QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good question... Really good question.


Why not just let Hillary destroy the world in 2016 without giving us a taste of what MAGA looked like only to have it crushed by someone even worse then Hillary?

A lot of folks already hated Hillary after Benghazi - She was already on folks targets where creepy ole sniffer Joe was still in the shadows.

I always question why if Q had it all... couldnt we just fucking drive them into the grave without the gaslighting wake up nonsense. Truth exposure would have been much healthier, even if folks rioted it would have been crushed by Truth and exposure. Right now we have Truth exposure but it is all anon based releases with no affirmative backing by anything credible. Makes this battle sooo much harder on the Truth seekers.

QDay 8 points ago +10 / -2

Kim Clement - Trump casts a simple stone.

Stone == Rock

Rock == Crack Rock?

IF so, It is Joe Biden coke... he falls... Kamala is the witch that they try to backfill her in the WH with but even though the fake fact checkers say she is eligible, there have been cases at the SCOTUS challenging it, which SCOTUS of course has kicked out on.... LOL - Standing.


"Kamala Devi Harris is NOT the bona-fide Vice-President of the United States. She is not an Article II, Sec. 1, Clause 5 “Natural Born Citizen”. On the basis of her birth circumstances to two non-citizen permanent residents, one of which was a diplomat, there is evidence that she may not even be lawfully naturalized. The issuance of a Writ of Quo Warranto is necessary and is the appropriate legal action to address this issue and to remedy it."

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

That day cant come soon enough.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything is going to crash soon. There will be no safe haven. It is needed to wake up everyone. Full systematic collapse, especially when people find out they only have 3-5 years left to live.

Pure blood, blood will be what you want to own.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

It will only be us who recognize it.

These people are mentally challenged. They want the virtue signal praise. When they find out they are dying they will post their sad story about how they got cancer for the thumbs ups on fb ... but will endlessly defend that their illness was not related to the vax.

They live and die for virtue of the hive mind.

QDay 11 points ago +11 / -0

No they wont.

The shot was effective. Effective at doing what 'they' wanted it do it. Kill off the population.

They wont wrestle with anything. They knew and succeeded.

Its the victims who will have to wrestle with it as they are the only ones who will struggle.

Everyone should have known the plan, especially when they censored any conflicting view, vax side effect stories, and then gave full immunity in the form of damages to the culprits.

QDay 6 points ago +6 / -0

The normies refuse to wake up. They are in a miserable happy, comfy, bliss. They praise all things woke because they see the pain it is causing society. These people hate themselves, hate the country, hate the world and want to see it suffer - because with its suffering it mirrors how much they are suffering.

Until God reigns down on the evil of the world, these miserable people will continue turning this earth into literal hell.

QDay 9 points ago +9 / -0

The problem with our society is that all the squeaky wheels have gotten the oil for far too long.

Every ignorant unskilled piece of shit finds some cop-out excuse for their failures and creates a bucket of whines to explain their oppression. The retarded leadership at companies and businesses eat that shit up and write up protective HR policies to protect said bs oppressed libtard view of the world to avoid some bs lawsuit. Then they give the squeaking retard a promotion for their hardships and bravery. These squeaky wheels have climbed the corporate ladder due to their unique hardships, although they are non existant, and have thrown the actual hard workers dealing with their insanity under them as the oppressors.

Its far past time to kill the deranged oppressive whiners and kick their ass out of our companies, businesses and society.

You cannot make up some non existant thing to explain your failures in life as oppression. No there are not a bazillion genders. You are mentally ill and youre fired. Bye 👋

QDay 7 points ago +8 / -1

If Joe Biden, Hillary, Obama, Soros and others are dead - why is the deep state continuing on like normal with people disguised as them?

Wouldnt they realize that they have already lost the war and wave the white flag to surrender with all of their foot soldiers secretly being round up and executed at Gitmo?

None of the story/plot equals them being dead. I continue to call people out for this nonsense and everyone points to glitched videos showing Biden is CGI - yet its easier to explain away the glitches then it is to explain how this so called plan makes any sense if they are dead.

If they are truly dead, then the black hats would know that the white hats already won the war... and that would mean the white hats are purposely destroying the world.

Stumped here. Explain.

by PepeSee
QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have done a bit of digging on this... From what I have seen and am speculating on is the following:

TS right now is exempt because they do not currently see 10% of EU web traffic (e.g. they are small) so they do not have to comply - yet.

The speculative piece of me believes that the other big tech companies, even though they may have their HQ's in the USA, are setup as foreign companies in tax havens like Bermuda. Therefore they are opened up to the fines and dictatorships of EU (face the fine, censor, OR move your company back into the USA to MAGA)

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Black Swan... No. White Hat course correct, Yes!

In my mind, we will see something come out that says the 2020 election was in fact fraudulent. Trump has said many times we cannot move forward unless this is fixed. It will be fixed.

Trump will be put back into office probably by the end of this year and given 4 more years.

No 2024 election because he already won 2020 and it was stolen from him.

by PepeSee
QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Absolutely everything Elon has said is complete bull shit.

Twitter is going to be implementing DSA (Digital Service Agreement) with the EU starting August 25th.

The EU will now be able to control absolutely every aspect of internet content for all big tech (social media, search engines etc). The companies that are mandated to fall under DSA are any big tech company that receives traffic greater then 10% of the population of Europe.

Still think Elon is a champion for free speech and none censorship? Well he fooled you.


QDay 7 points ago +7 / -0

Jesus teaches us to be different, to be awkwardly obvious, and to go against the flow – to be like fish falling out of the sky in the desert! He doesn’t want us to be like everyone else.

Matthew 7:13 - “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Be comfortable being uncomfortable!

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

$$$ on the corrupt Biden admin winning the censorship battle and then arresting Trump for disobeying it with Truth Social.

That kicks off the arrest that shocks the world.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

When all is said and done - I pray that laws get implemented that say if you are in a position where you have sworn to protect the constitution and you propose, vote on or pass any law, bill or regulation that is later determined to be unconstitutional that you immediately lose your office and are barred from ever holding it again - and if anyone who was caught in being prosecuted for any of these rule shifts, well those sentences get applied to the ones who passed the nonsense while those prosecuted are freed.

That simple change would make all of our representatives actually read the things they try and pass AND if what they pass violates their oath - well you reap what you sow.. fuckers.

QDay 4 points ago +5 / -1

its beliefs and statements like this that make all of the truth seekers and posters out to be nut jobs. Please just stop with the nonsense.

When you say crap like this you make all of the efforts we put into waking people up turn into garbage and instantly discredit everything we are fighting for.

QDay 7 points ago +7 / -0

He handed out green MAGA hats too.

Obvious its red to green.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was an official wh video. PBS has a copy on their youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvsDH0IWS-o

The prolonged blinking area is cut from this - start at 9.40m

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think an operation is going on in France right now... The 5G signals caused everyone to turn into zombies. Military had to shut down the signal (e.g. the blackout)

I wonder how many survivors there are. /s

QDay 24 points ago +24 / -0

If Trump was in office, this would be evidence that Trump is a Russian cocaine smuggler.

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