70% of all soy produced goes to feed animals. Just think about all those hormones that steak you buy at the store contains.
So yeah, my point is that no matter what you think about soy it is an absolutely vital part of the American diet. Taking out soy would be like taking out wheat, or corn. It's that engrained to our diet.
Sadly not by everyone... The majority fall for the "oh look at those poor people, they just want freedom from this regime that just happens to be opposed to globalism and global finance!" CIA narrative. They pay no attention to the American military-surplus equipment that magically appear in the "freedom fighters'" hands, who have also magically acquired professional military skills overnight.
It embarrasses me to admit that in my experience, it's the leftist normies that are more likely to have woken up to this kind of business... Our side has a lot of catching up to do. The neocon imperialist politicians have done a lot of damage we need to undo.
According to the farmer, there's a soybean shortage in the US. So by him switching to soybeans for the season, he's fortifying our food supply. Plus, soybeans are also used as livestock feed. I fail to see the problem here. If we were experiencing a corn shortage, the price would go up and it would be economical for the farmer to plant corns again. That's how the free market operates, based on supply and demand.
That's not what the article is talking about though. The farmer says that he substituted one crop (corn) for another (soybeans), not that he's leaving it fallow. That's normal in a free market economy.
How would switching from one crop to another cause food shortages?
Very safe. The rabies vaccine is basically 100% effective if it is given soon after infection.
The Arab Spring started because the CIA poured billions into various radical revolutionary organizations in the Arab world in order to depose leaders that didn't align with globohomo... It wasn't an organic movement at all.
You can buy them online, probably made in China. Looks like cheap synthetic fabric. The popular designs are mass produced and thus pretty cheap.
So that guy just had a nazi flag in his house ready to go? Hmm...
That's not quite right. The court decided against ruling those votes invalid because the law had been in place for a year without any legal challenge, which only happened when the election didn't go their way:
Unsatisfied with the results of that wager, they would now flip over the table, scattering to the shadows the votes of millions of Pennsylvanians,” Justice David Wecht wrote following the election. “It is not our role to lend legitimacy to such transparent and untimely efforts to subvert the will of Pennsylvania voters. Courts should not decide elections when the will of the voters is clear.”
The question is of course, why did the Republicans wait until after the election to file a lawsuit? Why not do it the minute the law was passed, or at least before anyone voted? Very suspicious.
Just the Trump supporters
Those girls have already been "broken in", you can see it in their eyes.