Shove it up the doctors noosessses and the funny hats they wear
Find the investors, dox and excecute
The mop speaks shit
Me also, be good and pray to our LORD
ITS OK, hev s a demoncrat
YES! NOW dox the dipshits!
Now repeal 19 and GO!
Obummers common core bullshit will bury him.
I am going to shoot fireworks every January 6th
kill a biden for the babies
use them in the garden
well, they miss themselves
So more coming to, DC, lets ship them to Delawareseseses
Keep the fat asses out, then put them back in the kitchen
Outstanding! 5 stars!
Just another Babylon whore
The more you nose
If they can't do it they hate it, like reading and math
MrTruthBomb on Rumble
Peaceful TIM Mcvee is on the way!
Negreo feds do monkey shit, so fuck America