Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

“We both believe all the vaccination crap is a pure sham!”


“We both KNOW all the vaccination crap is a pure sham!”

Photoncounter 26 points ago +26 / -0

Cut out all refined sugar from your life. Its empty calories, spikes inflammation and our bodies don’t need it. Don’t try to do everything all at once, just one thing at a time. The sugar addiction is hard to break but once you have, and your body has adjusted, kicking the booze will be easier.

Best of luck!

Photoncounter 8 points ago +8 / -0

I was in South Africa on business several times in the 2000’s. Power went out frequently back then too (Sandton area). The blacks I worked with were complaining that it was the Communists running the country and they were more interested in lining their own pockets than moving the country forward.

Many very nice people but having to stay in a hotel surround by concertina wire and electric fence is one reason I stopped going there.

You have a beautiful country but you may need to leave permanently if you want to survive.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it “green” if they use biodiesel for the generator?

Photoncounter 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have a loony co-worker who has boasted of her shots and cannot understand why I am a pureblood.

She has missed three or four weeks this year due to serious complications. She had a mis-carriage soon after one of the shots. She bled so badly after the last booster that she got a ride in the ambulance. They performed a D&C. Things didn’t improve much for her next couple periods so she had a hysterectomy - they told her that was the only way she could survive.

31 years old and now their only opportunity for a child is adoption, which she cannot afford.

Very sad, she is a close friend and a fantastic worker. But she is blind to the obvious.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m 66 and told my Doc to shove it when he wanted me on atorvastatin. I take a daily vitamin and a children’s aspirin. BP 110/70 this morning.

The wife is chronically ill and takes shovels full of meds 3X a day and is miserable. I wonder why…

Photoncounter 7 points ago +7 / -0

Deviants getting what they deserve, thank God.

Sow thy seed in the land of darkness and reap the terrors therefrom.

Photoncounter 8 points ago +8 / -0

I was working with a bunch of left wing environmental lunatics this week and last. Mostly Unionized.

They brought up the question “where did our Country go?” Two of the guys were openly queer and are horrified that pedophilia is being mainstreamed.

While their environmental viewpoint is pretty whacked, politically they were more center than left.

Oh, my answer to the question?


This country, the whole world in fact, has gone to shit ever since 2007 when the iPhone was released. Social media generates social conflict.

Ironic in that i have to use SM to point out the problem of SM…

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. We come to the very brink of nuclear war with Russia in August. DEFCON 2.
  2. Behind the scenes negotiations NOT involving the Biden Administration are the only things stopping a nuclear exchange.
  3. Zelensky is removed from power in Ukraine which rejoins a newly constituted USSR.
  4. The Netherlands starts shooting and killing the farmers and fisherman protesting globalization, which causes the good (not corrupt) citizens of Europe to band together. Europe in flames August to the end of the year.
  5. N Korea launches a nuclear missile towards the US because no one is paying attention to the fat brat. It is intercepted but nothing is done - no attack - because the current Administration is owned by China.
  6. and the worst event until the end of the year - the New York Yankees win the world series. #assholes
Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have less than two years before I stop working. My company has supplied me with a phone since 1999. My intention is to buy this one from them (an iPhone XR) and reduce it to individual, constiuent atoms on my gun range.

Call me at home or get your ham license and contact me on the local repeater.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

and half the citizens earn below the median income level…

Photoncounter 7 points ago +7 / -0

The French have been way ahead of this for decades…

Photoncounter 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh, gee. Now we will need desalination plants on all our lakes and rivers to deal with the reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee salt flow.


Photoncounter 5 points ago +5 / -0

I looked at a new Ford Expedition yesterday ($89 K). 36 gallon tank, about $200 to fill. Double that when gas hits $11 a gallon later this year.

No, thank you.


Photoncounter 0 points ago +1 / -1

Las Vegas exists solely to separate people from their money. I lost over a hundred K there in 20 plus years. I haven’t gambled in over two and a half years and never will again.

Business still brings me back to Las Vegas, though. I enjoy the Lake Mead area and am very sad this is happening, but the entire Southwest was a desert before it was settled and is reverting back to one now.

The only (partial) solution to this problem is to halt all residential construction, and illegal immigration. Will never happen.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most Excellent! I come from a family of alcoholics so i know how devastating that addiction is. Look forward, don’t look back and keep your friends here up to date on your progress!

My problem was gambling, I blew way too much money over 20 years. I’ve not gambled for over two and a half years now and feel no urge to do so ever again.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Giggles and the Fudgepacker, a dream team!

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good advice! If you are space limited you can grow potatoes, cukes, carrots and many other veggies in 5 gallon bucketsl. I prefer the food grade but really any will do. Put 6” of soil, seed taters, straw or more soil on top. No more than 4” above the taters. Wait until the leaves get to the top of the bucket and fill with soil and straw. Water every three days. I have 18 buckets of potatoes, 6 of carrots and parsnips and another 3000 sf of other veggies.

If you have plenty of space look up the Ruth Stout method for potatoes. Just prepare the soil (i always add lots of bone meal for taters), place your seed potatoes directly on the soil, dont dig. Add 6 to 10 inches of straw. Just water every couple days when it is dry. No dig harvest in the Fall. I have a 300 sf garden like that every year and get plenty to eat, store and share.

Tomatoes take a little extra care but freeze well. Pinch off all the lower leaves, dig a deep hole, put rock phosphate in the bottom (tablespoon). Plant as deep as you can. Look at the hairs on a tomato stem - those are future roots if the have soil around them. Makes very sturdy plants. I only have to stake the big tomatoes. Important to pinch off all suckers (they form in the notch of many stems) - they will grow leaves, not tomatoes. Prune the bigger leaves off if necessary.

Good luck!

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