Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Matching Outfits. Dark Sunglasses. Almost Universally Fit and Thin. Can keep a surprisingly decent column and in step surprisingly well. For being a group supposedly consisting of random retards that met online.

If they wanted to sell it as a legitimate group and not Fed Bois. They should have sprinkled some Dad Bods and one or two obviously fat guys in there. Not to mention ditch the Matching Outfits. And have the step varied slightly. So it doesn’t look like a group that’s been trained how to match in step by a legitimate instructor Ala Fed Bois.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

They knew it could and would eventually backfire. But they also painted themselves quite effectively into a corner. After their initial attempts to get out of the situation fell flat. They settled for kicking the can down the road. To the next administration.

Much like the policy of U.S Government whenever a stupid decision of theirs blows up

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Chinese Yuan has been having issues for longer then the Yen’s recent troubles. Coinciding with a wider downturn in the Chinese Economy.

Wouldn’t seem necessary to manipulate the Yen to undercut the Yuan when the CCP seems to be doing the bulk of the work to undermine their economy themselves

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Strictly speaking. Nintendo is within its legal rights to pull this move. At least as far as I understand the law at any rate.

It’s a drastic departure from the Norm especially for Nintendo who was permissive and lenient about community and fan works to a surprising degree. Especially given how other companies defended their IPs viciously.

Though this comes on the Heels of massive shifts in the Japanese Economy and Growing Concerns about the stability of the Yen. Could be Nintendo believes an economic storm is on the horizon and they’re battening down the hatches and taking steps to secure potential revenue streams. And that they’ll be able to make up any potential lost goodwill later.

Though it’ll be amusing if they try to crack down on the copious amounts of R34 surrounding their properties.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Context from the article. The Dog was purchased as a hunting dog. Dog Was shit at that.

She tried taking the dog to meet a family Dog responded by killing the family’s Chickens. And tried to bite her when she went to restrain it.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why you should always bully journalists. And mock professors and activists

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some Americans will take any excuse to go out and get hammered.

Only thing we should really stop doing is treating some of these Holidays like it’s about Cultural Heritage. And isn’t just an excuse to get shitfaced and make bad choices

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

So some of the Countries Trump directly visited. Saudi Arabia, Poland, Japan etc. Are outright officially meeting with him. Whether via phone of face to face.

Countries Trump has been critical of are either doing end runs around him and meeting with state/local officials or seeking indirect contact.

And everyone else is either waiting to see which way the chips fall. Or putting out feelers via lobbyists

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

So it’ll survive a shootout in the hood. Just not a Car Wash.

And they apparently took it through a Car Wash despite the Owners Manual specifically warning against doing that because of the risk of damage?

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

The answer generally is yes. And if they aren’t doing it. It’s only because they exhausted anything they could feasibly gain from it. And moved resources elsewhere

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Military: “You know we’re having a tough time finding recruits. It’s a good thing we still have those generational families.”

Biden Admin: “Yeah about that…..”

Honestly though it maybe time for a rethink of the situation. Not the career family tradition thing. But rather what the article notes as separation between the Military and Citizenry.

It could be argued that at least a few of the current problems assailing American Society and even some within the Military Hierarchy itself. Exist specifically because of the Military’s chronic disinterest in, and separation from, Civilian affairs that aren’t explicitly Defense/National Security related.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

And if the scuttle butt is to be believed. American Politicians can be bought cheaply. Even when compared to Third World Politicians

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only thing stunts like this will accomplish. Is discouraging people from employing Black Americans. Not that anyone will actually ever directly say that of course.

But any employer with a half a brain cell can and has figured out ways to sidestep employment and equal opportunity laws. And still not technically break them.

Plebbitimmigrant 9 points ago +9 / -0

General Barbecues path to office is secured

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

The KGB and Soviets were diving headfirst into this stuff even before the Nazis. Let alone the CIA and U.S Military.

Plebbitimmigrant 7 points ago +7 / -0

~Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus. Only recently started looking into him. Very interesting writings.

My forays into his and others works have been fascinating. Not afraid to admit a lot passes above my head. But what I do grasp is fascinating.

It’s put some magic and imagination back into me and how I see the world. Irregardless of it’s truth. Some Magic and Imagination being back in our lives would do a lot of people quite a lot of good.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Statler and Waldorf? They’d be doing the roasting of them

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dudes Career stalled out after Star Wars. No real major noteworthy films or shows in starring roles after 50 years in the Business.

Just supporting characters or one off appearances. He did a lot of voice acting. But that is not necessarily an overly profitable line of work unless you hit it big and become ‘The Voice’ for a character. Which is hard to do.

If you look at his awards. Anything directly related to T.V or a Movie he won. Is either Star Wars or almost exclusively Animated Movies/T.V.

Somewhat Ironically. His real life is resembling the end of his only major roles life. A Jaded, bitter Old Man who realizes he’s not left much of a legacy of anything.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

I seem to recall a similar exercise. And the stunning results ended being attributed to the commander of the opposing forces using oversights and loopholes in the set rules to his advantage. Like Bicycle Messengers somehow being a near instantaneous method of communication.

Edit:Further research reveals it was in fact Millennium Challenge. The Opfor commander was accused of shenanigans. He in turn accused his opposition of trying to cook the results to demonstrate the superiority of prevailing U.S Military Thought at the time and limiting his ability to respond.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depends on the circumstances. But in 99% of situations the physical coin would be the best option

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Usually stars public statements of support. Especially for unpopular people/topics are preceded by cash deposits to their account.

Typically with a degree or two of separation from whoever demanded the statement so it’s not readily obvious that they’re being paid to shill. Very, very rarely do stars ever give earnestly held personal opinions.

I’d imagine though. Considering Hamil is a washed up actor whose only real major highlight of his career was Star Wars. And voicing characters in animated cartoons. Though your unlikely to realize he was the voice of the characters unless you read the end credits. I’d guess he was relatively cheap to pay off.

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