Thanks Anon, "The devil is in the details."
As a matter of practice and playing the devils advocate, what are the arguable reasons for the Big Tech media platforms on a USPS Point-of-Sale? Has the Big Tech media platforms become PUBLIC DOMAIN UTILITIES or are they BUSINESSES WITH TERMS OF USE AGREEMENTS?
Also, I'm trying to connect the dots with regards to the practice of a USPS POS worker utilizing the Big Tech media platforms.
- Citizen walks to the counter and is profiled by the USPS employee as a member of a different class of citizen, religion or political affiliation.
- USPS employee attends to the citizen postal requirements.
- Citizen receives products, packages or sends package and exits the POS area.
- USPS employee remembers the name of said citizen and initiates searches of previous citizen and begins a dossier file on citizen.
Now, this is a clear violation of privacy or the appearance thereof.
If you as a citizen witness the mere appearance of the ability of public servants this research power, there must be mechanism in place to hold the public servants/process accountable.
The means to do this are known as GRAND JURY COMPLAINTS. The GRAND JURY is specifically tasks to investigate government employees and agencies illegal acts.
In this case I would document in the finest of detail; time, place, who, what, etc to get the ball rolling.
The argument that those media platforms are available for research by employees is problematic and standards and law should be established. Without complaint and due process they will get away with it, just like L Ron Hubbard became a religous organization and not a business, no complaints or precedant prevented it.
For starters, I wouldn't call it treatment instead call it life and skill training.
Western medicine needs a label after the 8 second rodeo ride aka office visit.
The health care practitioner needs cash flow, the accountants need codes to keep the machine going. Nothing especially wrong with this model, except for when the health care practitioners are practicing their understanding of medicine at the patients expense with a too many souls to treat. Buyer definitely beware.
My suggestion is to building the young souls confidence and take the time to provide the child with tools to work with and be "religious" about it. Incantations, or faith based repetitive prayer can be effective tools. There are young martial art programs that cater to children. Be wise about disclosure. The young children need spiritual and emotional guidance and so many are pilled up so they blend in which makes the problem even more challenging for the youngster even in dojo's.
Some Rx. Hammer and a box of 2d, 4d, 8d, 16d nails and a block of wood Wax on right hand clockwise. Wax off left hand counterclockwise. Board games and cards.
I gave it a like for hopium value and creative writing skills.
I'll make nice with my feminist sister if there's confirmation.
This post, excellent information and appeals to well grounded common sense. Thank you B7447 Anon Patriot. You present sound legal argument against this sea of cognitive dissonance.
Indications appear something unlawful.
Ahhh yeaaaa, nothing like those pesky co-morbidities stacking the deck against you. Throw in some high blood pressure, substandard breathing and fresh recirculating air environment
They are not dumb, they are trolling. Man up!
OMG, Ben hits a grand slam!!!
Write your own Declaration Letter stating what you believe.
As I understand, the vaccine may well not be a vaccine as traditionally understood, but gene therapy.
Isn't a vaccine supposed to be a weakened foreign microorganism/virus?
Now this "vaccine" crosses the line and reprograms the rNA which are the medical elites practicing God and trying to become better than mother nature.
Now is the time to do your research and cross your tee's and dot your i's with the information that is out there.
By writing your letter, its putting on paper your beliefs and get professional opinions both medical and legal. Keep and organize your research notes. The effort will not be in vain.
Share with others. Make corrections as you learn more. Your document will be part of your own legal and medical file.
Scott was pushing the Bill and Melinda Gates as honorable philanthropist abt a year or two back. "They are always looking to invest in good ideas."
Knowing what I know abt the evolution of Microsoft, computer viruses, and now the COVID-19 and vaccine push, this should tell you something about his character.
Nancy Pelosi (C-CA) Party of Chy-nah's CCP
Not to mention, DS needs their pensions which need the CCP.
It's like grounding your 18yo to their room with a sliding glass door to the backyard.
20,000 x 3 x 60 day MRE's
Some call it tinnitus.
Your brain requires an enormous amount of oxygen.
It's a physiological condition, perhaps related to stress and your body's fight or flight response.
Your brain is growing with new information where part of your brain is preparing your body to respond.
Brain ability for growth is sometimes referred to as neuroplasticity.
This may be an early tell-tale of your blood pressure increasing, your body is signaling you to respond to information in your mind.
Question is, can or what you can do about it.
My remedy is exercise, plenty of nutritional supplements, and meditation and discussing it with my doctor. I avoid any pharmaceuticals and alcohol for threating this conditions.
Beware of quackery giving you a pill.
Future Proves Past
Nothing to see here, move along. But on the other hand, maybe it'll stick if Jack deletes a tweet of it.
Optics are important.
A comprehensive plan BUT...
- NEVER buy Chinese made goods ever again.
Let's not throw the baby with the bath water.
CCP and short cycle consumerism is the bath water.
Should be:
ELECTRONICS is the DEEP STATE GLOBALISTS weapon of mass destruction.
They integrate simple mechanical systems with it that when the ELECTRONICS fail, the whole system fails.
Time to think MIL SPEC in your daily lives.
I've burned through about 15 printers in 25 years.
I've burned through 5 K-cup machines in about 7 years. I've replaced with a DURABLE STAINLESS STEEL PERCULATOR, I smile ear-to-ear when I get to the gritty grinds at the bottom of my cup.
They design things to fail for the 1 year Corporate Cycle.
US Trade needs to develop Listed Commodities that are common devices that have a DURABLE LIFE rating.
Think about it, the globalists have perfected mass media tradecraft and they are organized actor thugs and have trained themselves to respond like FIRST RESPONDERS to a 911 call. Hmmm....maybe some familial relations? This is no coincidence.
They are using AGENT PROVACATEURS to perform and incite violence.
They are using TRUMP protestors as EXTRAS in their production.
If your going to protest, BEAWARE, make sure someone has your back.
Pilots are people, people get bored, do pilots troll?
Starve the MSM of their red meat.
Focus on Voter Integrity in your local politics.
Paper ballots are the holy grail.
Analyzing the paper ballots with AI, Machine Learning alogrithms.
What is Statistical Process Control?
What are sample sizes?
These are tried and true practices in Quality Control. This is why our world is so abundant.
We are just starting.
Don't threaten me with a good time!