QuackQuack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some additional notes for 14….. 😉


  • Release, Deliverance
  • Passover lamb killed on 14th day of the first month (for deliverance of the people)
  • Acts 27:33 Paul on ship in the storm - boat lost but people delivered on the 14th day.
  • Compare Hosea ch 14 to the rest of the book. (its the last chapter)
  • 14 Levites sanctified to cleanse the temple. 2 Chr. 29:12-15
  • Jesus the King and Redeemer (link)
  • Gen 14:14 - Abraham’s 318 man trained army goes out to release, deliver Lot
  • 14th time Abram mentioned (Gen 12:10) goes to Egypt to deliver himself from the famine.
  • 14th time Abraham mentioned (Gen 18:13) “Is anything too difficult for the Lord?"
  • 14th time Israel mentioned (Gen 45:28) Jacob-Israel understood God had delivered Joseph.
  • 14th time Joshua mentioned (Num 27:22) Moses laid hands on him, commissioned him. Released Joshua into his calling, released Moses from his.
  • 14th time Jesus mentioned in Luke (4:35) he delivered a man from a demon.
  • Takes 14 generations to create a pure bloodline in animal husbandry
  • 3 x 14 generations to Christ. He was the 42nd. 3 for Trinity each being perfected in Him.
  • To write fourteen in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: yod-daleth. These signify the hand (outworking) of the door. It pictures a release or deliverance from the prison with the opening of the door. - See more.
QuackQuack 11 points ago +11 / -0

I believe you nailed it. It is the end times, because an age is ending, along with so much we are familiar with.

But it is NOT the end of time or the end of the ages or the Great Wrapup scene or whatever you want to call it lol.

QuackQuack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it’s a stretch. But I’m not gonna flat out say you’re wrong.

QuackQuack 11 points ago +12 / -1

Uganda has done something similar. The world is waking up. Some parts were never fully asleep.

QuackQuack 5 points ago +5 / -0

You make a good point. I talked to someone the other day who thought CNN was a good legit news outlet, and when I challenged them on it, their response was “but they’re really professional about it, they do a good job right?”

PERCEPTION is everything and they know it. Look at Obama. Well spoken, seemed sincere… they all swallowed it whole.

We’re conditioned to equate quality of communication with quality of truth but that just isn’t so in the real world.

QuackQuack 8 points ago +8 / -0

I paid freaking $24 for a decent fast food style hamburger and fries no drink at seatac a few weeks ago. Certainly not high end burger

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just to play devils advocate for a moment, if Putin was indeed a bad guy, he is still most certainly aware of Q and his own perception within the Q community…. So he could very easily put a Q in his garden so as to seem on board and cement support from the community.

I personally think he probably is involved in the good team, but I’m just saying - folks make a big deal of some of these things and it really could go either way.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I recall seeing from Dutchsinse is stuff on chemtrails, HAARP and the like. Weather modification. He's got some great videos showing incredibly blatant weather mods. Been around for years. I don't know anything else about him.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Debt gets sold off to other creditors all the time. Chances are some shark would buy it at pennies on the dollar and hope to collect the high rates enough to make some profit.

QuackQuack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now that's a punchy one minute message.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would have happened if darth vader mandated regular eye exams…?

QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

My thanks to the dozens of people who corrected me around the word “out.”.

Message received with a good attitude!

PS we’re still winning 😀

QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like the premise of this graphic but it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.

Most likely because it appears to have been made by a flat earther, who I have found to be a little faulty on logic.

QuackQuack 6 points ago +7 / -1

Have you seen the GIF of the VW symbol spinning around? Out eyes see the stabilized image as a perfect swastika. Lol

QuackQuack 7 points ago +7 / -0

Don't sell yourself short, friend. Father values all of our prayers, eloquent or otherwise. I also believe compassion/heart felt emotion moves him more deeply than words alone do. Your caring has touched his heart and we join with you.

QuackQuack 3 points ago +3 / -0

What do they say, revenge is best served cold?

I'm sure there are other sayings that would fit here too, but good on Tucker for how he navigated this.

QuackQuack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow I learned a new word, thanks.

Except there's no "r" in totentanz.. :-)

I'll share the fruit of my googling - it means The Dance of Death for anyone else reading.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I know. Bit of an old school concept eh?

I think they're making a comeback though :-)

QuackQuack 12 points ago +12 / -0

You have a good point about scholarships - except that ultimately those scholarships are coming from institutions that support this same kind of behaviour.

There comes a time, and there exists a line, after which we have to simply opt out of their system and find a different path.

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