Also for review: Psywar
Teacher performance would include peer assessments and parent feedback. I would consider including performance markers for teachers like clear, consistent communication with parents and administration on that list, too.
Imagine what would happen if teachers were teaching for the benefit of the CHILD by working with the parents of that child to identify and target areas for growth? The teacher could then, in their frequent communication with the parent, assess those targeted areas.
Many amazing teachers already do this.
Most, however, teach the state standards to students because they are teaching to a test.
Would one call this a sky event?
I'll be a minority for my opinion, I'm sure, but you get what you pay for, especially in education.
I don't want free education; I want quality education that springs from and is continually improved by a competitive market.
I want books not produced by the government, and I am willing to pay for those, too, because authors and publishing companies should not benefit from government contracts on curriculum, either.
Military time of post was 2214.
Boy, Lil' X was bouncing around in that video, right?
It's a 27 sec video.
The difference of these two videos in length is 1:07.
The difference in the time stamps of the posts is 1:19.
One commenter mentioned this is from 2020 concerning George Floyd.
They chucked her in the van like a side of beef.
OK, but this is from February.
And to eliminate the chances of this being just a quirk with the character "B," there are 569 instances of "FBI" and zero occurrences of "FEI."
969 Biden 830 Eiden 569 FBI 0 FEI
There are 830 occurrences of Eiden.
Corney garners one hit in there, too.
Do it. Please.
Yeah, I did a quick search and found that the measles vaxx was introduced in 1963, and wasn't combined with mumps and rubella until 1971.
Wonder if data exists on 1963-1971?
He's attempting to educate, here. He has to address a measles outbreak or he'll not be listened to by the vaxx lovers.
"While there is no approved antiviral for those who may be infected, CDC has recently updated their recommendation supporting administration of vitamin A under the supervision of a physician for those with mild, moderate, and severe infection. Studies have found that vitamin A can dramatically reduce measles mortality."
I read, "no approved antiviral" as a signal flare. And he's directing the public, specifically those who don't want the vaxxes, to vitamin A.
This opinion piece is a FANTASTIC start to MAHA.
Here's the whole article which I think we should read carefully.
"We must engage with communities to understand their concerns, provide culturally competent education, and make vaccines readily accessible for all those who want them."
He's laying the groundwork, people.
Does anyone know the history of the measles vaxx and can share? When did we lump it into the MMR?
I'm fairly certain this has been her banner for a long time. Could we post her former banner from before today if we really believe it's changed?
Our church gave us each two last year so we could share a little Jesus.
My teenagers have hidden them all over--except the one kid who hoarded them.
There are reports from employees of multiple agencies that they were told not to respond to the OPM - Office of Personnel Management - that the department handles its own personnel issues.
Is the OPM next on the chopping block? Was this request simply a way to highlight how that particular department is unnecessary?
I think that's part of the point, though. For patriots, it's not about the money; it's about our principles. Our autonomy as a republic of states was subverted for decades and we want THAT back.
THEY want the money. Fine. They and their/our money can go live happily ever after under the jail.
Interesting you should mention the nation and how they strive to keep bio families together. The court awarded the bio dad custody of one of our foster kids on the recommendation of the nation (ICWA is it's own beast). The man they awarded custody to fathered the kid when he was 22 and the mom was 14. Against the law in all 50 states. Dad wasn't even the NA, mom was. I once said to the caseworker, "So just to be clear, you support granting custody to the white man who raped a Native American child?" Answer: Yes.
We adopted all three of the boy's native American siblings that same week.
The boy returned to us and we adopted him at 18 when he was able to walk away from his dad. I understand keeping families together when possible, but it's never as simple as that sounds.
Perhaps this is the test for the Bill of Rights and their application. Rand Paul is not wrong that the wording in the Bill of Rights states "the people" or *persons," not citizens. Therefore, maybe the courts could rule on behalf of illegal immigrants, then it could be elevated to SCOTUS.
The larger perspective is that these are amendments to the Constitution written by "We, the people." Logically, the people referred to in the amendments would be those who are "of the United States."
Hm. Since it is the States which hold primary duties, would it not be the States which would need to declare which are its citizens?